21!! Finally

Dec 13, 2009

I turned 21 on Friday!! yay me! I had a great bday weekend...lots of alcohol and food the two evils..since I had a complete unfill I can of course eat like I have never had surgery which isn't good. I want to eat everything in site..I didn't think I would be this bad..I don't even want to step on the scale..I know I have gained..I will find out my weight tomorrow when I go back to the surgeon. I would say at least 10-15 lbs..ugh!! I think my body was just in starvation mode for the 2 weeks I was vomitting and everyhting so once I could actually get a meal in it just decided to pack on the weight..I'm hoping and praying that she gives me a fill tomorrow..preferably putting mostly everything that was taken out back in..we shall see how it goes..I just wanted to do a quick update I will let everyone know what happens tomorrow. I posted some b-day pics as well..Night..


ER visit...

Dec 10, 2009

Hey everyone, so most of you know I have been having some issues with my band being too tight, well lastnight I was vomiting most of the night..I would try to drink a little water and it seemed to be getting worse. I call my surgeon today and she was there seeing patients but of course didn't have any openings..so I was forced to go to the ER..5 hours later..I get my band completely unfilled..I was so upset..I don't really know what to do at this point. I wasn't expecting them to take everything out. They took a total of 7 ccs out, I had orginally thought I had 8 ccs but apparenlty my surgeon hasn't been telling me the right amounts because he held it there for awhile and started getting air. I go to see my surgeon on Monday for my original scheduled appointment so I'm hoping she will give me a fill at that time. I haven't tried to eat yet today..I'm kinda scared to even eat at this point. I don't want to test myself to see how much I can really get down now that I have an empty band..I will keep you all updated on what happens. Thanks everyone.

Soo upset..quick update

Dec 07, 2009

So I scheduled an appt last week to get an unfill because I'm vomiting daily..
well I get call today saying that my surgeon had an emergency so she can't see patients until next Monday..and of course her partner is out of town..FANTASTIC! So now I have to go another full week being miserable and not being able to to eat..I don't really know what to do at this point..I really don't want to wait because I seriously can not eat anything at all except soup and pudding..I've been miserable..I don't know what to do..ugh!!
Thanks for reading!

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12 months post op!

Dec 02, 2009

Ugh..I had this huge blog typed out and it all erased so this is going to be short..I was 12 months post op yesterday. I have lost a total of 132 so far. I have went from a size 30 to a 24. I posted some pics finally to show my progress. I can't believe it has already been a year..time has went back so fast. I have finally started exercising more lately. It just sucks because I will go forever without working out so then when I finally do I'm sore forever..I am still having some issues with my band..I've been having a lot of reflux so I'm going on the 8th to get an unfill. I'm hoping she can take the least amount that is possible so I don't lose all restriction because I think it just needs a little tweak. I will talk to everyone soon. Good Night! 

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Yum Yum! Barium...=(

Nov 30, 2009

Hey Everyone, I went today and got my upper gi, all is well with the band placement. I think I just a need a slight unfill. I'm on my pd too so I'm sure that is tightening things up just a little. I have been doing a lot better emotionally since my last blog..I just let things get to me and let them build up and just break..it sucks. I'm hoping things start getting better soon.I will be 1 year post up tomorrow..wow..tomorrow already. I just realized what the date is. Looks like I will have to blog again tomorrow..I will have some pics to put up as well. Thank you all for your replies to the last post. I really appreciate at all of you. Thanks.
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Oct 22, 2009

I went to the surgeons today..they took .5 cc out and what a difference it made..I have been on soft foods most of the day and haven't had any issues. The surgeon said I can start out on solids tomorrow and see how it goes. We shall see how I do with solids and go from there. I just wanted to give a quick update and let everyone know how I was doing. Thanks everyone.


Band is too tight-10 month 3 week post op

Oct 21, 2009

Hey everyone, I just wanted to give an update. I finally found out what size realize band I have which is 9 cc's. At my last visit in May..I reached the amount of 9 cc's..should I be worried about this? I had loss a significant amount of restriction so I got my appointment that was orginally scheduled for the 27th moved to the 13th..and she put in 1 cc. well 7 days later..I'm getting stuck on air..lol not literally but I'm getting stuck very easily so with that comes with vomiting so I've been freaking out. I was in so much pain yesterday it was ridiculous and I didn't really eat much at all. I may ask to get an xray scheduled just to check to make sure I didn't do any permanent damage to my band. I have pretty much been living on pudding and broth the past few days. I would attempt to eat a little protein and then get stuck so I finally just gave up. I have an appointment setup for tomorrow I'm hoping they will only take out about .5 cc so I don't go back to where I was before.My appointment is with a different surgeon, I have never met him so I'm hoping the appointment goes well and he doesn't recommend taking the whole fill out. We shall see what comes about. I will keep everyone posted.

10 months post op!! Huge NSV!!!

Oct 01, 2009

Hey everyone, so today is my 10 month bandiversary! I'm super excited only 2 months before I'm 1 year out..its crazy how fast the time has been going. I have lost a total of 110 lbs..I have been having a lot of NSVs lately! I have been getting compliments at work.people that I don't even talk to have been saying "wow you have lost so much" "you look so great" They don't know I have had WLS which I like to keep it that way...clothes are starting to actually fit again..no more having to deal with that SAG-saggy ass syndrome. I never have NSV's until now so I'm boasting just a little bit.. I used to work at Lane Bryant so during the time I worked there I bought a lot of clothes. I was about a 22 when I started working there and left being around a 26/28..so yes I packed on the pounds this was over a 2 year period just so everyone knows..lol. so I have so many clothes varying in these sizes. The day I was banded I was fitting into a tight 30 and now I'm fitting comfortably into a 24 depending on the jean type so I'm super excited. So I like the right fit jeans that LB have a lot so I have sizes ranging from 8 to 5 so I bought the 8's in about May where they were a little snug..I tried on the 7's just a few weeks ago just to see how they were going to fit and they fit very well..here it comes today so I decide I might as well just try on a 6 just to see how much more I may need to lose to get them buttoned..haha. I do this a lot with clothes its kinda the way I measure myself without using the tape measurer. So I tried them on and they fit perfectly!!!!! I have an ass now.lol.. It usaully just looks loose and saggy because I never have jeans that fit properly. I was estatic! I did a little happy dance..lol.  At first I wasnt losing clothing sizes so I started getting discouraged, but now its the complete opposite. I have been keeping steady on my weight loss but I've been losing inches rapidly which I can live with. I have been tyring to workout at least 3 days a week on my days off going to the gym for about an hour and half each of those days. As far as my eating I have been kinda slacking. I have been so hungry it seems and I have a little bit loss of restriction..I think I a need a little tweak so I have an appt setup on the 27th. I will try to keep this updated more..I have been steering away from the board lately..I honestly don't know why.  I post soon enough most likely after my appt on the 27th...thanks for reading. Sorry this is so long. Good night everyone.
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Which scale do I trust?

Sep 14, 2009

Hey everyone...so as some of you may know I'm addicted to the scale...I weighed myself today on my electronic scale and suprisingly it said 345..I was super excited..I went to the gym today and I wanted to get measured since it had been around a month. Well they measured me and decided to weigh me..I automatically said "Oh wait, I don't know if this is going to weigh me."  I'm so used to saying that since I haven't been able to be weighed on a doctors scale in over a year..so I stepped on it and she said "Oh, yes it will honey!" lol. I was so excited. For some reason their scale said 335 lbs though so at this point..which scale do I trust? I'm just so confused. My mom said to trust the doctor scale because they are mostly used and typically the most accurate..but at the same time I'm like wtf? I've been 10 lbs less this whole time? so at this time..I'm going to just stick with the number my at home scale says because that's the one I have been using. Here are my measurements down below..Overall I lost 9 1/2 iches and somehow I managed to gain 1/2 inch in my abs..not sure how that happened..

Measurements 4/27                 Measurements 8/10          Measurements 9/14
Bust-57                                        Bust-56                                 Bust-52
Waist-59                                      Waist-57                               Waist-55
Abs-69                                          Abs-64                                  Abs-64.5
Hips-68                                        Hips-63                                 Hips-63
R Thigh-37                                   Thigh-35                               Thigh-33.5
Up R Arm-20                                Up Arm-19                            Up Arm-18.5

Need a fn break!!!!

Sep 08, 2009

Today was the worst day ever. I have been so depressed. I just feel so blah..I haven't been doing well with my eating the past few days and I haven't been to the gym in almost a week. I just feel so fat and bloated..and to top it off I started my period today. Here is what made my day horrible... I work as a Cusomter Service Representative, well I get a customer that immediately asks for my rep id so I know it is going to be a horrible call, she then asks for a supervisors so here I am trying to message different supervisors to take the call while this woman is talking to me like I'm a piece of shit and worthless..so 20 minutes later I finally get a supervisor, this woman was very demanding and rude. I was so pissed because there were so many supervisors available and none of them would help me..wtf do they get paid for?? I hate bitching, I really do but today just got to me. I was so upset because this woman made me feel worthless..so I just breakdown and start sobbing..thank god for the mute button on my phone at work..it was just awful. I was so embarrassed bc I was crying over this but it was the straw that broke the camels back..I just really need a break from work..Everyone kept asking me if I was okay and all this crap..I just wanted to be left alone. I appreciate them wanting to make sure I was okay but I'm type of person if I'm sitting there crying I just need a minute to get myself together..I'm so glad I'm off tomorrow so hopefully people will forgot about my episode when I come in on Thursday. I ended up leaving work early...I'm just spent.  I've just been so emotional lately..I really think I need to maybe see a therapist or something. I really just don't know anymore. Well I'm done bitching and complaining for today...Talk to you all soon.

About Me
Dayton, OH
Surgery Date
May 22, 2008
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