Test numbers 6&7

Jan 20, 2009

Ok so I had my Pulmonary function and ABG test yesterday...I don't even know what to say lol the pulmonary function test went fine and painless, the ABG on the other hand was horrible!! They took blood from the artery in my wrist but first they inject you with Novocain that burns something horrible! That's the worst part, after the test was over I was fine then I went to pick my dog up and realized I couldn't use my left arm because the pain was enough to make you cry. This morning im all better though lol buttttt.....I quite smoking....and now im going through horrible withdrawals and im being the biggest bitch to everyone, but I cant help it. I keep apologizing but I don't feel like that suffices getting mad at people. Well I have my sleep apnea test next week then the only test left is getting my pre op blood work done. Its all happening sooo fast, im soooo excited! I'm honestly not looking forward to calling Dr. Roye's office and scheduling my appointment with him because his receptionist is a horrid woman. Knowing her she will make me wait a while for an appointment. It surprises me with all the great things I hear about Dr. Roye and how caring and considerate he is, that he would have such an insensitive witch as the main point of contact for his office. Ill write more after my test next Wednesday. :)

- J

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Jan 09, 2009
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