4 more days til lift off...

Jul 25, 2009

Ok, shopping is done.  Hair is braided and it hurts so bad... Anywho, tomorrow is my baby's birthday and we are having a cookout at my mom's house.  My appitite subsided last week so I know I'm not going to be able to eat too much.  I still haven't quite figured out the arrangements for my daughters. Six days is so long to ask for someone to keep them but my family is cool and everybody is finally understanding that even though this is selfish, its the best decision for my life.    I'm just about there but not quite.  What else?  I realized how much I had neglected my family.  I took 2 of my daughters to the dentist yesterday and both of them have 2 cavities.  I feel like I have so much to make up to them and I will.  After grocery shopping last night I realized I had no idea what was in our fridge.  I could not believe the stuff that needed to be thrown out..I threw everything away and scubbed it and the freezer down before putting the groceries in.  My  Lord, I had to ask for forgiveness because it was at that moment I realized how much I had allowed this depression to consume my life..NO MORE....This place will be spotless before I leave that way the journey begins fresh and the only resemblence of my old life will be the reflection in the mirrow that will soon change for the better...


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2009
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