Nothing is as good as feeling skinny feels

Sep 16, 2009

I have one of my BFF Paula, Cocodrop7 who swears by the above statements.  I may be paraphrasing but you get my point.  When I say skinny I don't mean skin and bones.  Anytime we are overweight to finally get to the point where we see some progress feels much greater than almost any other accomplishments.  I have been struggling over the past six weeks to "see" the difference in my body.  Yes, I can see the difference in my face and I know my clothes are different but I couldn't "see" it.  This morning I decided, let me get down to the nitty gritty.  I know this journey is more psychological than anything and I want to stop this rollercoaster ride.  This morning I took another panty and bra picture.  I then went back and looked at the one before and OMG, I can "see" the's amazing.  It's like magic.  I love my RNY.  Of course we all have our hangups about how we want to look and feel but I tell you the truth.  I have a goal of about 150 but if I stop at 170 I would be fine.  I'm only about 5'4" so I know I would be ok if I lost more but I feel so good about myself.  I went to work out last night and I turned many heads in the place...I'm 221lbs down from 268 less than 2 months ago!  Way to go Chana.  I know I don't have to tell yall I'm not bragging, right?  Well I'm not, I'm encouraging.  You can do it when you don't think you can.  I've not been in this game long but I tell you that you can overcome anything that which keeps you bound.  I am learning how to eat because at this point I have no desire to eat.  I'm enjoying working out when before I hated the thought of going to the gym.  I love the stares and the positive affirmation solely based on this new glow that I have.  To God be the Glory!  There have been countless amounts of people who have not only died but had horrible complications as a result of this surgery.  God's graced me to not to have had one complication.  I am walking in the favor of God and if you are reading this no matter how bad it may seem you are too!
Today I see the manifestation of my tool and I thank God for allowing me to be able to testify that He is Good! I know that things could still happen, I'm not ignorant to that but I will do my part.  If you have not done what you know you are supposed to up to this point its not too late. I loved sweets prior to surgery and I have not been tempted one time to cheat.  I would only be cheating myself.  It's not worth it at all...Start today doing what you haven't been doing and continue today doing the things you have been doing.  Does that make sense?  If you have been slipping get stable and if you have not been slipping continue on doing a great job!

Love Yall!


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2009
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