ObesityHelp.com: Making the Journey Together
Tracie H.
Goodyear, AZ, USA
Post Op - BMI: 24.3
Surgery Type: RNY
Member ID: H1117553595
Contact: Click here to send a Personal Message
Surgeon: Hilario Juarez M.D.

Click here for Tracie's surgery support page
Click here for Before & After pictures page
Click here for the 08/2005 Reunion Page
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I guess I am a little slow, it took me a while to figure out how to put my personal comments on here.
I started gaining weight when I graduated from High School. I got married at 19 and have been married for 10 years. I have 2 boys ages 7 and 3. My husband has always been comfortable with me (my weight) and we have a good life.
My sister had WLS in March of 2004. When I saw the changes it made in her I got really intreasted. I had started the 6 month plan with my own PCP in Feb of 2004.
I went through all of the bull that the insurance companies require and at the end of November 2004 my surgeons office was ready to submitt all of the paperwork. I then found out that as of Jan 1 2005 they were not going to cover WLS. There was no way that I could get it approved and have surgery done in a month. I was devestated. I cried alot!!! I finally just told myself that if It was meant to be then something would work itself out. I spent alot of time praying about it.
Here I am 1 year and 1/2 later and I have a surgery date. I am paying cash for it. My husband and I had an opportunity to buy some land and we decided to build on it. So we put our house up for sale. We made more than we thought we would and my husband suggested that we pay for surgery. Of course I thought it but was not going to mention it. I thought that it would be too selfish of me to want to spend all of that money on myself. Now I look at it as my future and that money will be well spent! I have not had the change to talk with anyone who was a cash paying customer so if anyone has any comments please e-mail me. Is is worth all that money??? I think the answer is yes! My surgery is scheduled for August 18th! I can't wait!!!

Ok I have now become addicted to this website. The photos are so motivating.
As my surgery gets closer I am getting more nervous. I have made plans for the worst. I know none of us like to think about it but we all should. I uped my life insurance policy and wrote some letters. I made sure that my husband knows what I want when I go. Is this normal??? My husband says I am being Morbid and he does not want to talk about it. But at any rate he knows my wishes.
My dad is going to be having surgery, within 5 days of mine. That is kinda wierd. But I am the competitive type so I told him that the race is on! I will lose more, faster than him. I am now really concerned with what to expect after surgery. I have read all about head hunger and I know that it is emotionally hard but am I going to be out of comission for just a couple days or a week or what? Can I be left alone at home? I plan to return to work within 2 weeks so I hope I will be feeling better. I have made another appointment with my surgeon to get the answers to all of these questions.
I am so looking forward to thinner days, it still feels like a dream and that being thinner is so untouchable but I know that I will make it work. There are so many things that I look forward to doing. You get used to living your life as a big person so you get used to just not being able to do certain things. When you start thinking about being thin is when you realize that you cant do that now.
A few weeks ago I was riding a jet ski at the lake and I fell off. I was in the water for a long time and I could not get back on. The whole time I was in the water I kept thinking that if I was thin I could get back on. I finally had to have a boat come rescue me and I felt awful. I was sure that the people that helped me were thinking about how big I was. It was extremely hard on me emotionally. I was so mad at myself and I actually thought "what am I doing out here anyway", as if jet skiing is only an activity that skinny people should do. Actually I have not felt so badly about myself in a very long time. I continued to cry about it several days later (or was I crying from the pain of actually having to use my muscles trying to get back on the jet ski, and I could now hardly move). It was at that point I knew that I had to do something.
When you are obese you always have a complex about your weight. I do not have a self esteem problem at all. I am very happy with myself and my life. But lately I feel like people are staring at me and talking about how fat I am. I know it is because I am consumed with the surgery right now.
I recently moved into a somewhat snooty neighborhood and I swear my neighbors will not even look my direction because I'm fat! My husband even said something about how unfriendly the neighbors are. Of course he is not obese so he thinks they are just unfriendly....I know the truth!lol! It will be intreasting to see how differently people will treat me when I have lost 100 pounds. Ok well back to work, I really need to get a picture on here.

Just thought I would drop in, I am totally obsessed with surgery. My hubby gets mad at me because we are in the process of building a house and I am really just not intreasted now. I told him today, let me have surgery then I will be intreasted.
I sent some photos in last night so hopefully they will be updated soon. More later.....

Well I had a good 4th of July. My family and I went to Payson for the weekend.
I got my big packet of information from my surgeon this week. All my pre-op appts are scheduled, I will need to take a day off work. It is all starting to sink in. It is getting really close!

My Pictures made it!

I had another consultation with Dr Juarez yesterday. I was starting to feel really nervous about everything and his office has been great about getting me in to talk to him. I got kinda bummed out though. He told me that I was big boned....well duh!!! He also said that I should not expect to get super thin, he said that my ideal weight for someone who was 5ft 7" was 160 but I should be happy at just under 200. Well of course I will be happy at 199 but I just sucked hearing that. I never expected to be all boney, I will be happy in a size 14. Hearing that just SUCKED! Oh well...that is reality!!! Right now I am just dreaming about a size 14. Everytime I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, I swear I cannot get back to sleep because I start thinking about losing weight. I'm so tired!!!!
Ok...down girl
Well more later I have to work, I am taking Friday off. We are going to take the kids to Magic Mountain this weekend, should be fun. And this will be the last time thaat I drag my fat butt through an amusement park!

I am exactly 1 month pre op!!!!!
I had a stunning realization this weekend. That was that I am very fat!!!
For the last 10 years I have just learned to love and deal with the cards I have been dealt. I never suffered from depression due to being overweight, never hated myself and I have always had good self esteem. I have always cared about my appearance, tried to have good hair, wear the right clothes, and kept myself looking good. (as good as you can look at this size)
I feel like I never looked at myself as a fat person. Now that I realize I am going to make a drastic change I realize it and let me tell ya...It is really depressing. Don't get me wrong I am really glad that I have not felt this way the last 10 years, but now I understand what alot of people feel like. I don't care what I look like because I will only have this body for maybe 2 more months. It is almost like I am mourning the FAT TRACIE! Did anyone else go through this or am I just a nut case?? I am uncomfortable in my own skin, I never feel like I look good, I feel like everyone is judging me, I have no sex drive. Everything I do, I think.....well I will not have to be fat and doing this again. Oh well I am sure that this all comes with the territory!!!!
I went to Six Flags this weekend (incase you did not realize what prompted the above ramblings) It SUCKED!!!! Could not ride anything, I knew I would not be able to but it still sucked. My kids and hubby had a great time. We went for the kids and they had fun, that is what is important. I will go back for myself in about a year. Enough about poor me, I can't take it any more!!! LOL!!!

Well my surgery date was moved, I got a call form my surgeons office telling me that I needed to reschedule. My surgeon has to go out of town on the 18th so now my surgery is on the 16th. I was really upset at first just because I had that date pounded in my head for so long. I have gotten over it and look forward to having it 2 days sooner.

I had my surgery and everything went well. I am now home from the hosptial and doing ok. I am very gassy and having a hard time passing it. I have sent my husband to the store to get some prune juice, hopefully that will work. More later

I am almost 6 weeks post op now and I am doing pretty well. I have lost about 35 lbs. I do throw up a few times a week. I think it is just because I am eating too fast. That has been the only bad thing so far. My Dr. says that I should get over that. I deffinately notice a difference in clothes and unfortunatley in my bra. I went somewhere this weekend and had to change my clothes because what I originally put on was way too baggy. Yippee!!!!
I feel pretty good in general, I am back at work and trying to go to the gym as often as possible.
I just want the weight to fall off overnight!

I am about 4 1/2 month post op and down 80 lbs. I am pretty excited and feel that my total wl goal of 140 is very touchable. I still have issues with vomiting. Not nearly as much. My Dr. thinks I have an ulcer and that is what is causing me to vomit. I am on meds for it and it has really helped. I feel pretty good. I went from a size 28 to now an 18 pants and 14/16 top. People tell me they can see a huge difference. That feels awesome! I cant wait until I can say that I have lost 100lbs. I will write again when I have hit that goal.


March 21, 2006
Well I have done it... 107 lbs gone forever. I feel great! I had some issues with vomiting for a few months but now I seems to be doing pretty well. I do still need to throw up sometimes but it is few and far between. I have gone from a size 28 to a size 16 (bottoms) and XL tops in just 7 months. I think about it and it does not seem real. My attitude has changed so much in just 7 months. I always had a positive attitude but it has just gotten better. I am exercising regularly and am still eating very small portions! I do have the need to snack. I think that is from years of being able to eat whatever I want and also from years of smoking! Gum helps, I know we are not suppossed to chew gum, but I cannot help it. I still want to lose at least 50 more lbs.
After about 5 month my weight loss really slowed down and it freaked me out! It came of so fast the first 5 months, I got worried that this was it and I would not lose anymore. I hit a plateau for about 2 weeks and then it started comming off again. It felt like I would never hit 100lbs and now I am at 107. Weighing in at 219lbs!!!
I have no regrets, but this has deffinately been one of the hardest things I have ever done!
My husband always wants to meet me for lunch and he gets mad when I tell him no! I exercise on my lunch break! I am to afraid to stop now! If I can lose 50 more I will be at 169lbs.
I measured myself after 7 months and have lost 2" in my neck and 6 1/2" in my waist. My legs have stayed the same. I went from a 42 D to a 38 B. That is pathetic, that is deffinately one thing I miss. Of course I am already thinking about plastic surgery but I want to have 1 more baby before all of that.
I can't wait to be under 200lbs....funny, I remember saying that about 300lbs!

I have now lost 112 lbs, I am so excited. I am 7 1/2 months out. I have e-mailed some new photos, hopefully they will go on soon, it makes me sad to look at the old ones. I am also happy to report that I fit into a size 14 pants this weekend!!!
I have become a huge advocate for exercise here at work. I have been trying to start an employee gym. I am very close to making it happen. I do most of my exercising here at work, usually on my lunch break so I thought about other mothers of small kids and how hard it is to go to the gym once you have made it home. I drive 30 miles 1 way to work so I don't enjoy going out once I get home! Who would have thought I would be trying to get a gym started. This is crazy!!!!

Ok, my new picture made it. This one was taken in January, and I had probably only lost about 90lbs (ONLY, what am I saying).
I have now lost 117lbs as of this morning. I actually feel swollen today so hopefully I will drop a couple more in a few days.
Someone at work today told me that my pants are too lose! Who would have ever thought 1 16 would be too lose. I am actually wearing 14 or 16's.
I got the approval at work for the employee gym. That is a very personal goal and I was thrilled that I got the approval! We are shooting for a June 1st grand opening.

Future Update
I have lost 126 lbs now in just a little over 9 months. I feel awesome. It has deffinatley slowed down, I now lose about 10 lbs a month. I would like to lose another 30 lbs, which I should deffinately be able to make by 1 year out. I weigh 200lbs today, that 1 lb to be under 200 is of course going to take forever!!!
My boobs are ridiculous, very saggy and wrinkled!! Poor little raisins!
I am so glad that I have kept posting on here. I can keep track of how much I lose per month.
I wear a 14 bottom and mostly a large top. I have actually been shopping in the juniors section for tops!!
Of course I have fly away arms, but I don't care anymore, I go sleeveless. I just try not to wave them around. I keep exercising 3x a week. I work out for at least 50 minutes. I also still drink a protein shake once a day 5 days a week.
I had the worst dumping experience ever. I had a small piece of cake and I swear it nearly killed me! It lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Sweats, faint, stomach cramping, diarrhea. I don't ever want to eat cake again!

Future Update

Future Update

Future Update

Future Update

Future Update

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About Me
Surprise, AZ
Surgery Date
May 31, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
180 pounds lost/size 8

Friends 6

Latest Blog 5
August 18 2008
April 10, 2008
August 16th 2007
I am going to be famous??
March 1, 2007
