Life Does go On.....

May 11, 2010

 i am just so grateful for the baby-steps that i have made.... i am going thru a bunch right now and i know that i have learned new ways of coping over the last year. My 'toolbox" has grown as my body has shrunk. I am grateful for both. I am at 177lbs.


Jan 08, 2010

I didn't post until today because I could hardly believe my eyes........................Yesterday and today, both days, I got on the scale and the number said 190!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honest to god, 190!!!!!!!!! I really haven't been 100% on track so not sure what gives. Not questioning the gods but WOW.

Back on Track...

Jan 04, 2010

Okay, its time for me to get back on track and get myself focused on me again. Today I weigh 194 which sounds great but I've been here for two months.......Normally during the holidays i gain 10-15 pounds that would never go away but this year, i stayed at 194. Must be my new body's 'happy place'. Not happy about this.... I've got to recommit to me and my journey. I'm not ready to be finished with my weight loss. My one year anniversary is February 9th and I know I won't reach my goal of having lost 100 pounds in 1 year. I can't let that discourage me.
I"m back on OH and back in the saddle... gotta keep my eye on the prize and I know I can't do it alone. I'm eager to see how everyone else is progressing!
1 comment

First Day.......

Aug 18, 2009

So today I HAD to get myself in gear.......My pity party has been on going for lots of reasons........................... I had my first day of school today and had nothing to wear. ALL of my clothes are falling off of me and I'm too cheap to buy anything else. I have been dressing out of the back of my closet for weeks now, ie clothes that "used" to fit. Many of my favorite shirts live there. I remember 'me' in those clothes, happier times! Right now, my favorite stuff is too big. Sooooooo, i went to Ross's to find at least a new shirt for tonight. I never try anything on in the store because they keep it sooo hot in there. Its easier to bring it all home and return it!! I got brave and picked up the size 18, 16,  14 JEANS and headed to the try on room.... Remember I started this journey wearing a size 22!!!!!!! actually squeezing into a 22.  I just had to post that I walked out of that room in a size 14 jeans............
My first day of school went really great...... Anatomy and Phys. might be the death of me but i may die in a size 14 jean!!!  We dropped my only daughter off at college last wednesday, YIKES................... And, she turns 18 tomorrow (without me) and wants nothing for her birthday.... not even her Mom....Don't even know when I'll see her again even though she is 17 miles away at NCState!!! SHE is so ready to be away but ME, not so much! I was hoping to pick her up for dinner tomorrow but was told, "No Mom, its the first day of school" there is no way that you are picking me up after the first day of school. Can't believe the first day of school happens to my daughter's 18th birthday......... please pray for me!


Aug 04, 2009

I've been away from OH for a while but I'm finding at 6 months out, I'm feeling the need to get back to basics. I am officially down 60 pounds, 207 as of today. I haven't been back for labs but need to do that next week. I'm feeling like a million bucks so i don't expect my labs to be abnormal. I turned 45 on Sunday but i sure don't feel it. I really need to update my photo. 
 My joint pain as totally subsided, no bp or reflux meds. Yaaay for me... I am working my program, getting all my protein and water and exercising on a regular basis. I do water aerobics at least 3x a week and walk with the hubby on occasion. I do feel like I need to get back to recording what i eat, though. Some days i don't think i eat enough and that may be the reason for the slow weight loss. I have to say that losing slowly has allowed my body to stay more toned and tight. I don't have any skin issues. I've gone from a tight size 22 to a very loose size 18. I'll have to post my measurements because at three months out, i was blown away by the numbers. I need to measure again now that I'm 6 months out.
My plan is to get back to tracking my food and posting more here. I've just been busy skating along, doing what I'm suppose to do. Its not falling off as quickly as I'd like but I'm on track for my goal of 90lbs in '09!!!!!!!

I know it's Tuesday But....

Apr 21, 2009

I haven't posted in a while but things have been going ok and as expected so i really haven't had anything to write about. I had my two month follow up with Dr. Enoch's office (Lisa) and had no issues to discuss!  I am keeping up with and getting my protein intake, trying to get my water in and I keep trying to get my  excercise! Same story as most it seems!
I weigh 230 pounds.  That's 37 pounds down since February 9th, 2009.

Week 7

Mar 31, 2009

Well, here i am motoring towards that two month mark....I have had no issues with any type of food. I keep waiting to find something that my pouchy doesn't like but so far so good. I haven't measured myself since surgery but I've gone from a size 22 jeans down to a size 18 so i know the inches are falling off too. Today i weigh 240lbs.

Questions for everyone...

Mar 25, 2009

I was just wondering when you all started eating lettuce/salads? For some crazy reason, i am craving salad... Also, when should i get bloodwork done to check my vitamin levels? I am taking a chewable everyday but i' worried about keeping the correct levels up.

Back to Monday

Mar 23, 2009

I'm trying to get back on a routine of weighing on Mondays only so that i don't get discouraged...Today starts week 6 and I weigh 245. Its hard to accept that I'm not going to be one of those who get to watch the pounds fly off.... Patience is not my strong point. After six months or so I'd be happy with a weekly two pound weight loss but at six weeks, I WANT MORE!!  I feel like i am doing everything right...
Okay, enough of the pity party. I am going to keep doing what I've been doing, throw out my stupid scale, and try to keep myself positive about the lousy two pounds I lost last week.

Going in the Right Direction....

Mar 17, 2009

This is week 5 of my great adventure. My weight on Monday was 247. That is officially 20 pounds down since surgery. My goal weight is 150 pounds so I'm going in the right direction. My new motto is "90 is 09"... cute, huh? It is good to have goals. I actually called my primary care doctor to see when I'd been in last and what my weight was and found that back in August I weighed 289 pounds!!! After all my gall bladder issues in November, December and January, I was down to 267 on surgery day.
Good news all around. Like most of you, I wish it would come off faster but i know in my heart that these are pounds I'll never see again...I am learning to be grateful for the little things. The weather is turning warmer here and I am looking forward to getting outside. I have two or three walking buddies so daily exercise should be a breeze. I really do have a raging case of spring fever!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2007
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