So Far So Good!!

Mar 09, 2009

Well, today makes me one month post-op, officially. My at home scale says 251 so that's 16 pounds down...My one month follow-up with Dr. Enoch is next Tuesday. I'm not having any issues with my new tummy at all.

I traveled with my daughter's Winterguard team this weekend and i was a bit nervous about not being able to control my every meal. We drove back and forth to Atlanta so I packed three of my RTD protein shakes in a can. I had them for breakfast, chick fil a chicken breast, chili's grilled chicken breast and mashed potatoes and a small Wendy's chili. Everything settled fine, thank goodness. We travel in a group of 25 so Atlanta would not have been a good place for my first dumping experience....

1 comment

My Patient Hat...

Mar 03, 2009

Okay, my whole week is off since Raleigh shut down due to snow on Monday! I finally got into the doctor's office and got the new number.... 255......only two pounds in week 3. I tried not to let it ruin my day but dang, i was disappointed. My good friend Barb had prepared me for the upcoming 'stalls' but I had planned on facing those months down the road, not weeks....

I am a very active person meaning I'm always on the go. i haven't been back to the gym yet per doctor's orders but for a stay at home mom, I'm rarely at home! I haven't walked the neighborhood yet (too cold) but I'm on my feet all day running around. I thought i was getting enough exercise at three weeks post-op but maybe not. I am blaming my non-weight loss on not enough exercise and water. I am still not able to get in 64 ounces in a day.

My goal this week is to get those fluids up AND I'm going to start counting my calories instead of protein, sugar and carbs. I feel like like my body has healed and the protein is doing its job by keeping me strong. From my years of dieting, i know one thing for sure, you've got to move more than you eat. A calorie is a calorie. I do wonder if my body is still getting acquainted with it's new routine and perhaps 'hording' the food thinking it's starving!!

Whatever the reason, I'm just trying to keep focused on my plan and let the numbers fall where and when they may. I'm putting on my patient hat, controlling the things i can and letting go of the things i can't......

Its a SNOWY Monday!

Mar 02, 2009

Here in Cary, we awoke to a beautiful blanket of white snow. It filled the trees and was just breath taking! I had planned to pop into Dr. Enoch's office to weigh myself but the office was closed due to weather. My jeans are telling me that inches are gone if not pounds. I'll find out tomorrow if i have a new number to post!

I'm finding that, for good or bad, I can eat just about anything. So far I've had roast beef, chicken and fish with no issues. I've decided to focus more on fluids this week since i know that my protein intake is under control. I know for sure i haven't been getting 64 ounces per day. I can feel it in my dry skin and dry mouth! I went out and purchased myself a 'jug' that holds 64 ounces and filled it full of crystal light lemonade and two scoops of Unjury protein powder. That's going to give me 40 grams of protein in addition to my food intake.

I may become the 'official bathroom inspector' but my goal is to get that 'jug' in today and everyday!

It must be Monday!!

Feb 23, 2009

I had my two week follow-up today and I'm officially down 10lbs!!!!!! i am thrilled. I feel like a million bucks! My energy level is through the roof and that shocks me. I've lost that fuzzy, sluggish, sleepy feeling along with the pounds. I really didn't know how bad i felt until now. I have no wheezing and my blood pressure is back to normal without meds. My gerd is GONE and before surgery, i couldn't drink water without burning. I am so grateful for all of these things.

I'll start soft foods today. I think I'll start with tuna. i never realized how much protein it had. i am not a seafood eater at all but the albacore seems like a good choice for me. I don't enjoy cooking but maybe that'll change too! I am looking forward to trying new foods this week. I'd love some responses on your favorite foods this early out! Barb has already given me her's!

Thanks to everyone for sharing and being so supportive!

Yippee for Me

Feb 17, 2009

I did end up going to the Dr. office today about my 'drainage' issues and she sealed me up with super glue!! Finally, some relief! She wasn't concerned but put me on an antibiotic just in case. I picked up my Bariatric Fusion vitamins today and I'll take four a day from now on. I started my full liquid diet yesterday and so far so good. I tried to find soups with the most protein and the least sugar. Yesterday was cream of broccoli and tomato. Today was a chicken florintine (just the broth) and all went well.
I stepped on the doctor's scale and I'm down 6 pounds!!!!!! i would have loved to have double digits but I'll take it. I've been known to gain 6 pounds in a week so I'll take the minus 6!!!!
Today was a good day. The gas-x has kicked in and my bloating is much more under control. Every day gets easier and easier and today was only one week since surgery!

Yucky Day...

Feb 15, 2009

Well, I've been having some 'drainage' issues since i came home from the hospital. My doc uses one during surgery but removes the drain before you leave. My site continues to drain............. endlessly......... just one more thing i don't need to think about. I'm calling the doc tomorrow. I've been doing great with the pain (not having any) but the gas and bloating are horrible. i haven't tried gas-x yet but i think I'm driving to Walgreen's tonight.
I did break down and buy a bathroom scale. Jumped on it today and after one week of full liquids, I've lost two pounds......UGH!!! i am planning to weigh myself every Monday (surgery day) so we'll see. I know I'm in this for the long haul and I'm not as worried about the numbers as i am about a change in my health and quality of life.
Thanks to everyone who reached out with kinds words of encouragement. i really do spend alot of time on my computer these days and i always enjoy seeing everyone's stories and progress!

Today is a Good Day.

Feb 12, 2009

I've spent the day walking and sipping. My pain is subsiding which is good because my Loritab runs out tonight. I have pressure and fullness in my belly and the noises are incredible! I guess its just the gas being absorbed by my body but it is really loud.

I sip my Isopure one ounce every 15 minutes (20ounces and 40 grams of protein).  I also sip beef broth from a mug three times a day. That gives me an additional 24 ounces of fluids. I had three s/f Popsicles throughout the day. I stay full and my only head hunger came tonight when the family wanted me to grill hamburgers for their dinner............i simply told them that i could get back in the kitchen next week but this week is too much for me to handle. Is that too much to ask? Its just the two of them and my daughter is 17 so i know they won't starve....

I'm planning a short outing to Target tomorrow! I don't own a scale and now find that i have an urgent need for one!!!!

Here I am!!!

Feb 11, 2009

Well, here i am! I was released from the hospital at 8pm last night, came home and went straight to bed. Most of us know that you don't get any sleep in a hospital!
I arrived on Monday at 8:30am. By 10, i was out cold! My procedure went off without a hitch. I ended up with 5 new 'poke-holes' and a drain site. Afterward, I was on Dilaudid (sp?) and it really kicked the pain. They had me up and walking pretty quick. I had a device to help me breath deeply to use throughout the day. Between getting the fluids, pushing the pain button and breathing, my day went very quickly. Monday was a blurr!
Tuesday started at 4am with blood work. They had been coming in every two hours for vitals since i arrived in the room. At 7am i had my swallow test and passed with flying colors. I was hoping to be released around noon so we stopped the Dilaudid at 9am. I was going home with Loratab liquid so they wanted to give me a dose before i left to check for any reactions. I had my first dose at 11am.
Turns out, i spent the day waiting to go home.... It was 7:45pm when Dr. Enoch came by to release me. I spent Tuesday much like i spent Monday: sipping, walking and breathing! By the time I saw the Dr, i had become the perfect patient! I knew I'd be spending the rest of the week doing mostly the same thing so i felt very prepared.
I slept well last night, only one dose of the pain meds as i slept through the second dose. I woke up at 10am this morning and started sipping, walking and breathing. I have underlying pain on the left flank from the drain but otherwise, the medicine is working!
My thanks to EVERYONE for sending up those prayers and happy thoughts! I truly felt the love!!!!!!! 

This is it.

Feb 08, 2009

I am posting this tonight because i know i won't be in any condition to post tomorrow!!! Today was a clear liquid day and i know that most have weeks of clear liquids. My doc only required the day before. I did spend the previous two days checking off my food bucket list..... Melting Pot was tasty, Outback was wonderful and i thoroughly enjoyed my three Krispy Kreme donuts!! Mentally, i am getting closer to this process, i really am.  Physically, i am so very ready. I'm ready for my feet, back, and knees to stop throbbing.
I finally told my very best friends (all slim and healthy and very active) and they were so very supportive. I wanted to make sure my surgery date was real before i shared and quite honestly i didn't want them to talk me out of this. To my relief, they are happy for me and looking forward to me joining them in their daily walking, biking, and gym workouts! My family is totally behind me so i feel so blessed to be surrounded by everyone's love and support. My goal is to be able to reach out to them and lean on them as this has never been easy for me. I am always very much in control and not the "needy one" so being open and dependent is and major adjustment for me.
I always enjoy seeing everyone's progress pictures so I'll have my DH take one of me in the am and we'll go from there! I have great faith in Dr. Enoch and the Rex hospital process so my worries are definitely more post-op food related. Since most of my happy memories and life have revolved around food, this should not surprise me, right! Please keep me in your prayers and happy thoughts. I'll post a review of my experiences very soon.

The Final Countdown...

Feb 05, 2009

Yikes, its really going to happen. Monday I'll check into Rex hospital here in Raleigh and begin my new adventure. I had my pre-op visit yesterday so the butterflies are beginning. I seem to be more worried about what I won't be able to eat anymore than the actual procedure. How crazy is that? I should be more worried about waking up! I really didn't expect these feelings of "food loss". I've started my food "bucket-list"!!!!!!! I only have two and a half days to eat an Outback sirloin and an entire meal at the Melting Pot.........


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 23
