Going Carb Free

Nov 05, 2010

Ok, so my friend Joan went for her 1 year appointment with the nutritionist.  She was told she needs to lay off the sugar.  Has become addicted to it.  She has to go carb free for two weeks.  So, I told her, I would join her with this - support system.  I could really use getting the sugar, carbs out of my system.  So beginning Monday, November 8.  I am going carb free for two weeks.  Nothing but eggs, meat, cheese and some veggies.  Everyone tells me I am crazy, that the withdrawls are going to suck and I am going to be a bi _ _ _.  I am thinking it is going to be a mind over matter thing. Or so I hope.  

Well I am off to the gym. 

Wish me luck. 



May 21, 2010

So last week and this week, I have been totally out of control.  Eating all the time, even when I was not hungry.  Stuffing myself until my stomach actually hurt.  Washing what I ate down.  Snacking galore.  So I decided I needed to get under control.  To start, I made a new "tracker" on an excel spread sheet.  It has my normal day divided into 15 minute increments - From 5:30am to 1:00am.  I did this so I could see if there was a pattern in my eating habits.  Still working on this, but I did have two revelations today that I think may help me get control again.

#1.  I realized that I eat when those around me eat.  Even if I just ate and am not hungry.  Not sure how I can stop this, but maybe realizing this will help.

#2.  My house is out of control.  I think this makes me out of control.  This I can work on.  My goal this week is to get my house under control.  Cleaned and Organized.  This includes making out a menu, so I know what I need to cook for each nite.  This actually may help with #1.

Well, got to do the homework now. 

Summer Goal

May 16, 2010

My goal for the first day of summer is to be down1 size.  I have really not been paying attention to what eat for about the past year and 15lbs have snuck back up on me.  My goal is to lose those 15lbs I gained.    To do this, I need to

1.  Log everything I eat.
2.  Stay below 1200 calories
3.  No  snacks
4.  Exercise at least 30 minutes a day
5. Drink all my water
6. Protein, Proten, Protein
7. Take my vitimins.

Here's to a smaller size by summer. 


New Year

Jan 01, 2010

Today is the beginning of a new year.  Needless to say I am doing what everyone else is doing - making those weight loss goals for 2010.  From 10/09 to the end of the year I gained about 7 lbs.  I am at  216lbs.  My goal is to be a 199 by Valentines day.  I am watching everything I eat and am going to only eat 3 meals a day and 2 150 calorie snacks for a total of 1200 calories a day.  I also have a goal of 650 minutes of exercise for the month of January. 

Unfortunatlely today is the first day of the year, and I am sick.  Stupid cold.  Don't even feel like getting out of the chair and definatly do not feel like exercising. 


staying on track

Oct 27, 2009

Well, today is day 3 of my getting back on track plan.  Have stayed within my calorie range.  Got in activity yesterday and today.  I just wish the weather didn't stink so bad.  I was all set to get up early this morning and walk.  But, needless to say, I wasn't able to.  My alarm did not go off as it should have.  Woke up at  6:35 and had to get dinner in the crock pot, pack lunches and take a shower.  So exercise was out of the question.  Walked to the library at lunch. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better excercise day. 

Getting back on track

Oct 15, 2009

Ok, so I am 2 years and 3 months out from my RNY.  I have lost 115lbs and have maintained that weight for 15 months.  3 months ago, I had my abdominalplasty.  Working on losing another 10lbs by November 13th when I have to go back to the plastic surgeon.  She is looking at having my "back fat" removed.  So now it's time to get BACK ON TRACK,

Now, how do I do this?  First, I need to log everything I eat.  Weigh and measure everything.  Eat my protein first and stay away from the carbs.  I also need to exercise.  Goal with exercise is walk 30 to 45 minutes every day.  Since I haven't been exercising lately at all (pretty much since I had my surgery), just exercising should jump start my weight loss.


six months out

Dec 28, 2007

So, here I am six months out from my surgery.  Feeling good.  I have not had any real problems.  The occassional vomiting.  But otherwise, it's a learning experience - learning how much to eat and what.  

I haven't lost as much weight as I had hoped.  Am at 80lbs.  But I am still lighter than I have been in 15 years (at least).     I still have issues with after work.  Still want to munch.  Not a good idea.  That and my fat grams are what I am going to try to get a handle on for January.

Joined Curves a month ago.  I got weighed last night.  Lost 12 lbs (during the holiday's is great).  and lost 21 inches.  I am happy.  Did not think it would be that much.  

My new goal is to lose 36 lbs between now and March 20.  We are going to my neices that weekend and want to be in "Onederland" by the time I see her.  I haven't seen her since I before I had my surgery.  

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 03, 2007
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