I don't get it...I lost?

Oct 19, 2009

This weekend was my daughter's birthday. We started eating cake and ice cream on friday and didn't stop until last night, sunday. I don't even think I got 65 grams of protein all weekend much less each day. I thought for sure I had gained weight but decided I needed to face the music this morning and got on the scale and it said 238.8. This is a new low! Last week I was as high as 242 again. What the heck!? Eat right and nothing happens, spend a weekend eating nothing but chips cake and ice cream and loose almost 4 pounds?


I started a blog

Oct 18, 2009


I started this blog to inform my friends and family more of my surgery and progress. So far I've still been a little afraid to tell many of them that I have this blog. I find myself writing more personal stuff on it than I planned but then I don't delete it because eventually my friends and family should know this side of me. So far I have just one fallower and that is one of my best friends nothing that I could say on the blog would really shock her. Other than her I have told maybe 3 other people about the blog and I'm not sure how often they read it.

3 mini goals reached tonight!

Sep 27, 2009

1- ran a full lap (1/4 mile) around the track without stopping! 
2- ran 2 full laps (1/2 mile) around the tract without stopping!
3- ran another 2 full laps (1/2 mile) around the track without stopping while holding a conversation!!!

Go me!!! Next is 3 laps then 4! That will be a whole mile without stopping very soon I hope!!!!

I'm finally ready to move on to week 4 of the couch to 5K program too! 

3rd fill and finally lost another pound!

Sep 22, 2009

I went in this morning and got my 3rd fill. I am now at 4cc in my Realize band. At home I finally lost another pound and am at 243lbs. At the doc office they have me down over 3 pounds but also at 243 pounds but I think that is because last visit was in the afternoon and this visit was in the morning. Either way its nice to see both scales are showing the same number. Too early to tell because I'm on liquids for 2 days but I am hoping to feel a little something with this one. My workouts have been going great and I'm just hoping to get my eating under control again. I haven't been terrible but I have had some candy and things that I should say no to. My biggest problem now is portions I'm eating and able to eat way more than a cup. I've done ok with stopping myself but I would say I do not stop at a cup but maybe 2 cups. I'm not starving in a couple of hours like I was a few weeks ago but I am hungry in a couple of hours.

October is going to be a very busy month for me and lots of birthday parties and my sister's graduation party. All will have tons of food and cake and ice cream. I will need to stick to very small portions or learn to say no completely. I'm hoping to say no completely! So far it doesn't look good for me to get to 220 by mid October like I was hoping for but I still think the weight loss is becoming more noticeable and that is what I was mainly going for. I should still make it under 239 by then and maybe 210 by Christmas time!?!? I was going to sign up for another 5K in October but decided against it because of how busy my weekends are going to be but I will hopefully do 2 in November including the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. I will continue to train with my trainer 2xs a week and also run 2-3 times a week because I have a pretty good routine going with that and I am not willing to break it. I've even gone as far as paying for a sitter to come over and watch my sleeping child so I can go and run for 45-60 mins when my neighbor is not able to come and do it. I figure its worth the money to focus on myself for just a few minutes because I'm guilty of not doing that in the past.

My 2nd 5K and first with my kiddo!

Sep 19, 2009

I had signed up for this 5K that was here in my small town just for fun and had planned to just walk it with my daughter in the stroller. My sister Kristy and her kids came out to walk with me and also an old friend who I actually have not seen in person in over 10 years but we went to school together and have kept in touch on facebook and stuff. And also my running buddy Dave and his friend Tom. It was really cool to have so many people come out to join me for this 5K. So yeah this was suppose to just be an easy walk 5K I did want to do it in under 50 min though just walking...that was the plan.  Dave, Tom and my nephew take off and say we'll see you at the finish line. Me my sister and friend have strollers and are just walking and talking. Well about a half mile into it me and my sister are like ah man we should speed up cause we know we can. 1.5 miles into it I'm like we need to finish this in 45 mins and we start jogging here and there lol I guess I just knew I could do it and figured why not I've got a jog stroller and my daughter was actually being really good just reading her book. Well we finished the race in just 44 mins! I am very proud of that time considering I ran the one last weekend in 43 and was trying from the very start and today I started off just walking and didn't really get into the race part of it till half way threw it. Running with the stroller is defiantly different and somewhat harder just because I tend to worry what she is doing and if she is going to drop a toy or something. But I proved to myself today it can be done! This is kind of a relief too because I would like to do more 5K races just to not only hold me to it but to see more of my improvements on time. And now I can worry less about getting a sitter for her for every race and let her tag along. They seem to usually have fun stuff for the kids anyways! 

Also this week it was like something finally clicked and my workouts were just a little easier and I didn't feel as drained afterward. I hope I'm to the point where I feel great and energized after workouts rather than needing a nap after! My scale still hasn't moved (not counting the up 3 and down 3) and I don't feel like my clothes are much looser but just finally starting to feel better is worth it for now. I do have my 3rd fill apt this coming tues so I'm looking forward to that big time! 

my first 5K

Sep 13, 2009

Well I jog/walked my first 5K today. I am not as far along as I was hoping to be in the couch to 5K program (still doing week 2) but I'm proud I got my first 5K out of the way. For some reason my time didn't get recorded on the website and I didn't pay much attention thinking I would find out when they posted so I'm guessing my time was 45-47 mins. Really not to bad I don't think at least. I'm hoping to improve my time by 30 secs to a min each time until I can actually complete one in 30 mins.
I'm still pretty excited to be doing the couch to 5K and doing these races. I'm signed up for 2 more so far and have plans to sign up for at least 3 more before the end of the year. I have a few people willing to do them with me too and I even made up a team name Waistin Away and printed shirts for us to wear and all, pics posted. Its kinda silly but for me its a little bit more fun like this and I even got me a Size Med team Waistin Away shirt that I hope to fit in very soon. I'm wearing a XL now in those pics.

They got my time posted and I actually finished in 43:17! whoo go me! 

2nd fill and 1st support group meeting.

Sep 09, 2009

I went in for my 2nd fill yesterday. On their scale I weighed 246 which is a 2 pound loss from my last visit (my scale is 245). I felt I really needed this fill as I have nothing helping me stop eating. I've even tested myself taking bigger bites and things like that just to see what would happen. Well nothing happened, I have never thrown up. I have gotten stuck before but nothing came back up it just kind of sits in my throat and takes a bit to do down. Anyways so I got a fill of .5cc and the first 3cc were still in there so a total 3.5cc in me for now. I go back in another 2 weeks on the 22nd.

It just happened to work out that my appointment yesterday was at the end of the day and that the support group was being held just about and hour after my fill so I stuck around for the group just to see what its like. This was all at the Lafayette office because it is more on my way home from Downtown Denver and hard for me to get out to Greeley after work. Anyways for the hour I had to spare between I walked around the doc office/hospital. they had a nice sidewalk all the way around and even mile markers so I walked about 2 miles then went to the support meeting. I was told this is a smaller group because at this location it hasn't caught on as much yet because they have only been having them there for about a year. I kind of liked that it was a small group only about 9 people. It was a little awkward at first but of course once we started talking it the rest was fine. One guy who had the lap band in May brought a co worker with him who had stomach stapling 25 years ago and hearing her talk about that was pretty interesting. Sadly she has gained the weight back but she says it was the lack of support and no one really knew what to tell her to eat and not eat and when to eat ect. Just a general surgeon did it and sent her on her way. She never even saw that surgeon again.

I guess I didn't really get much out of the meeting but I am glad I went and I hope to be able to attend one every few months at least. I did get to finally sign up for some other after care classes that my doc office offers in November one is a nutrition class that they will go over in more detail what they have already told us but it didn't sink in and the other is an emotional eating class. I look forward to the emotional eating class especially!

First Fill Today

Aug 21, 2009

I went in for my first fill today. It was quick, easy and painless! I got 3cc and I will go back in 2 weeks for my next fill. He said I probable won't feel any different and I don't. I'm on clear liquids but I did do more of full liquids because I was starving so I had a protein shake.

At this appointment they have me at 248 at home I'm 246 so that is about right my clothes I'm sure were about 2lbs. I'm glad to see that the weights are close together. My total from home since surgery is 13 lbs and from first part of July/pre op diet 23 lbs. I am also VERY happy that I got under 249 for this appointment! That is and was a very big deal for me. I'm hoping for the 3 lbs a week loss until the next fill. I'm beefing up my workouts and even though I don't feel restriction I'm going to try my hardest to eat like I feel it. I'm also feeling really good about the couch to 5k running I've been doing. It took me a full 2 weeks (and 7 runs) to feel ok with week one and now Sunday I am going to move onto week two. I'm not going to push it because I don't want to hurt myself but I feel a lot better about week two and very ready to increase my running.

I've also started to have my family say they can see the weight loss. I don't see much of a difference but I see it in the way my clothes fit. I even took a face shot because my family is saying they see it in my face but I still don't not even in the pictures. I'm sure it will show soon I'm just betting another 10-15 before anyone that isn't looking for the weight loss will notice and for it to show in he pictures. Trust me I will post when I have pics to prove! lol

Turning 29...

Aug 12, 2009

29 really isn't that bad right? I mean at least I did this WLS now didn't wait much longer. For sure by the time I am 30 I will be of normal size. These days I day dream a lot about what my life will be like at 30 and how much will be different by then. I've got big plans for myself and for once I will not let my weight hold me back.

Just this week I started working out with a trainer. This is the very first time I've done one on one personal training. In the past I did a group training and I did well but I did want the one on one training just couldn't afford it. This time I just told myself I am worth the money and really I should be spending a lot less on food these days anyways! My short term goal is to run a 5K. I've also started the couch to 5K program but its going to take me more than even a week to complete week one. I'm not going to let that get me down I'm just going to keep repeating it until I complete it! I am only 3 weeks post op but I feel great and ready to get this weight off all the ways I know how and with greater success because of my new tool! 

Another twist to my 5K goal is I met a guy on Facebook in kind of an odd way but we have really hit it off. I told him about my surgery and it just so happens he has lost a bunch of weight in the past year so he is totally supportive. He did it the old fashioned way but does not judge me on doing it this way. When I talked about the 5K he got excited and asked if he could do it with me. Running has been something he wanted to try too but never got there yet. So the support will help us both. We already have plans to walk/jog a race in September and also to run the Komen Race in October. We have talked about possible doing one once a month until we both are actually able to run the whole thing without stopping. For me it is just great to have someone not only into me but into the same goals and just as excited about them as I am.

I recently started feeling hungry not just in my head but in my tummy too. It hasn't been too bad and will pass after a couple of bites. But I am not getting as full off of soups and things like I was a week ago. Next Friday is my first fill so I am looking forward to that. I start normal foods just a day before so really I think this fill is perfect timing. I'm grateful I was able to make an appointment and get in right at the 4 week mark. This week I'm happy to start soft foods that includes fish. So my birthday dinner will of course be some salmon from a nice restaurant we have here in town. Its silly to look so forward to eating but I think here is the one place I can find people who understand that.
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Home and feeling good!

Jul 23, 2009

I'm home now and I feel pretty darn good. They said everything went really smooth and I was happy that I woke up pretty easy and didn't feel that horible gas pains! I'm starving but I know thats normal and should pass.
My daughter is funny she keeps asking to see my bandaids. She thinks is weird but also ok with it and understands mommy can't pick her up.
Well I'm gonna go take a nap!
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