Has it really been 2 months already?

May 12, 2009

Yes it has!!! Today is 2 months since my lap band surgery. I am down about 25 lbs. and although would like it to be more it's still a good number. I need to buckle down on the exercise though - I've been slacking off lately and don't want to keep getting into that rut. I need to recommit to 30 minutes EVERY day not just some days when I feel like it. So far the journey has been good for me. I can eat most things without too much of a problem as long as I chew really well and remember to eat slowly. I was just telling someone the other day that sometimes it seems like I can't even remember life before the band. I just need to learn some patience and remind myself that weight loss will not be immediate and automatic. Pre surgery I'd be delighted to lose 25 lbs in 8 weeks so why not now? Hmmm. Definitely something to ponder.

Until next time ....

7 weeks out!!

May 04, 2009

Well it's been 7 weeks since my lap band surgery. I can't believe how fast time is flying. As of today I am down 20 lbs from surgery. I keep feeling like it should be more but all the professional I speak to tell me that this is fine. I saw the nutritionist at St. Claire's today. She was great. She said I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing just have to add calcium supplements which I'm not looking forward to but I will do nonetheless. My biggest challenge these days is the desire to eat due to emotional stuff. I eat my set meals and I truly am satisfied. I am not physically hungry at all except on rare occasions when I can't eat a meal at the time I had scheduled it to be. But there are many times throughout the day where man I just want to go and eat and binge and go to town. I haven't done anything like that but the thought is definitely there. I picked here and there at things that I really shouldn't be eating but I'm working hard this week to stop that. For I know that will only lead to a path of no good. So here I am hanging in there still trying to get used to this thing around my stomach and use it to the best of my ability so I can be successful on this journey.

Until next time ...

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I can't believe it's a month already!!!

Apr 13, 2009

Hi all,

Well today is one month since surgery. I'm down about 18 lbs. I wish it was more but I'm not terribly upset by it. I know last week I wrote how I was eating my 4 oz. a meal and not hungry. Guess the swelling went down this week because I have been VERY hungry. I know it's not all physical hunger but it was really hard to do all that cooking for Passover and only be albe to eat the soup and fish. Tomorrow is a new milestone - I can start solid food. I'm very excited about that but I'm also very scared by that. I am soooo afraid of getting something stuck. At least with soft mushy stuff there is much less chance of that happening. I'm exercising regularly - think I over did it the first week and had to rest a couple of days due to my legs aching really badly. Aside from that - all is good.

Until next time ...
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Three Weeks Out

Apr 07, 2009

Okay - so this past week has brought new things - soft mushy food - I never thought I would see myself eating chili and yet I am and I have lived to tell about it. In addition 30 min of exercise every day. I can't believe I'm sticking with it. As for the food issues itself - I've learned to tell when I am physically full - it's not always easy to stop at that point but I feel it. I am not hungry at all, physically, between meals. This totally amazes me. Have started to have to deal with some of that head hunger and my old habits of emotional eating but have been able to wait it out and keep it under control so far. Almost hoping that I will be one of the very few who find restriction without a fill. I don't know if it will happen or if I'm just still swollen and healing from surgery itsefl but to be able to eat 1/2 cup of food for a meal and not be hungry for hours afterwards is totally amazing to me.

Until next time ...

Post Op Appt

Apr 01, 2009


Went for my 2 week post op appointment with Dr. B. today. He said all is healing well. Took off all the steri strips so now I'm left with just incisions. Got the okay to move on to mushy/soft food. Ate Chili for the first time in I don't know how long and actually it wasn't that bad. He said that's a good food - lots of protein. Also got the okay to exercise so it's back to Curves for me starting tomorrow. Hope I can stick with it this time around along with the other exercise plans that I have in place but have to get myself to actually do. Best part - down 12 lbs in 2 weeks. Not too bad. Was hoping for at least 10 lbs but would have liked 14 to make it a true 1lb a day loss but that's okay. Slow and steady wins the race.

Until next time ...
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Two weeks post - op

Mar 31, 2009


So here I am two weeks post op from my lap band surgery. I'm feeling pretty good. An occasional twinge here and there but nothing else. Going to my post - op appointment tommorrow morning and hoping to get the okay to eat soft food and exercise a bit. Haven't been on the scale yet so I will get that news tomorrow as well. Hoping for a good number but remaining cautiously optimistic. Not much else to report.

Thanks for checking in. Until next time...

One Week Out

Mar 25, 2009

Okay - so yesterday was a week since Lap Band Surgery. I am finally feeling pretty much back to normal except for the occasional gas and port area pains. I'm back to my usual daily routine and am able to care for my preschool age son which was one of my biggest concerns.

Currently I'm on a full liquid diet. I'm not really hungry - I don't think but I do miss food. Especially my sushi. UGH!!!! What I wouldn't give for a Philadelphia Roll right about now. I'm kind of sad knowing that I will not be able to eat that again. But I will have to be satisfied with sashimi which I believe I can be. I'm sooooo tired of soup and yogurt and pudding but that is what is on the menu at least until I see the doctor next Wednesday. I'm kind of scared to get on the scale so I have decided to wait until my doctor appointment for my first weigh in before I start checking the scale regularly.

Not much else to really report at this time. Someone asked me if I'm glad I did it. I really don't have an answer for that yet. I guess I need to see some of the outcome before I'm able to determine that this truly was the right thing for me. I am glad that I did something. I'm just still worried that I won't be able to acheive the success that I want to achieve. I guess for that only time will tell.

Until next time ...


On the other side

Mar 22, 2009

Well surgery was this past Tuesday - 5 days ago. So far so good. The first couple of days were pretty rough and I found myself frequently asking what had I done to myself. The past few days have been better with just a bit of discomfort around the port area and some gas. Started full liquid yesterday and that has been going okay. No major problems. The protein shakes are fine and soup is good food. Moving around a little more than I had been but probably not enough as I should be. Will keep you posted. Haven't checked out my weight yet. Kind of nervous that I will be disappointed if it is not too much. But we'll see what happens. I'll try to hold out until my first doctor's appt on April 1st.  Until next time ...
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Moving Right Along..

Feb 22, 2009

Okay, so yesterday I drove from Parsippany all the way down to Piscataway for my nutritional and psychological evaluations. I went to Kingley Health since that's where my surgeon recommended I go. The whole thing was a sales pitch to become a "client" of their weight loss group/team whatever you want to call it. But in the long run after paying my $270.00 I got what I needed from them. They both said they would send letters of approval to my surgeon.

The next step - Wednesday I have to go to the 3 hour pre-op class. I'm hoping to find out more specifics about diet before and after surgery so that I won't have to make yet another appointment with the nutritionist to find out what I need to do.

So much to prepare, so much to learn. Nervous and excited all at once. Just over 3 weeks away - wow!!

That's all for now. Until next time ....

And so it begins...

Feb 20, 2009

Well if you would have asked me 6 months ago if I would be preparing for lapband surgery now I would have told you that you were craxy and I no intention of doing that. But boy how things change. Last week I went to the new patient seminar. Wednesday I had my consultation with my surgeon and was given a surgery date right then and there - March 17, 2009. Wow - only a little more than 3 weeks away. Tomorrow I go for my nutritional and psych eval. Next Wednesday I go for my 3 hour preop class and then it's smooth sailing from then on out.

As for how I feel about all this -- I'm very nervous and excited at the same time. I'm excited because I truly believe that the lapband will be a weight loss tool that will help me and that I can be successful with. I'm nervous because there are so many "band rules" to follow in order to be successful and I sometimes question if I am actually able to do all that is required to be successful. I guess there is a strong part of me that believes i can do it because otherwise I wouldn't be going through with it.

I'm so excited also to be a part of the OH community with all this great information and support right at my fingertips.

Wish me luck on this journey ..... and I am wishing you all the same.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2009
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