Has it really been 2 months already?

May 12, 2009

Yes it has!!! Today is 2 months since my lap band surgery. I am down about 25 lbs. and although would like it to be more it's still a good number. I need to buckle down on the exercise though - I've been slacking off lately and don't want to keep getting into that rut. I need to recommit to 30 minutes EVERY day not just some days when I feel like it. So far the journey has been good for me. I can eat most things without too much of a problem as long as I chew really well and remember to eat slowly. I was just telling someone the other day that sometimes it seems like I can't even remember life before the band. I just need to learn some patience and remind myself that weight loss will not be immediate and automatic. Pre surgery I'd be delighted to lose 25 lbs in 8 weeks so why not now? Hmmm. Definitely something to ponder.

Until next time ....


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Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2009
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