January 11, 2007

Jan 11, 2007

It's the new year and I've decided to post.  Overall, I've done ok with my weight loss and exercise.  It's my emotions today, that need a healing.  Without going into details, I'm experiencing a sadness, a little bit of anger, self doubt, and uncertainty all at the same time.  It really does suck.  I'm not a depressed person.  I usually am quite the opposite, but there is something that has been weighing heavilyon my mind since yesterday. I really couldn't sleep.  Oh well, time heals all, so I'll just have to roll with it for a while.  

The scale says I weigh between 215-218.  My scale says 215 and the gym/ dr. scale says 218.  I've done well with not eating a lot of food.  I worked out Mon, Wed, and Thurs of this week.  I also had my third fill.  I had .5cc put in.  I didn't want to go too aggressive because I do feel restriction.  I never want to be too tight.  My clothes are fitting nicely.  I feel like I have a new wardrobe because I can fit the clothes that have been lingering/ taking up space for so long.  I am glad I didn't get rid of them. 

December 31, 2006

Dec 30, 2006

Well, 2006 will be history in a matter of hours.  I am grateful for all of God's blessings and I anticipate all of the many blessings He has in store for me in the upcoming year.  I got on the scale this morning and it said 218.5lbs.  I broke the 220s.  I've made a decision to test my willpower.  I am going to start a protein diet for 2 weeks.  I want to see just how much I'd be able to lose if I did it successfully.  I know that I will take it one day at a time.  I want to see if I can/ will do it.  

I saw a wonderful movie last night called The Pursuit of Happyness.  It was an excellent movie and very inspirational.  It made me reflect on many things in my life.  

OK, back to this protein thing.  I'm going to use shakes in the morning because I don't really like to eat in the AM.  It's sort of like a slim fast diet: 2 shakes and a sensible meal.  I've lost on slim fast before and now I think it should be easier.  However, I'm not going to use slimfast because my EAS shakes made with skim milk have double the amount of protein.  I'm pretty excited and hopefully I won't be let down.  I want to see if I'll be able to get to onederland by Feb/ March.  

I took some new photos and I really like the way I look in them.  The only thing that kind of gets on my nerves is the fact that I've had all of this hanging belly on me.  I want to be able to tuck my shirts in, but it looks bad when I do.  It's a bit discouraging as well.  I will see if PS is needed when I get to goal or close to goal.  

Well, it's about 1:30 am and I really need to get to bed.  I will also confess that I've only gotten to the gym one day this week.  Although the gym had funky holiday hours, I could've done better.  Tomorrow is a brand new day, week, and year!!

Happy New year...Happy New You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

December 28, 2006

Dec 28, 2006

It's been awhile, but I really haven't had a lot to post.  I didn't meet my goal of 215lbs by Christmas.  I am at around 220lbs and unfortunately, I think my body is comfortable there.  I spent many years in the 220lbs. I will break it.  I've been trying new protein powders.  Many of them have made me gag or either come out the other end.  I think I will order more Profect.  I don't really like to eat in the morning so I know that I will probably be on supplements for awhile.  It's better than not eating at all.  I want to go in for my 3rd fill.  I do have some restriction with the 2nd fill; however, it's not want I want or need.  I think I will go in for my next fill Jan 18th.  I hate to wait that long, but you do what you've gotta do.  I'm looking good in my clothing.  I haven't gone out and bought new ones because I have a closet full of various sizes.  That's all for now.  I'll update as needed.  I need to get to the gym this evening because I've been a holiday slacker and the scale shows it.  Happy new year to all.

December 11, 2006

Dec 10, 2006

You know, some people really need to get a life.  What a way to start a post, but I just read some of the threads on the messageboards and a newbie was as they call it, "flamed" for posting a few replies from other people.  Many people got their panties all in a bunch over something that was innocent.  I'm sure it hurt the girls' feelings and I think it was very uncalled for.  That type of negativity simply makes me sick!!!!!!  That is one reason why I don't get caught up in the BS.  It reminds me of a movie I watched just last night called "Mean Girls."

Anyway, back to me...I thank God for another day! I found a new recipe for slow cooker potroast and I made it yesterday.  I woke up to the wonderful aroma and made sure to bring some for lunch today.  I haven't lost any weight, and I plan on going back for another fill on Wednesday.

I think I want to find another job.  My job is weighing heavily on me and I deserve to be happy.  I'm grateful to have a job, but I need a change of environment.  I will continue to seek the Lord for guidance.

December 6, 2006

Dec 06, 2006

Good Afternoon,

I've been away for a few days, but I'm back now.  I had my first fill and I know that I don't have that optimal restriction or sweet spot as they call it.  I have found that I do have some restriction.  I got some food stuck yesterday and had to drink water to help it go down.  It felt like my esophagus was going to burst!  That's not the feeling I was going for.  I know that many of my troubles has been because of the choices I've made.  

I got on the scale this morning and it said 224.5lbs.  I haven't worked out in 2 days, but I'm going to go to the Y tonight.  I don't feel bad if I miss a few days.  My intention is not to work out 7days a week, but at least 3-5days.  

I had cereal this morning for breakfast and I stopped at one bowl.  I then had a 6in Subway chicken sandwich for lunch; no chips, cookies, or drink.  I usually get the entire combo, but today I decided that I didn't want food to get stuck or backed up so I settled on the sandwich.  I can still feel it go down slowly.  I love SF KoolAid.  I've tried a few flavors and I really like grape.  I buy the kind you can put in a water bottle.  I'll usually freeze them overnight and it is such a treat for me the next day.  The outfit I'm wearing today is loose.  Although I'm not seeing the numbers on the scale as I'd hoped, I am slowly but surely feeling my clothes change.  

I'm going to go in to get another fill or tweak on the 13th.  That's a week from now.  I think another 1-1.5cc's might do the trick...I hope.  I think my doc might put in 2cc.  I guess we'll just have to see.  I don't want to be too tight, but I can still eat more than I should or expected with this fill.  

Have a fantabulous day!!!!!!!!

November 29, 2005

Nov 29, 2006

I had my first fill today. I was a bit upset at first because the clinic called the day before to tell me that they had to cancel; reschedule my appt for Dec. 13th.  I told them there was no way I'd be able to wait that long without losing my mind.  So this morning, I called the dr office and not the clinic and I was able to go to his office and have my first fill.

I have 4cc in my VG band.  The fill was pretty uneventful.  My doc had no problem finding my port and I was in and out in less than 20 min.  He even told me that he doesn't want me to wait 4-6 weeks to have another fill if this one doesn't do the trick.  He told me to follow up in 2 weeks.  I think that's awesome especially since I am so anxious to see the numbers go down.  The good part is that I hadn't gained lots of weight as I had suspected because I enjoyed my Thanksgiving!  

I've been really diligent about working out at least 3-4 days a week, sometimes 5.  I enjoy classes and not going it alone on a machine.  I take a step class on Monday, an interval class on Tuesday, spinning on Wednesday or Thursday, and an interval class on the weekends.  Although I can feel that I'm not in optimal shape, I know that I am on the right path and the great part is that my girls are on that same path as well.

November 21, 2006

Nov 21, 2006

Good evening,
I just came from the gym.  Today was a difficult one because I really wasn't 100% mentally up for a workout today.  Anyway, I go dressed and went to the Y and boy oh boy was I challenged.  My oldest daughter always takes classes with me and it means so much to have her there.  She really wasn't into as much as usual either, but we did it.  We took a Rep Reebok class.  It works out every muscle group in one class.  I'm talking about squats galore and plyometrics!  About an hour after the workout, I ate a Subway sandwich and Baked Lay's.  Not too bad considering I passed McDonald's, Burger King, Steak N Shake, Wendy's, AND Taco Bell to get to Subway.  

I'm glad I pulled it together and got my workout in because I am truly going to eat over the Thanksgiving holiday!

November 18, 2006

Nov 17, 2006

Good Morning,
Well, it's Saturday and I'm on my way to the Y.  I tried to sleep in this morning, but since I've been exercising, that's difficult to do.  Also, I have this huge tree outside my bedroom window and those darn birds drive me nuts in the morning.  I've missed the classes this morning at the Y so I might just do elliptical and stationary bike this morning.  Treadmills are too hard on my joints, so I usually don't mess with them.  I've never gone to the Y on Saturday, so hopefully it's not crowded.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my day.

As far as eating is concerned, I'm noticing that I'm eating one big meal and I don't even think about eating any other time.  I stay full for 5-7 hours and I know that's not the best thing for my metabolism.  I'm still working out the kinks as far as this band is concerned.  I have 11 days until my fill.  To be honest, I'm looking forward to eating as much as my mom's Thanksgiving food as I can get down!! I'm glad my fill is after Turkey day.  My mom is the best cook.  Just about everything she makes is good to me.  I'm going to be in real trouble because she is considering moving in with me and the girls.  I'm not sure about that, but we'll see what happens.  

Well I've gotta go move and groove this morning.  The sun is shining and I haven't worked out in 2 days.  I worked out Mon Tues Wed, took Thurs/ Fri off and I'm going in today and tomorrow.  Sounds like a plan!

November 17, 2006

Nov 16, 2006

Thank the Lord God Almighty...it's Friday!!!!  I've been waiting for this day since Monday.  I've had a mentally/ emotionally challenging time at work this week and I'm ready to NOT see these people for a few days.  I had an interesting dream last night.  Actually, I was awakened from my slumber at 1:09 am.  I just woke up.  I used the opportunity to talk to and hear from God.  There have been some things on my mind and in my life that I have asked for guidance and I received that at about 1 oclock in the morning.  I'm thinking of making some moves and I really want to be sure that it's the Lord's will and not my own.  

I've been exercising!  On Monday and Tuesday I had  step classes and on Wednesday, I tried a spinning class for the first time.  Let me say, my butt is still sore from being on that little seat.  I took Thursday off because I thought I had group last night, only to get there and they told me that group was on the South side tonight which was like 30-45min away.  That's the 2 or 3rd time that I didn't get the group schedule right so I told her that I'm not coming anymore.  I really don't like to go to things like that and especially since I haven't told many people about my decision.  I can just spend Thursday's at the Y.  

Oh well, I didn't have breakfast this morning because I was running late.  My stomach is yelling at me right now, but there's really nothing I can do because lunch isn't for a few hours. Hope I can hold on!

November 15, 2006

Nov 14, 2006

Good Morning,
Today's a new day and I am ready for a fresh start.  I went to the Y last night and took another step class.  I think I will take 2 step classes a week and a cycling class.  I have 2 weeks until my first fill and I'm excited.  I'm sure I've said this in previous posts.  I got on the scale this morning and it said 225.5lbs.  That's good.  That means that I have 10lbs to lose to be at my 1st mini goal of 215lb by XMas.  Well, that's all for now.

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indianapolis, IN
Mar 09, 2006
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