up the ante

Jul 08, 2009

Well...3 1/2 months out- getting a handle on how to manage food- starting an exercise routine...off most meds  Couldn't be happier....now the work begins....

I'm excited about this time in my life- 43 yrs old and living "again" for the first time....its the weirdest thing....but I need to focus and keep focused. Drink protein supplements (try Nectar- if you're struggling with protein- water based, kind of like crystal light)...work out faithfully, drink water, take vitamins--

I hit a plateau -- stuck at 206ish...but I'm not giving up- this is new for me-- when a diet or exercise got tough- this chick checked out-- but now-- I'm more determined to make my goal. I'm setting new priorities- family, health, and of course, my relationship with God- I'm digging new wells for sustenance, because what used to feed me isn't working- it didn't in the past, but now-- for sure, it’s not working....so I need to find new ways to do things- new methods of managing what stresses me or what irks me…new ways to express myself- both in the positive and the negative…its all good.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2009
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