2 months since my last post

Jun 01, 2012

I need to get on the ball. I have been a big slacker I have maintained 275 pounds for two months now. I need to stop eating the carbs and the sweets it is tearing me up. I guess if i put it down in writing it will motivate me to stop the nonsense and get on the ball. I still have 100 more pounds to lose and it will not be as easy as the first hunded was. My mom has been gone for over two months now and I still have a hard time thinking about her being gone. We spent memorial weekend down in Anderson Missouri swimming in the river and placing a bench in my mom and dad's honor in the Dabbs Greer Park (Anderson Town Hole) it was a beautiful bench that says IN MEMORY OF JOE AND NORA DALTON AND THEIR LOVE OF THE OZARKS. It is under a tree with a beautiful view of the river!!!! In August we are going to go down again and place a bench in the cemetary in between his parents and one of his Aunt and Uncle that will hold their ashes I cannot wait to see it!!!! On a good note my 100+ pound weight loss has allowed me to ride on an airplane with one seat and no seat belt extender what a treat that was. One of my goals!!!!

well my 12 week personal training is ending this week

Apr 01, 2012

I lost 28 pounds and several inches in my 12 week program. I am now going onto maintainence but I am hoping to rejoin the program in the third or 4th quarter. I am pretty excited to have lost 28 pounds. I have started helping my hubby to do the yard work and that feels good too. so as of friday I am at 273 pounds it has been so many years since I have seen 275 or less I don't even remember when it was. Hoping water aerobics starts up again soon.


its been a rough month!!!

Mar 25, 2012

It has been a rough month for me and the rest of my family. As I mentioned in my earlier blog my mother was taken to the hospital on February 25th and where I left off we were waiting a couple of days to see if she would regain consciousness. Well that Friday she did. She was able to communicate enough to tell the doctors that she wanted the tube removed and that she did not want a tracheotomy. We told her that if we removed it we could not replace it and she understood.  She did not want to live on a ventilator.  So we removed it. She was breathing on her own and we were just giving her oxygen but the doctors told us then that she will probably not live for much longer. We were to prepare for comfort only.  A few hours later we were told there was a hospice type room available and we could move her out of ICU allowing for the babies to come see her.  She did start what we thought was improving she started to talk more where we could understand her she wanted lots of water she kept asking us to pour a pitcher of water on her head (of course we didn't). She was just plugging along and the doctors told us it was time to decide if we wanted to take her home to die or go to the KC Hospice house. Well we all knew that she could not get the care she needed at her home so we opted for the Hospice House. She was transferred to the hospice house Monday March 12th 2012. I left work early to help with the transfer. She got to the hospice house and she wanted  a nightgown of her own and she wanted something to eat. We got her some applesauce she wanted cinnamon and they did not have that flavor so we used a stick of gum to flavor the applesauce. She could not feed herself although she tried. She had been trying for days to move her arms and legs on her own. Then Jane went to Wal-Mart bought her some pretty nightgowns and one that was for St. Patrick's Day. She also bought her several different applesauce, a banana and some cheerios and milk which she had also asked for. We gave her the cheerios and she immediately said "I forgot to say Equal". So I found some equal and she loved the cereal!. I stayed the night with her then Jane came the next day to stay with her she had some oatmeal and some mixed fruit. Many of her friends and family came to see her. It was overwhelming at times but she loved being able to talk to all of them. But sadly on March 15th they called us to say she was in the end stages. So I left work and went straight there. She was not speaking anymore like she had been. So I went home because she still seemed to be ok. The next day Jane had stayed so I said I wanted to do some errands and that I would stop at Jack stack for some lunch. When I got there her Aunt Margie Madden was there and she was not communicating to well but she was able to speak some. Jane had decided to go home get a shower and get Donnie and comeback later. Doug and I were going to be spending the night. Chris was already there he had been there all night with Jane. Tom and Shirley had come because we knew it was getting close. Then her best friend from BCBSKC had finally come to see her. Her eyes light up like a Christmas tree. Pat Hisle was finally there and Rachel Sanchez had come with her. Mom spoke to Pat as best she could. I called the nurses because mom was uncomfortable and wanted to be repositioned. They wanted to put her on her side to avoid any bedsores. The a few minute after Pat left and they repositioned her Priest Fr. Christian Malewski had come to pray with her. She was mouthing the words with Father Christian and he was praying for all the Apostles and Saints to pray for her. Giving her last rights. Doug and I decided to go to Quik Trip and while we were gone I got a call from my sister that said the nurse called and said she is shutting down. So we hurried back and when I returned to her room 26 Chris was standing outside the door and said so you heard I said yes that she is going quickly he said no she is gone. I started to cry and ran into the room to give her one last kiss they were going to clean her up and put on her St. Patrick’s Day nightgown she missed by only a few hours to see St. Patrick’s day which was the day her Father died in 1953 when she was only 12.The Hospice House was wonderful they let us stay with her until the end and allowed my niece to come say goodbye to her Nanny. I stayed to make sure she was treated with respect when they moved her. Atkinson Funeral home came to get her and my brother Tom walked out with her. They have been wonderful through the entire process. We had a visitation and Memorial Mass for her on that following Tuesday and Wednesday. She was cremated. We will have another Memorial for her and my Dad on Memorial day weekend in Anderson, Mo where we will scatter her ashes in some of her favorite places she loved to go and then we will present a bench at the Anderson Town hole City Park also known as Dabbs Greer Park.


Another Milestone

Mar 11, 2012

Well I finally did it! I bought a pair of jeans many years ago that I could not even pull up over my rearend. The last time I tried them on they were getting close to fitting but not quite.  Well today I put them on pulled them up and they buttoned with not problem. Now they are kinda big I am going to have to get suspenders or a belt to keep them on! Wow the amazing things my Total Transformation with my personal trainer has been doing for me!!! I am so excited!!!!
Ok I am at the hospital taking care of my mother gotta go to sleep in case she needs me in the nigh I need as much rest as possible.  


Stepped on scale this morning it says

Mar 07, 2012

279.3 wow I cannot believe I am in the 270's. I am so happy this total transformation with the personal trainer is paying off. I have lost 22 pounds in about 8 weeks. really psyched. I am down to size 22-24 in my pants and I cannot believe that at all. On the sadder side of things my mother is not doing well at all. She is on a ventilator and the scary part is we don't know why. She was sick with what we thought was a cold or the flu. Well she did not seem to be getting any better so one of my brothers took her to the doctor. Well he hind sight is 20/20 and he said he should have gone into the office with her to see the doctor because she was not talking right to begin with. then Thursday Feb 23rd she did not call me (she called me every morning to talk and if she wasn't going to call me she would call the night before to tell me she was not calling) well I passed it off to her being sick and not wanting to talk. But then she did not call again friday morning. So I tried to call her and she did not answer. So I called my brother Jimmy and he said she was probably sleeping because she did not feel well. Later that afternoon my phone rang and I thought it was her but it was another brother Chris calling to tell me that they took her to the hospital in an ambulance because she had fallen. I got to St. Joseph and another brother Tom and my sister in law Shirley were there and they said that they were going to send her home but Chris  who lives with her instisted that there was something else wrong and not to send her home without further testing. So they admitted her to St. Joseph she was there friday night then all day saturday she was not with it at all she knew stuff but had to think and sometimes she would just not make sense at all. Then sunday morning at 4 am i got a call from the hosptial saying that she had stopped breathing and they had to put her on a ventilator and that she was currently in the ER and they were moving her to ICU as soon as a bed opened up. She was in the ICU for a couple of days they did a lumbar puncture and ran several tests and had to put in a temporary pace maker in case her heart stopped she was having low counts on her heartbeats. They could not stop the seizures she had been continuelly having since being in the ER again so they decided to transfer her to KU Medical Center where she could be placed on 24 hour EEG monitoring. At KU they decided to flat line her brain and try to reboot it in order to stop the seizure activity. She had been on Propofal since being in the ER at ST. Joseph and they used 40 mcg of Propofal and Versed to put her in that suspended state she stayed on that for 48 hours then they slowly brought her back with no seizure activity. We were going to go ahead and remove the breathing tube becuase there had been no activity but yesterday she moved her fingers by command and she opened and closed her eyes on command. So now we are giving her a couple of days to possibly come out of her coma like state and see if she can breathe on her own. Tomorrow we should know more.  (this update is for me but feel free to read it)  

Weight loss is slow but inches are coming off

Feb 18, 2012

My weightloss is slow but the workout regimine I am doing now is building muscle first. The next six weeks is suppose to be weight loss training so I am hoping to see some bigger numbers in the next six weeks on the scale. The bad thing is they are closing our pool for possibly the next 6 weeks due to some heater and pump issues. I hope that missing those extra worksouts does not hinder me. I am please with my progress right now but sometimes it frustrates me to see some peoples blogs where they are almost 6 months out and they have lost a lot more weight than I have but then I tell myself slow is really the name of the game.

Hit my first major goal

Jan 25, 2012

I finally hit my first major goal. I am under 300 pounds. I have not been under 300 pounds for 26 years! I weighed 232 when I got pregnant with my son. After I had him I weighed 262 and I just started creeping up from there. Oh I feel so good. My next goal is 250! Hoping my Total transformation workouts will get me pretty close by March! Crossing my fingers. It is feeling so good to have this weight off.

Personal Trainer

Jan 05, 2012

Ok had my first meeting with the personal trainer. It went well did not have to workout yet but he did do a lot of body measurements and weight and body fat and bmi. I am looking forward to this next track in my weight loss journey. I am down 64 pounds from my surgery date. Woo hoo!!! 

Weight  301.01
Body Fat % 55.2
BMI 50.1
Waist to Hip Ratio 61.25:62.5
Neck 14 5/8
Chest 51
Upper Arm 13:6.5:23.25
Belly Button 63
Hip 62.75
Thigh 27:25.25
Waist to Hip Ratio 61.25:62.5


Jan 03, 2012

I just received a pair of 22/24 pants from my sister in law. She thought they were 18 and when she got home the actual tag said 22/24 so she asked me if I wanted them for when I get down to that size. Well guess what I took them home and put them on and wow they fit!!!! I am so excited. The only problem with them is they are petite and so they are a little short when I sit down but I will enjoy wearing them!!!

Happy New Year 2012

Jan 01, 2012

Goals for 2012

1. See the personal trainer daily for the first three months of 2012. and develop my habit of going to the gym daily.
2. Lose at least 100 additional pounds by July 2012
3. Work my butt off at work to earn that promotion I have been promised several times.
4. Spend as much time with my other grandchildren as possible. I have not seen them in months. I miss them so much.
5. Strengthen my relationship with my husband so we do not end up in divorce court like so many of the posts I have read.
6. Win the lottery!!!!

Ok #6 is highly unlikely to be obtained in 2012 but it never hurts to set it as a goal!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 36
