Wanting it to much

Sep 02, 2009

Well it won't happen by Friday but I hope to have it before my 50th birthday November 8th

Thanks for the support

Aug 26, 2009

I am now down 19 pounds of the 25 so I am off and running. I hope by my anniversary 9-4 that I can call the doctor and tell him to start the paperwork!

10 pds down

Jul 03, 2009

Well I have lost 10 of the 25 pounds the doctor is requiring before surgery. I am hoping with some tough love I will have the other 15 off by the Middle of August please pray for me.

Saw the Surgeon

Jun 11, 2009

I saw the surgeon yesterday. Since it is a teaching hospital I also had a learning Doctor too. Well it was not the news I wanted to hear but it was the news I knew I would hear. He wants me to lose 25 pounds before I can have the surgery. So needless to say I have started trying to lose the weight. My sister (who was always much thinner than me) lost weight with Slim for Life so she gave me some hints on some things I could do to lose some weight quickly. I am hoping to get this weight off within 3 months and get the surgery scheduled sometime in September. My 15th wedding anniversary is Sept 4th so that would be a great gift for me to get my sugery on that day! I really like the surgeon and I know that he is looking after my best interest when he tells me to lose the weight but it is so hard when you know the reason your are getting the surgery is because you need to lose weight. By I like many can lose weight but my problem has always been that you reach a certain point and you feel like you are starving yourself and you say on just this once then it turns into oh well I blew it so I might as well start again tomorrow then then next thing you know you have gained back the weight you lost and most time plus more. Well this time I will lose the weight and then instead of cheating I will have the surgery which will be a whole new way of thinking and I will get this weight off.

Getting ready to head to the Surgeon's

Jun 11, 2009

It is 9:30 and I am getting excited I will be seeing the surgeon in about an hour and a half. I sure hope I get a surgery date today. And I hope the date is less than 6 weeks away the sooner the better. I am ready to start a new life. I will be 50 in November and it would be awesome to be down 50 pds by my birthday!

Going to see the surgeon on Thursday

Jun 07, 2009

I have see the Pyschologist, I have met with a Nutritionist, I have attended my first support group, I am now going to meet with the surgeon on this Thursday June 11 hope to get the surgery date scheduled on that day. I know my Insurance will approve the sugery so all I need is a date. Hope its not to far in the future I am really looking forward to starting my journey to a healthier happier me.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2009
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