Followup appointment schedule

Aug 25, 2011

I have my followup appointment scheduled for September 22, 2011 at 12:45. My surgery date is getting closer and closer. Only 5 days away!!!! Not nervous now but I know come August 29th the butterflies will begin building. I started the full flegged liquid diet today. I had a last lunch date with my co workers and we had Fried Chicken and Mashed Potatoes and Onion Rings, the my last supper with my husband and youngest son we had Lasagne, Salad and Cheese bread. Now I am done eating food until sometime in October. I am suprised that I am not craving right now but it really has only been a few hours since I last ate something solid. Hope that sugar free popcicles will help with the chew cravings!!!


EGD done

Aug 21, 2011

Everything looked good except some medium-sized striped areas of erosion in the antrum. They took a biopsy and put me on Prevacid. Nothing to stop the surgery from going on schedule on August 30th. Just waiting for hospital to call with details on what preop testing needs to be completed.


Aug 16, 2011

My EGD is scheduled for Friday the 19th. Dr. Selim is going to do it himself. I have been very lucky this time around everything is falling into place. Still on starget to start the surgery on Tuesday August 30th!

My timeoff has been approved

Aug 15, 2011

My timeoff has been approved by NEBA. I have been approved for 28 days. Barring any issues. Now all I need is the EGD appointment and I will be ready for my surgery on the 30th hope LaTasha calls me tomorrow. I am so ready to start my new journey. I read everyones Blogs and I cannot wait to be on the losing end of my journey. My granddaughter is starting to walk some so I will really need to get some of this weight off to keep up with her. She crawls really fast and I know she will be a maniac and run everywhere once she starts. My grandson is 5 months older than her and that is all he does is run everywhere and I think she will be just like him.  


Next steps

Aug 11, 2011

 Went to the doctor today and they started the ball rolling. I have to have an EGD (hospital requires it for all GB surgeries). LaTasha is working on getting it scheduled. She has penciled me in for the Surgery on August 30th but if all goes well and get the EGD done soon that date could move up. Hope to hear from her tomorrow with an EGD date.

Got the letter from the Insurance company today

Aug 10, 2011

OK I got the letter from the insurance company approving the Laprascopic Gastric Bypass. Tomorrow at 1:45 I should know if I have lost the last 10 pounds in order to have the surgery scheduled tomorrow. I feel pretty good. But my scales weigh different that the doctors office so I never know for sure. Crossing my fingers. My boss called yesterday and wants me to go to Nashville for a meeting in September I told him I may be having my surgery and might not be able to go. He is very supportive and said if it interferes with the surgery he will find someone else to go. All in all I am hoping I can have the surgery and still be able to travel to Nashville also. I will ask the doctor tomorrow what the recovery time is before allowing air travel. Wish me luck would love to have the surgery next week!

It's Happening Fast

Aug 08, 2011

Got the paper work sent to the insurance company last thursday before I left work I email to tell Sonya I would be out of the office but if she could email me I would be checking. She called me about my nutritionist visits and I told her I saw the nutritionist from work a couple of years ago and that I had done the Naturally Slim weight loss program this year. She was not sure if that would be enough so I was on pins and needles worrying about that.  But before the day was over I got the approval email from Sonya and she said she had sent the approval to the doctors office. I went out of town friday we were spreading my dad's ashes in their final resting place he died 4 years ago on Sunday and he wanted his ashes to be spread in his hometown. RIP Dad miss you so much. When I returned I email Latasha this morning to let her know I was off work on vacation all week and if she could get to my paperwork I would love to have the preop visit this week to get my surgery date. She emailed me back almost right away with a visit scheduled for Thursday at 1:45!!!!! I will know my date of surgery by this thursday!   I am so ready for this. I think of all the things I will be able to do once I get this surgery done and I start my new life over doing the right things.   My grandchildren are my number one priority right now I want to do all the things they do. I want to get on the floor and play with the babies. And ride bikes with the older ones. I cannot wait!!!!

Ok not counting my chickens before they hatch but.....

Jul 28, 2011

I talked to the Nurse in the preauth department at my insurance company and she said she is expecting the dr's office to fax my paperwork to her by next week. She is going to watch for it. So once she get the approval sent back to the doctor I will be able to go in and get a date. I am confident I will have the 10 pounds gone I have 7 gone already!  Please cross your fingers. (Have only told a handful of people this time due to the nosey neighbors that hound you daily about when your date of surgery is) I probably will only tell another handful when I get my date until it gets closer and I know for sure it is happening. Starting the count but taking my time!!!!!!

Starting again

Jul 14, 2011

I went to see my Dr. for my routine physical and told him I am ready to have my surgery now. My husband has recovered from his back surgery now it's my turn. So he sent in my letter and I had my consultation with the nurse practitioner in Dr. Selim's office. I do not have to go through the whole process again since I have already attended several of the support meetings and had a pysch eval and the heart cath.  So I just need to lose 10 pounds in the next three weeks while I wait for the doctor to send the insurance company the paperwork to get the confirmation code to have the surgery. Lisa told me that if I have lost the 10 pounds by the time I sign the paperwork they could have my surgery scheduled within a couple of days after. That means that probably by mid to end of August I could have my surgery!  HOPE HOPE HOPE. I am so ready. Since I started this journey I have two new grandbabies that are 17 and 11 months old. I love taking care of them but my weight restricts some of the things I can do with them. I cannot wait until I am in better shape to be able to do all the things I want to do with them.

still waiting

Jan 01, 2011

It's now January 1, 2011 still no surgery. I had to put my plans on hold because my husband had to have back surgery. He has recovered but still has some medical issues. But this is the year I am concentrating on me, myself and I only. I hope to be able to start the process over and get the surgery before Summer!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2009
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