Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dec 21, 2011

I am so bad at posting I thought I would say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. I am down 55 pounds since surgery. I have been doing my water aerobics 3x a week but because I am not doing any other exercises it is not coming off as fast as it could be. January 6th I start my new program with a personal trainer there will be 10 people in my class. We have to be there at 6am 5 days a week. 4 will be working out and 1 day will be a Nutrition day. I don't expect him to be as mean and rough on me as Bob is on the biggest loser but I hope he pushes me enough to make me lose faster. I want to get another 55 pounds off in the 3 months I am with him.   I am only about 9 pounds away from being under 300. Pretty good considering my highest weight was 427, I was 395 when I first went to see Dr. Selim and I was 367 the day of surgery. If I can be at 250 by March that is a good next goal. Then the next quarter I can continue on and lose another 50 pounds and be down to 200 by June!!!!! Wow what a great goal to be at or below 200 by summertime.  Even though 200 is still overweight I will feel like a million buck being that is less than I weighed as a senior in high school. I was 212 when I graduated from high school. I did carry my weight well I looked more like I weighed about 180. Oh the dreams are coming true hope this new journey I start in January is the beginning of a wonderful 2012!!!!!

Nov 10th Dr. visit

Nov 21, 2011

Well it started out good. I  am down 42 pounds since surgery. But that is where the visit ended. I sat in that hot small boring room for an hour and a half. I feel asleep for a little while waiting on the doctor. After about an hour I opened the door and and the girls said "he hasn't seen you yet?" So I waited another half hour and they came in and said that he had taken on some cancer patients that another doctor was responsible for that had left. Well it would not have been a problem for me had they told me 30 minutes into to the visit then I would not have been so upset. It was more frustrating than anything. So needless to say I was not a happy camper when I left there.  Pat called me today to give me the results of my blood work (that is another story I ended up having 7 vials drawn they had to poke me 3 times to get that then the lab lost one of the vials so they had to redo it and poke me two more times a couple of days later) but the results were pretty good except that my protein and iron are low. I try to get in enough protein but I guess I was not so working harder to get it in.. As for the iron I am taking a pill daily but she said to start including Vitamin C when I take the iron and take it twice a day. Maybe if I up the protein I will start losing faster. Still  doing the water aerobics 3x a week. Looking forward to 2012 when I get to start seeing a personal trainer 5x a week at work. I should really start seeing results when that starts happening. My husband had a seizure on saturday he fell off the lawn mower and hit his head on the concrete sidewalk (lucky for him the kill switch on the mower happens when you get off the seat) I was totally freaked out. His PCP has given him a new drug to help with his seizures. Crossing my fingers.

Ok guess it has been awhile

Oct 28, 2011

OMG just deleted the entire comments I made. Ok it has been almost two months since surgery I am down 38 pounds and I had a HealthRiskAssessment I have to take a work each year and I am down 71 pounds since last year. Went to my first outing for lunch at a luncheon that is held once a year by my company for all Retirees and all current employees who have 30 years or more service are invited to attend. I was not able to eat much off my plate and that is something I am having a hard time with. I was an always clean my plate because everything tastes so good. It is very very weird. Have a party to attend tomorrow night and since I can't eat much and I cannot drink I hope it will still be fun!
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Doctor Surgical Follow up today

Sep 22, 2011

Well I am down 23 pounds since surgery. I am going back to work on Tuesday. I am really ready to go back to work I feel like I will get more exercise going to work because we have a gym at work and until I can get back to the pool I need to do something. I get to start on Puree foods so first thing when I got home I had a scrambled egg had to share it with my granddaughter but it still was so nice to have some protein from something that was not sweet!

Well it will be three weeks tomorrow

Sep 19, 2011

My morning drink I can feel it going down. I usually wake up with terrible hungar pangs. It takes a while to start feeling better. My walking leaves a lot to be desired first it was getting to hot then the temps dropped and the rains moved in. Need to start back today gonna be nice and sunny. Well I weighed on my mom's doctor scale and I have lost almost 20 pds in 3 weeks. Feeling so much better. But I need to start drinking more water I think I am dehydrated daily from not enough water. Still not getting more than 64 grams of protein I think I am around 40 or less. Need to up it all that seems to be the secret to the weight loss. Should be going back to work next week will know for sure on Thursday when I see the doctor. Like being home but really like to work too! We celebrated my mother's birthday yesterday with Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Salad and Green Beans missed it but got through it without touching any of it. Then my sister in law made two cakes a yellow cake with white icing for my Mom and a molten chocolate lava cake for the people who like chocolate. OMG they looked wonderful but I made it through by drinking a fuzzy navel protein drink! My great nephew brought he new daughter and so I held her while everyone was eating cake. She is so precious. Made me miss my grandkids. Hope to feel up to keeping Beyla next weekend before I go back to work! I miss her. Hope by the time I go to the doctor on Thursday I will be down 25 pounds. Well talk again after I see the doctor!!!!

Getting better everyday

Sep 11, 2011

Wow I am now 12 days out from surgery. Feeling much much better but still wishing I could eat something. This drinking is not giving me the feeling I need. Now don't get me wrong I have not eaten anything and I have been to Culver's where my favorite french fries are and did not even miss them. My husband and son have eaten and I don't miss it after it is gone. But I am dreaming of the time when I can even if it is just a smooshed up mess. I am tired of sugarfree this and surgarfree that and want something savory. And not broth that is tiresome too! All my wonderful coworkers sent me a couple of cards and some money so I went out and purchased a Magic bullet to get ready for the puree foods. I thank them all and they are such wonderful people to work with. Walking every day and trying to go farther each day. Man I have no problem doing an hour of water aerobics but put this fat body out of water and it is harder than hell to walk very far especially if it is hot. Been trying to make sure to get out before the sun gets to hot. Also having a hard time getting in all the protein. Too much sweet stuff. Gotta find something savory that has a lot of protein in a liquid. Well still have 11 days before I go to the doctor to get post surgery weight. Don't really feel like I am losing so I hope there isn't a problem.
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Worse than I even imagined

Sep 03, 2011

I am 5 days out now and finally able to type something. The first day after surgery in the hospital I thought everything was going ok  I was up walking some and had a very small bruise on my largest hole. I was not taking much pain medicine because I cannot stand Oxycodone. Well they let me go home the day after surgery. I was glad to be home because my bed it much more comfortable however everything I could drink other than water was to sweet or salty for me. I am just now starting to get more proteins so hopefully I will feel better. But my entire stomach is one huge black and blue bruise that still hurts. My husband has been so understanding and helpful in everyway. I thank him so much. I am still not to the point that I don't regret it everyday. Everyday I say to myself why oh why did I do this to myself. And my husband says everyday you keep feeling better and better so eventually you will not regret your decision. It's not the food I miss it's the pain I hate right now. I think about all my friends that have had this surgery and had success and I know eventually I will be back to normal in feeling and that I will be losing weight. I have not stepped on the scale because I don't feel like I have lost anything and I don't want to disappoint myself. Today is our 17th wedding anniversary and I woke up to Red Roses so beautiful. I love my husband so much. Well gotta go lay down tired again.

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Day 5

Aug 29, 2011

Well day 5 is about over. I had my pre-op anesthesia meeting today. I had an EKG, Blood work and hundreds of questions. Now I must report to the hospital tomorrow at 10:30 my new re-birthday is tomorrow! I will now have two birthdays to celebrate. OK I am so ready for this it is errie how calm and peaceful I feel right now. Not one bit nervous about it and to think I spent the last two months fretting and now I am just fine!!!!
See you on the other side!!!!
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Day 4 liquid diet has come and gone!

Aug 28, 2011

Well Day 4 of the liquid diet has come and gone. And this was the day I had to drink my first bottle of the Magnesium Citrate. Wow I know this is disgusting but I had a literal blow out. No food in your system for 3 days and all that comes out is water and when you have gas behind that you can imagine what happened. We had company today for dinner my husband cooked Chicken, Twice baked pototoes and Salad. Yes it smelled awesome and sure I would have loved a bite but I was suprisingly ok getting through dinner. I had some chicken broth so I could feel like I had something. Everyone was very apologetic for eating in front of me and I told them that it was something I would have to get used to because there were going to be holiday's and birthdays that I would have to miss out on. I know that eventually I should be able to eat that stuff but I will probably mjss a couple of birthday celebrations and the labor day weekend cookouts so I would have to be ready. I was telling Kenny how it worked and he said it's just like being a baby. I said yes it like you are reborn and you already know the rules to eating. That you have to eat slow, eat smaller portions, and only eat until you are full. Stay away from processed foods, and refined sugars and I should be home free to my weight loss. I have learned all the rules I just need something that will help me follow the rules and I believe that the RNY is going to be my saving grace. I just wish I could have done this back in 1986 after my son was born so I did not have to carry around all this extra weight for the last 25 years. But 'if wishes were horses' I think is the saying. I am not going to look back anymore it is a new life for me starting tuesday!  Well better hit the sack because tomorrow with be my last day at work until September 27th and I will have a long day getting all the loose ends tied up for the people who will be handling my job while I am gone.  Nite all.

Starting Day 3 of the Liquid diet

Aug 26, 2011

Well I am starting on the third day of the Liquid diet. Two things I have found. My granddaughter and I would share our food and it was really hard feeding her eggs and toast and not wanting to take my bites too! Number 2 it's really tough sitting with people who are eating when you are on a Liquid diet before the surgery. I am hoping since everyone says they are not hungry that after the surgery being on the liquids won't be as hard sitting with people who are eating. It's not that I don't like the liquids I just really like food. I have gotten some sugar free popcicles for the crunching, some sugar free jello for the chewing and V8 for the fulfillment. So I think I will be able to do this with not to much trouble. The only problem I have right now is my stomach growling until it gets used to not having food in it. I want to be down to 360 by the time surgery on Tuesday so I will have an even number to start but I will take anything at this point I am just ready to be on the losing team!!!!! Wow never thought I would want to be a loser but at this point it will be awesome to be a loser. Everyone has been so supportive. I have had a couple of people who say well if you can do the liquid diet now why don't you just do it? Well as most of you reading this know that is a skinny person talking and they don't understand how many different diets you have tried and they were successful for a while but you would always go back to the food. This is suppose to be a tool in a lifestyle change those diets have never worked that way. This is going to give me the ability to put in to practice the food pyramids, and the serving sizes that are suppose to be utilized to maintain a healthy life style always before I started out starving myself and then my body would say ok you have lost weight its ok to eat just this once and then it starts over you eat again and tell yourself you'll start tomorrow but then it happens again and again and the next thing you know you have gained all your lost weight plus more. This tool is going to help me eat slower, eat the proper serving sizes and stay away from the sugars, fats and Carbohydrates that make me fat. i already do water aerobics so once I get some of this weight off I will be seeing the personal trainers at work and get a cardio and weight lifting program started in order to help with my weight loss.   On Monday I am going to have my husband measure me and take a before picture ( they already have one on file with the doctor but I want one for myself. I am going to try to be good about taking a picture each month on the 29th and taking my measurements so I can see my progress I will try to post as I get them but even if I just keep it in my Franklin Planner then I can always update at a later date. Well off to read other stories to inspire me.    

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Surgery Date
Apr 07, 2009
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