22 days an counting

Jul 27, 2010

22 days til surgery.....seems a lifetime away..... trying to keep busy but its all i think about..... going on a cruise in Dec.    hope to be a size 10 by then!  ok  at least a size 14..... :)

surgery and school

Jul 04, 2010

hello all, well I got my surgery date. Aug 20th....   Im so excited!!!   Im not so excited that I have to go back to school on the 24th tho.  this should be interesting.....  ill keep you all posted. ttyl  :)
1 comment

still waiting!

Jun 23, 2010

 this is without a doubt the hardest part.....  omg   let this end!

hurry up and wait....

Jun 13, 2010

 Well my 6 month dietary stuff is done. I turned it all in last Monday. On Friday when I still hadn't heard anything ,I called, only to find that they couldn't find some of their paperwork!! all that wasted time. So they are supposed to turn it in on Monday now. Also they said that even if I am approved, they are not booking until OCTOBER!! Im so frustrated. I know it will happen but I really had a timeline set up for this whole thing to be over by the time I had to go back to school. Im so anal about timelines and punctuality. It drives me nuts when things don't go smoothly. Im so tired of being overweight. also My doc took me off one of my meds and the new stuff is causing me to pack on weight. ARRRGGGGGHHHH  


Apr 22, 2010

 Ok, back on track now. April 27th 6:30pm to 7:00pm Wicomico county public library meeting rooms (downstairs) spread the word this is the new date! hope to see you all there. 
1 comment

Aprils WLS meeting

Mar 30, 2010

 Hello, I had to change the WLS meeting to Wednesday April 10th at 6pm at the Wicomico County Public Library. It was originally scheduled for Thursday April 11th at 7. There was no availability on Thursday (they close early) Thanks, Merri

Aprils WLS group meeting

Mar 30, 2010

 The April WLS meeting at the wicomico county public library has been rescheduled for April 7th at 6pm. This was the only time they had a room available. Thanks, Merri

heart monitor

Mar 21, 2010

 wow, wearing this heart monitor is absurd.A month of it? ugggh. again, jumping through the hoops. night all

exhausted :(

Mar 17, 2010

 I went to the sleep study last night and was woke up every few minutes. it was brutal, all the goop in my hair was awful and they made my scalp bleed when they removed the sensors. I got home just in time to shower and go to my stress test. That was way worse, i couldnt get my heart rate high enough so they injected this stuff that felt like straight adrenaline. I felt like I was gonna die. Im home now and going to bed. tomorrow im off to bmore for my sons surgery stuff. nite nite

nutritionist and support group

Mar 11, 2010

Im Exhausted, I just got back from the nutritionist and mandatory support group. the support group was packed so I blended in pretty well. the Nutritionist was a very nice lady and made me very comfortable. I still feel like this is all a million miles away. pretty down right now. I keep hearing about papers I should have from others and I ask Val and she keeps saying that I dont need them. Im so confused. I called my ins co today and asked them and they keep telling me that I need a 6 month diet history from either my pcp or my nutrtionist. its like these people are pre programmed drones spewing out the same speech over and over. I just want to know if Im doing the right things but they refuse to go off the prepared speech in  front of them. Im tired, beat down, and on the edge. Anyone who says this is the easy way out can go F@#& themselves, because nothing about this is easy. Ive never felt like I was trying to move a mountain more than I have with this.  Im done, good night

About Me
Salisbury, MD
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2010
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Before & After
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240 lbslbs
140 lbslbs

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