post meeting blog

Mar 10, 2010

 I wanted to thank the ladies who were able to meet tonight. I certainly welcome any and all to our next get together in April. i learned alot tonight and look forward to learning more. Goodnight
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Totally Pissed!

Mar 05, 2010

 I got a call from Val yesterday saying that the 2 monthly visits (partly to satisfy the 6 month pcp visits req for the ins) will not do because we discussed my blood pressure and cholesterol at the appt too. And the CC (chief complaint) was listed as "here to discuss weight loss surgery" !!!! instead of,  "weight loss and diet"   arrrhhhgggg. So I get to start all over again. they cant change it because its illegal to alter a medical document. Im so frustrated. I have such a small window in which to get my surgery done so It doesnt interfere with work..... Note to people just starting this process...... see your pcp only to discuss your weight and what you are doing to get it lower and NOTHING ELSE!!! if they try to discuss anything else, put your hands on your ears and say blah blah blah real loud, (doctors love that) until they stop. OR see a nutritionist. ok I vented. Have a good one all  :)

Constant nausea?

Feb 27, 2010

 Ok, so Im not sure why but for the last month I have been nausea (not pregnant) everything is making me sick. Im wondering if its nerves from 2 sick kids, mid terms and pending surgery? but enough is enough. I have plenty of days of vomiting ahead of me (dumping) Has anyone else suffered nausea in the months prior to surgery? the plus side is that Ive lost 9 pounds! Im totally stressed about the heart monitor I have to wear for a month and the whole radioactive stuff they want to inject me with at the stress test or maybe it was being called a "fat bitch" by another driver because he cut me off and I honked at him. When Im stressed I shop. I have been very good about not buying any new clothes since I made the decision to have the WLS. But Im having serious withdrawls. arrrgghhhh.  Ok enough whining. I hope to meet as many of you as possible at the upcoming meeting. anyone who wants to meet prior to the meeting for a bite to eat or some coffee just let me know. speaking of the meeting, are we bringing our support persons? are kids welcome? does anyone have an opinion on this? the room seat 20. anyway, have a good night all! ttyl

Cardiology Schmardiology!

Feb 26, 2010

 Ok, so I saw my cardiologist for my clearance today...thinking everything was going to be in out thanks see ya later. oooohhhh noooo. God forbid anything ever went that easy. I was told that I needed to wear a heart monitor for A MONTH!!!!   24/7 some one will be checking my heart rate and call me if it get out of whack. Now I know I sometimes have palpitations.but hey that usually only when I see a pic of Gerard Butler! are they going to call me every time I watch "Law Abiding Citizen"???? lol, Ok But as you all know we will do what ever they ask to get that approval. My sleep clinic thing is in two weeks so this should be fun being hooked up to more cables than Frankenstein. On top of all this my son has to go to philly for foot surgery. I wonder whats that going to do the heart monitor? arrrggghhhh... Im so glad I pushed to get all my appts started early and waiting till closer to the end of the 6 months. PS all dont forget the meeting in march at the library. If you cant make it try to drop me a line and let me know so we dont sit waiting for you to come.  Have a good one all and let pray for no snow!

I found the original post...

Feb 21, 2010

 here it is verbatim    

"Per Policy Bulletin S-131A insurance requires BMI of >35 with at least one co-morbid condition, minimum two year history of morbid obesity, 6 month PCP diet or 3 month multi-disciplinary diet, exercise and behavior modification program with neither supervised by the surgeon and psych evaluation.  Sleeve and StomaphyX are investigational and not covered."

Im curious about the "multi-disciplinary diet' part.  what does that mean?   


3 months instead of 6?

Feb 21, 2010

 Ok , so I recently read that there was a loophole in the Maryland physicians Care program that says one can wait 3 month instead of 6 if, they have the co morbidities and you can prove that you have struggled with weight loss and made reasonable attempt to fix it for 5 years. Eg: gym receipts....  has anyone else heard about this? cause if thats the case, damn I could be in surgery by April!!!!!  

Psych appt done!

Feb 18, 2010

 Well i went to my psych appt  today, it was quick and painless. My doc said he has done many of these and would take care of it for me. Im so excited. July is right around the corner. ok maybe not around the corner but not to far into the future. hang in there all!
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My future with vitamins

Feb 17, 2010

 So Im looking into how and where to buy the vitamins that Im going to need for the rest of my life. I found a place called Vitamins on Demand that you can customize and have it put into daily packets. I found another place that actually divides it into morning noon and night packets,that place is called My Nutra Pack. Has anyone heard on anything else? Also should I wait til after the surgery? or will I know before what I will need after? uuugggghhh so much to sort out! have a good one!

getting my appts done

Feb 15, 2010

 Well I got my cardiologist and sleep study appts lined up,  and my primary care doc called today and left a message saying she would have to reschedule my last (of the 6 months) appt to another time! the first thing I was thinking was that omg, I am going to 5 months worth of appt just to lose my last one!!??  but luckily she made it a week earlier instead. WIN! So its all been becoming so real now. the health channel has been running bariatric stories all week (not sure why) but they have been insightful and informative. I also see my future if I dont get this in check now. I have lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks but I think it may be due to the head cold I have had for a while now. Again, I must get over this cough before I can go in. Hope you all had a great Valentines day! ttyl

Ahhhh.... Valentines day! (eve)

Feb 13, 2010

 Ok so valentines day is usually a disappointment to me. I beat my self up because I cant fit into all those cute little sexy nighties they sell. My husband is a real trooper and has never complained once about my weight. But one day I would love to be able to go into a lingerie store and actually buy something! (that fits) Im not a chocolate eater so i dont care about candies and roses, but looking sexy would be nice. I keep telling myself, "next year" it will all be different. So this year I will celebrate Valentines day a little differently. A new phase of my life is beginning, And I cant wait!  happy Valentines day all!

About Me
Salisbury, MD
Surgery Date
Feb 03, 2010
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240 lbslbs
140 lbslbs

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