If I just understood...

May 11, 2008

If I just understood why upping my protein, stopping walking for a week and eating poorly caused me to lose weight I might keep it up.   But since I know there is no good explanation for it I have to get back on track. 

So since last Monday I have not gone to work out, only walked a mile (before my nephew took a header off his bike downhill and he had to go to the ER) and except for shopping (but a lot of it) hadn't gotten any other physical exercise in.  Last Wednesday I got unbelievable cravings for junk food due to my period and gave in to quite a few of them.  While I never threw up I did get quesy a few times from the amount of fat I consumed.  So I did everything wrong, and finally the scale moved...down 2 lbs!

I am going to chalk it up to a few things.  1) I was due...I had been stalled for a month  2) My body no longer felt like it was starving 3) My period finally hit (a little late--hope it doesn't screw me up at the beach next month)

This new body and I have to get into synch.  Cause I don't want to continue to eat badly to lose weight, well as we all know that won't work anyhow.

I am starting back on my weights/walking regimine today so it will be interesting to see if my weight loss stalls again, or if it was just a weird thang going on.

For the record I am officially down 60 lbs as of this morning.  Being so close, but the scale not moving to help was a little frustrating.  I now weigh less than I can remember since high school!!!!!

Late night TV is hysterical

Apr 28, 2008

If you have never seen the commerical for tweeze you have missed out on a great laugh.  It's a electric tweezer that gets rid of hair for weeks!  What cracks me up is the chin hair they show...I can't even get my new picture in for my avatar but they can computer generate chin hair!!!!  I certainly have first hand knowledge of chin hair, but am hoping the more I lose, the less excess hair I will have to deal with, but since I am part Polish I think I am stuck with it for life.

So I recovered from my zumba class injuries and returned to the gym.  I took a boxing class, and except for the abs part (which I still suck at) I liked it a lot.  The beginning of last week I kicked ass at the gym, and the end of the week kicked my ass.  I had some sort of stomach bug.  I skipped the gym but still got my walking in.  I haven't weighed since last Monday but I was at 190....wooohoooooo.

I see the doctor on Thursday for my 3 month check up...even though it's almost 4 months.  I had to see him twice after my one month so I guess they bumped me out a little.  My labs look pretty normal to me, only my thyroid looks a little out of whack.  I sure hope I don't have to take another medication for that.  The lab work alone cost $300 and I got lucky cause my friend was able to run two tests for me and saved me $100.  I've got to get a second job with benefits to help out with this stuff.  Part of me still lacks the confidence to go out and interview.  Of course with the economy I don't even know if I can find anything.


2 steps forward, 3 steps back

Apr 12, 2008

So I have been averaging 3 miles a day walking and thought I could step up my exercise program.  I joined a gym and took a Zumba workout class, which includes dancing for cardio and then some mat work for abs.  Going into it my right calf was hurting a little bit, but I thought it might help to stretch it out.  I was not able to do all of it, but I thought I was doing pretty good.  The abs part were a joke, cause I have no strength in my legs to hold them up over my head to do a reverse sit up.  Still in all I was glad I did the class.  Until the next day when I was hurting so bad.  First my back was killing me, and my sister freaked me out by saying if I touch a part of your back and it feels better its your gall bladder.  Well I don't have insurance so the thought of any medical procedure freaks me out cause I can't afford it.
Now my other calf is hurting.  I think that my body just was not ready for "real" exercise.  I think I need to start slow on the circuit workout and build up some strength.  I feel less energized after working out than I did when I just walking.  I wonder if that is due to not enough protein???

I haven't weighed myself in a week or so because my scale is at my sisters house.  She only lives 2 blocks from me, but I don't get my stuff back unless I go get it.  Sisters...what are you gonna do right??

April--I love SPRING! It's quite a Onederland

Apr 02, 2008

Spring never starts for me until April hits; I don't care what the calendar says.  I am so glad it is here, I love spring!  Especially since once being a hot natured person, but no so much since surgery, the temperatures are usually just right.  Truth be told I think I will like summer this year since it does take a lot to warm me up lately. 

So the last week of March tried to kill me...maybe not literally, but it felt like it.  I had constipation from HELL for a week.  I had not experienced anything like it so far, and honestly hope I never do again.  Milk of magnesia made me dump (???) and nothing else was working.  I don't know if it was the combo I finally did or it was just inevitable but when I ate a sugar free piece of chocolate and used an adult suppository (I know TMI) I finally was free of my uncomfortable experience.  I don't think I will ever complain about diarrhea again.

The most exciting news...after the drama I weighed myself and I was less than 200 lbs for the first time in 14 years!!!!!  I am very barely over the edge into Onederland but I am claiming it as my own!

Bring on the good weather!


Is it the end of March already?

Mar 25, 2008

So I have kept up with my walking.  Saturday I ended up walking 5 miles, and I was proud of myself.  I hadn't thought (duh) to write it down everyday but I am now.  Yesterday was freaking cold here, and the wind was horrible...but I still got my butt out and walked the 2.4 mile course around the soccer complex.  I thought I was going at a good pace...but my time didn't reflect it.  I am going to blame it on the wind, it was heck going the last mile against it.  If my niece's practice wasn't over I would have tried to walk a little longer.  I know it sounds petty,but it isn't meant that way, but when I saw other parents just sitting in their car I felt really good about myself.  Now that was me just 4 months ago, I would have sat in the warm car and thought to myself...I really should exercise.

There are still "cons" to this wls, like the fact that I get sick quite easily, and food is still not my friend, and I mean the food that is good for me.  But I honestly will take the cons any day of the week cause the pros are amazing.

Peace out!

I I I I'm so tired, but I just can't lose my stride...I've got

Mar 12, 2008

Can I just say that I love Motown?  That line above is borrowed from Twentyfive miles song by Edwin Starr.  

I also have a new website love. I had no idea for my Monday walk how far I had gone.  Mapmywalk.com lets you map out your walking so you know how far you went.   I mean it did have me cutting across a fenced in football field on their map  but overall it's awesome!!!!

I did 1.19 miles on Monday and 2.41 on Tuesday.  I am definately feeling it today, but I also have to say I feel awesome!!!!

I think maybe this is starting to work for me in more ways than in inches off my belly.  I really needed the energy and pick me up.  (I got a B12 shot from a medical friend the other day versus trying to take those pills every day)  Along with the walking it seems to help.

Now my next, or should I say ongoing, mission is protein, protein, protein!  I am constantly undereating and I know it is having reverse effects on my weightloss.  

My scale did say 210 this morning so I am still happy with my progress.  Slow and steady...I can handle that!  That's almost 4 lbs a week.

February 28th

Feb 28, 2008

So I saw the doc again today.  He feels like everything is going okay, and I agree for the most part.  I am a little worried that in 2 months my bloodwork will be crappy, but I have two months to improve upon it right?

Tuesday night my chest hurt a little and Wednesday I woke up with a terrible chest cold/flu/sinus crap.  I barely moved today until it was time to go to the doctors office.  I almost called for someone to drive me I felt so yucky.  I called my PCP's office and they don't have any appts open til Monday...seems everyone has gotten sick, so they called something in for me.  They NEVER do that...my PCP always wants to see me.  I was so relieved cause the first docs office already cost me $45, and the PCP would have been another 60.  Dodged a bullet there.

So my weight loss was 33 lbs at the docs...wooohooo.  I can't wait to break 200...15 lbs to go.  I imagine it will take me a couple of months...but I can wait.

I wish it were a year from now

Feb 21, 2008

Just like with anything in my life I wish I could skip the hard stuff.  I am having such a difficult time with nausea, low protein days, etc.  I just want it to be done with.

Today I barely could get the chicken in me, it was a challenge to chew and swallow it.  Hardly anything I eat has a good taste to me.  My sense of smell is still so great that it makes me gag on certain stuff constantly.

I am currently trying muscle milk,chocolate mint flavor, to try and get some protein in.  Ugh.  It's not the greatest, but at least it doesn't leave an aftertaste in my mouth.  I can't decide if it, or the calcium tablet I am trying to chew, is making me quesy.  Can calcium make you quesy?

The scale shows that I am down 30 lbs. which to me is a lot!  While I am happy for the loss, I am worried about how fast it is, and if it is a healthy loss, or am I losing muscle???

Time flies when you are having fun

Feb 08, 2008

So it was officially 4 weeks ago I had surgery on Monday.  I had my appt with the Dr. on Thursday for my 1 month checkup.  My incisions look good.  I have lost 25 lbs since the Friday before surgery (my official weigh in at the Dr.'s office).  I didn't take my measurements before the surgery ...stupid of me...but going on the ones I had written down previously I have lost a couple inches off my belly.  Overall I can't complain.

I am having a bit of a problem getting in food and protein.  The Doc  told me to proceed cautiously with soft foods because a stomach flu bit me...twice.  I felt okay yesterday and ventured to eat some grilled chicken and green beans.  Happy to report no problems at all.  I am working to resolve the problem of getting in all my liquids and protein supplements.  If I can continue to get in the chicken,etc I should be okay.

My general mood is a good one.  I like that I fit into my jeans better.  It feels weird that my sweat pants are getting too long in the inseam (is that the right word?) and I won't be able to wear them for much longer.  But I know from past experience that I need to lose another 15 pounds before I will go down in jeans/pants size.  It's this big ol belly that keeps em big.

I am going to the workout place tomorrow to check out their pool facilities to see if I want to rejoin.  I need to get some more aerobic workouts in and I don't have the patience/tolerance for videos.

My goal next week if work slacks off (doubtful..super busy/stressed right now) is to figure out pictures and tickers.


Jan 31, 2008

This weightloss is a rollercoaster.  Two weekends ago I was having a meltdown cause I wanted to chew some real food so badly it didn't seem fair.  (Also my bro and sis thought by excluding me from a movie w/the kids so I wouldn't have to be tempted by popcorn was doing me a favor, when all it did was make me feel like a freak and sank me further into my pity party)

Then I got over that and felt great.  Went to the doctor for the 2 1/2 week checkup, lost 16 lbs....woohoo...I am cool with that.

Now fast forward a week and I can't get my water and protein in cause I am constantly nauseaous!   Weird thing is I can get in chicken broth and beans...but the water/crystal light/etc hurts???  Is this another head thing??  I took an anti nausea pill and all it did was put me to sleep.  I asked the forum and people wrote in it is normal, and one lady said she had it too and her doc called it the ketosis flu.  

I need to call my docs office and see what they have to say.  I am on day #4 of not getting in the right protein/water and I am a little worried.

About Me
Cartersville, GA
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2007
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