Sep 30, 2008

Still alive and Kicking! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy NOT staying home and trying to catch up on so many years missed! I ride Harleys now and go to every bike function that is possible! I have the best man I've ever had in my life to enjoy it with! It doesn't get much better than that! I had to have my gall bladder out in July of this year but it wasn't that big of a deal and I feel so much better. Please email me anytime and I just want to say TAKE YOUR VITAMINS! It DOES Matter. I'm going on 9 years out and I STILL struggle with nutrition! TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!

2006 and 2007

Nov 30, 2007

Just a quick update, everything is still going pretty well here. I am still taking things one day at a time here. I've stabled out finally around 195 and that is great because I still have so much skin to be removed. I have no idea when that will happen but hopefully not too far in my future. I still have depression, I guess some things never change. I don't think you can lose enough weight to get rid of some issues. Oh well, I will update again soon.

04/22/07 Stopping by to give a quick update on my status. I am now at 179lbs and in a size 6! I have a job that I travel now and I am living life to the fullest! Who's gonna care in a hundred years! Life is there for the taking! I am also doing some work as a motivational speaker and helping others with weight loss journeys! I have never been happier that I am right now in my life! Never give up on your dreams!


Nov 30, 2005

I never realized how hard it would be to deal with losing my father December 29th, 2004. We buried him on New Year's Eve. I think I am still pretty numb. It's hard to realize that he's not here anymore. I can't begin to describe how many things you take for granted and you don't miss until those people are gone. I will just take things one day at a time and that's all I can do.
I am still at 183lbs and working out three times a week at the gym. It helps relieve alot of the stress of work and emotional stress that I have been dealing with. It just makes your body feel good to have worked out for an hour or so and then shower and go to work for the day. I believe I am slowly starting to level out on my weightloss which I'm very glad of since I have more skin to be removed and I don't want to be UNDER weight when they are finished. Right now I'm just focusing on each day and getting through it. I will update later on As I progress.

April 23, 2005
Just thought I would stop in and update my amos family to everything going on in my life. I am holding steady at 183lbs now. Which I'm very pleased with since I have about 35 to 40 more lbs of skin to have removed. I am pretty much where I want to be. My life is going great, best job I've ever had, and more time with my family. My son is growing up so fast it hardly seems he should be 12. I am so thankful that I'm where I can at least enjoy being with him now where I missed out on so much before. I will never take being able to get out and go for granted nor do I plan to sit idle and let my life go by. I am planning to take up horse-back riding soon. Just one of those things I've never done so why not?*GRIN I will update that when it happens...Planning on several trips in the future, going to Gatlinburg, Las Vegas and traveling all over! I love my new life! New pictures coming soon!

June 17th I am now home recovering from an emergency surgery I had last Sunday, June 9th at Baptist Hospital. It seems I had some adhesions( scar tissue) that had grown around my lower intestine and had blocked it off completely. I have never had any pain as severe as I did when I went to the ER. Please if you listen to nothing else, drink tons and tons of water and juice and keep your body healthy! They said my surgery was not necessarily something to do with weight loss surgery, it could happen to anyone, but if you can do anything to avoid it, please do. I am feelingmuch better now but I've got a couple more weeks before I can even return to work. UGHHH What a week. I will update more later.

08/23/05 Well I am finally back at work! I had my incision line rupture with infection and now have two holes in the wound that are draining! YUCK! I panicked when it busted open and called Dr. Husted's office and his nurse Jamie said, "well you need to go see your primary care doctor"! SHEESHHHH! I just felt like I was blown off. I mean, I had the surgery done there at Baptist and really felt like I wanted Dr. Spaw or Husted to see the incision. Oh well, I guess I'll learn someday. Regardless, My Primary care doctor admitted me to the hospital and I had antibiotics through an IV and am feeling better. He did prefer I go to my surgeon to be checked out but I'm not sure I want to go back there unless I have to after the phone call. OH WELL! The best thing is I am starting to feel better and getting back out in the world! My life is going really well. I just got back from LAS VEGAS on a wonderful week adventure with my family! It was awesome! I don't want to go back again for a long long time !HEE HEE! BUT IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!

October Thru Novenber 2004

Oct 31, 2004

3.5 year out CHECKUP!
I went to see Dr. Husted yesterday and I am now down to 190lbs! I am having alot of acid reflux lately so we are going to schedule an endoscopy to see what's going on. I'm sure it's not much. I also have an appointment with a plastic surgeon on October 13th to see about getting the rest of this skin off! I can't believe I wear a size 8 and a small in everything! Life is so wonderful! Wish me luck on the endoscopy and I will update as soon as I learn more!

11/06/04 WOW! What an exciting week this has been. I just got home from doing a segment on the Maury Povich show. That was awesome to be flown to New York City and get a makeover and enjoy the spotlight even if it was brief. I have to admit however that I am sure glad to be back in Tennessee. They haven't let me know when the show will air but when they do I will update. You know, I've done alot of thinking about my life in the last few days and where I've come from since I began this journey. I always tried to keep my chin up and think to myself" I was made this way for a reason", Well If I can inspire just ONE person and make a difference to Just ONE other Obese person, then I think it's all been worth the suffering I've done. I want so much to get out the message that you don't have to ACCEPT your life as it is and you can always make the changes if you put your heart into! I will update more as soon as I can.

11/08/04 I weighed this morning and I now weigh 183lbs! That's a total loss of 503lbs! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


July Thru August 2004

Jul 31, 2004

July 14th, 2004 Well my latest update is I now weigh 195 lbs and keep losing! I feel wonderful! I am in a size 8 jeans and have begun the process of getting approval for the rest of my plastic surgery. I still need my arms, thighs and boobs done. My life is so much fun! I go dancing on the weekends, exercise all the time and just plain keep busy. My father has gotten very ill with cancer and so much of my time is caring for him, but I wouldn't trade a minute of my precious time to be with him as much as possible. He means the world to me. Please keep my family and my father in your thoughts. I will have a new picture posted soon.

August 4th, 2004
Wow life is just flying by! My dad is having a hard time right now and his health is not doing really well. The chemo is hard on him and he has a few bad days every week due to nausea etc. But he hasn't given up and I feel that is half the battle. I on the other hand am living life as much as I can! I still shop like a wild woman and buy too too many outfits. I am down to 195 and I am still waiting on approval for the Next session of plastic surgeries. They estimate I have at least 35lbs of just skin to be removed. I plan to get a new updated after shot posted soon. I have dyed my hair back to dark brown like it normally is. I just got tired of the blonde look. Of course it was fun while it lasted. I am planning on showing up for the WALK FROM OBESITY IN NASHVILLE TN and I am gathering a small support group to walk with me! I feel we have a statement to make and we are going to make it by showing before and after pictures on a poster and carrying it with us! Pretty weird to look forward to a mile walk when in the years past a walk to the bathroom was trying. Life sure is different. I would still do it again in a heartbeat! I have a life now, and it's wonderful and I cherish every single day and every single second I have. I love my AMOS family and hopefully will be able to post some pictures and more updates soon. I have several Support group appearances scheduled and I will post the times and dates as soon as I get the list. NEVER GIVE UP!

08/20/04 I have been very busy lately with my personal life but still find the time to enjoy my new life. I feel wonderful. Everyday Just gets better for me. I do still have problems eating meats sometimes, and somedays I don't want anything to eat and then others I could eat everything I can find! HA. I guess that is all normal. I am still waiting to get approval for the rest of my plastic surgery so keep your fingers crossed for me. I am still losing weight! I will update more as I go! I actually go out dancing on the weekends sometimes now! That is something I would have never dreamed of doing before! Keep your head up! It's SOOOOOO worth it!

March and April 2004

Mar 31, 2004

Today I stepped on the scales and to my great surprise I have lost another 7 lbs! I am now at 209lbs and have lost a GRAND TOTAL OF 477 lbs all together! I am happier than I've been in a long time! My health is finally back near normal and I am feeling unstoppable! Love to all of you that have helped me through this and I will update again soon!

March 22nd,2004.....Just stopping in to update again. I am feeling like a million bucks! Things are so much better in life for me. I have a great job, a great family and feel so energetic! I am still losing weight as I am 208 lbs! Hey it's only a pound but they add up quick! I will update again as things happen for me! It is so much fun to buy clothes off the rack and buy tank tops and capri's for the first time in my life and FEEL GOOD about how I look!

March 28th, 2004 SUNDAY
Okay People, I waited all winter for the summer time so that I could PERSONALLY PUSH MOW my OWN yard! I DID IT TODAY WHOOHOOOO ! The whole darn thing all by myself! Now for the kicker! This is really hard and WAY OVERATED! LOL I would have rather watched mold grow than ever do it again! Needless to say, I've met my goal and now I never have to do that ever again!*LOL I will hire someone for that like everyone else does! But the great part is I AM ABLE to do it IF I CHOSE TO! I just am not going to CHOOSE to do this anymore! The key warning here: WATCH WHAT YA WISH FOR! I need a life!LOLOLOL LATER!

April 4th, 2004 Today I learned that My (dad's sister) Aunt Lorene Anderson passed away. She had suffered a long fight with cancer and finally she has passed on to a better place. I Loved her so much and I know she knows she will be missed. She was the Aunt that I always spent the weekends with growing up with my cousin of the same age. I just wanted to ask you all to keep her family in your thoughts at this time.

APRRIL 5th, 2004
Today is my Parents 41st Wedding Anniversary! I am so proud that they are who they are and have supported me in my journey and in my life. I love them both more than life and I owe them everything. Ironically, my Dad's sister that passed away yesterday was the one that decorated their car and got it ready while they got married. It's kind of a mix of sadness and memories and blessings all at one time. I am the luckiest person in the world to have the family I have.

04/16/04 OMG! I weighed today and I am officially 204lbs! Still shrinking! WHOOHOOOOOOOOOO! Loving life and shrinking! I will update again soon! HOpefully lighter!

April 28th, 2004 WOOHOOOOOOOO! I wieghed today at the doctor and I am now down to 200lbs even! My goal is 199 as I haven't been that small since Junior high! HA! I will update again next week!


January 2004

Dec 31, 2003

I am now officially 218lbs! WOOHHOOOO! Got in my first size 10 jeans today! That's the things that make it all worth it! I've had so much fun shopping and getting all the new clothes as I can now wear a medium/large top and all the smaller clothing is soooooo cheap! I have several support group speakings coming up and I am very excited about that! I love reaching out to others and sharing my story! I will keep you updated with pictures and events as they happen! I couldn't have made it this far without all of your support!



A POEM...........

Let Someone Know Your Pain
For a few moments, let someone help carry your pain

Someone who is there because they care enough to help a stranger in need

Because they know, or they have seen,
From someone they know, or somewhere they've been

That your life may be in danger and there's nothing they can say,
To really make that pain go away.

But they are there for you even so,
Because somehow they know,

That somehow, some way, They can help you find the strength
to live another day...

July Thru December 2003

Nov 30, 2003

I just wanted to update, I am now down to 239lbs! Didn't think those scales were gonna move! Still losing here! Over 2 years out and still melting away! Having a little hair loss due to the anesthesia from the Plastic surgery but it is slowing down I think. I go in for my 2 years plus check up with Dr. Husted on July 29th at 3:00pm. I will update more then!


I have had a great time lately. I did have 13 days in the hospital in which they gave me two antibiotics through an iv and some vitamins. I am still on ORAL antibiotics and have my first iv IRON infusion on Monday. I am severely anemic so they feel like this will help build up my blood and have me feeling better in no time. Dr. David Florence has been such a wonderful PCP! He has went above and beyond to help me get my health back !I owe him so much for helping me get a life! I also went to speak at Dr. Kramer's support group in Lebanon, VA and had a fantastic time! I even got to see my friend Pat Cline from East TN who decided to pop in and surprise me. I got to meet his patients and they are all such sweet people and Dr. Kramer is the nicest man you would ever want to see! The next day, I went and visited the Hospital in Shelby, NC and met with Ann Wise there and the other staff! What a bunch of sweethearts! I am lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life! I didn't get to stop and see my friends Sherri and Jeff on this Trip as they live in East TN but I am hopefully going to see them soon. My life has been so busy between the hospital and all the traveling. Leigh Ann Robert has been so sweet and she fixed up my profile for me and did all these great graphics!

11/19/03 Wednesday

I am now officially down to 223 lbs and wearing a size 14 Misses Jeans! It is so exciting! I am still recovering from cellulitis due to my still healing Plastic surgery incisions. It has been over 9 months and I am still having problems with healing as well as being severly anemic. I contribute the anemia to My Plastic Surgery. Because I had no problems healthwise until I had it. Regardless, I am feeling better and stronger every day! My Primary care Doctor is Doctor David Florence in Manchester, TN. He has been nothing but wonderful to me and if it weren't for his careful followup and concern I wouldn't be doing as well as I am now! I am very grateful that I have him to help me get through this!

I got to go speak at Fort Gordon in Augusta Georgia last week and met with my good friend Florrie Cox! What an honor to speak at their support group especially on Veteran's day! I can't wait to see her again! I will keep you all updated on my journey! I have been invited to Jellico TN on December 4th to speak at another support group! I love meeting our members and others on the same journey we are!

12/09/03 Tuesday
I am very excited that it is near the Holiday and for once I will get to wear pretty outfits and have a great time! I won't be concentrating on food but the family and friendship! What a great idea for the Holidays!LOL I am now down to a size 12 Misses Jeans and I am loving every single inch of it! I could get into a 10 but I don't want to get too pushy!*S Wow but it does feel good to slip on blue jeans and a sweatshirt and feel good about how I look. I will update again before Christmas but I feel so lucky to have such a great family to look out for me and to support me! I Know I couldn't have made it without them! I will update soon! I am now down to 220lb! It's slower now losing the weight but also I am about ready to stop losing. I think with more plastic surgery I will be where I need to be. I plan on having my arms and my legs done and some day my breasts if I'm lucky! But I still wouldn't trade one minute of my life now for the life I had before!


I have so much to be thankful for this year! I look back over this past year and see how many great friends I've made. I love Pat Kline and Dr. Kramer for their Kindess. Then I met Florrie Cox and her husband and the group at Fort Gordon who showed me such hospitality and honored me with letting me pose for a picture with the soldiers there. I met The support group with Kimberly B. and Brenda in Knoxville and finally met BIG DADDY KYLE!LOL Then I met Wanda Peace at Jellico TN's Support group and they were so sweet! Wow, what a wonderful bunch of friends I've been blessed with. Now to my family, My mother who is my best friend, My dad who is very sick but I have got to be with him more and we finally have realized we are just alike and now we seem to have a bond and I now Know he is proud of me. That means the world. I also have the most perfect 11 year old son that is my best friend as well! We have so much fun now in my post of life! I have my fiance' Robert who has taken such good care of me and is the love of my life. I've had the most support from my family. My uncle Ron, My uncle Sam, My cousin Sean and my friend Vickie. I don't know what I did to deserve the wonderful things I have in my life but I've learned how precious they are. Don't let the little things in life bother you. It's the major ones that matter. I love all of you for the kind letters and support you've all shown me as members here when I needed you he most. You've never let me down. That's why Obesityhelp is so important to us all. I hope you all have a wonderful NEW YEAR and I will help anyone if I can in anyway!:) I will keep you updated on this years support groups I get to visit and be sure and keep the updated pictures coming! I have one coming soon! I am in a size 12/10 now and loving it! Oh! Thanks to LeighAnn Robert for all she has done to help me with my profiles! She is awesome! Stay tuned!:)

July Thru September 2003

Aug 31, 2003


WOW! I had a blast yesterday! Just had to share. I went to my first Amusement park since I was very young. My family and I went and my son and I rode all kinds of dangerious looking stuff!*LOL I don't know what was more fun, riding the rollercoaster or watching his face full of laughter and I screamed my fool head off!! We are having the time of our life! It has been so worth this rough road to get to where I am now! Just wanted to tell you all to hang in there no matter where you are on this journey, IT IS SO WORTH IT!

07/29/03 Had a check up at Dr. Husted's office!
I have now lost four more lbs! I weigh 234lbs! I have lost a total now of: 452lbs! WOW! I couldn't believe that I had lost as I was having the old' I probably gained 20 lbs thoughts*LOL This is so great!

09/01/03 I weighed this morning and now I am down to 230lbs! I love my new life! I love all the new things I am getting to try and work at personally!
09/21/03  What a weekend I had! I attended the 2003 WALK FROM OBESITY IN NASHVILLE, TN! I got to have my picture taken with Country Singer Vince Gill, The titan's Cheerleaders, as well as met some of our wonderful members here at Obesityhelp! What a great day it turned out to be! I hope there will be even more of us there to show our support next year! I will be posting our pictures from that day soon! Have a great week!

March Thru June 2003

May 31, 2003

Today is my first day that I've been able to be back up and on the computer. Wow, I never expected to be gone so long. I just feel luck to be alive and I still have a long way to go before I am back to myself. Just wanted to update. I am under home health care still for a while to come now, and will be another month or so in getting and the incisions closed up. But I at least feel like I will live through this. This was much harder on me than the first surgery. I will update more as I can.

I weighed today and I am down to 250lbs! I still have some swelling to go too! So I am so excited! I am getting stronger every day and starting to enjoy life again! A SIZE 16! WOOHOOOO!

I had a visit from home health today. Everything is looking good except my belly button my need an additional surgery:( I wasn't really thrilled with the thought of that. BUT I LOST ANOTHER 6 LBS and I now weigh 244~:) Life is so great now!

Well, It's been almost 4 months since my Plastic Surgery Adventure. I am still healing but much better than I was this time last month. I wanted to Thank each and every staff member at Harton Hospital because they treated me so good! Linda Millaway, and especially SHERRI who is in Charge on the OB floor where my room was located! She went to great lenghts to make sure I was comfortable and happy! Even the nutrition staff went above and beyond what you would expect someone to do for you! There were so many I can't name them all, Virginia Teal (THE IV WOMAN), Alberta, Lola and I am sorry If I am forgetting anyone! I love you all!


About Me
Manchester, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I was a different person here. Completely hopeless and miserable.
Updated! Taken 04/01/06! 188 lbs and loving life!

Friends 114

Latest Blog 37
November 23rd 2008 HAPPY THANKSGIVING
