3 yrs out!

Sep 23, 2010

3 yrd out and holding strong. I am at 140lbs but considering where I have come from I am happy to have not only achieved my goal but still maintaining the new me. I always hope to stay beneath the 140 mark. I flexuate between 137-143lbs.
 Every day is still a challenge, I fear I dont get in adequet protein and do eat slider food some times. Ok i do have some every day, handful of cheezits for example. But I work out almost every day. different things, I hola hoop (20min), wlak (3 miles), bike or do a work out tape. I dont always want to but do my best to do it anyway.
Wish I had a suport group, would be so helpful to have someone else to talk to and inspire me. Hard to walk this alone, I do agree that I have alot of work to still do inside myself. For I did think this surgery would help me stop wanting the bad foods, it hasnt. My mind is still not always in the right place. So guess I have work to do. Fingers crossed I can figure out the healing I need still.
But still so happy and thankful to be back in a body I can breath in..

2yr 7mo out

Apr 13, 2010

 So I blog for me occasionally i guess to let myself realize there are others out there.  I am doing good but feel like my eating is going down hill :(.. I need a support group or system but cannot seem to find one here in TN that is not an hour away.. I am holding at around 138lbs. I flexuate by about 3lbs on any given day. I would really like to loose the last 10pounds and get a more fit body. Yet it is so hard to exercise, I need inspiration! I so want a positive work out partner to encourage me. If I could afford it I would hire a personnal trainier.
I know somthing is wrong when my favorite jeans no longer are fitting every day comfortable .. Makes me very sad. weight hasnt change but about a 2-5lbs since they fit perfectly. So what is the deal? I still get sick or have dumping frequently if I eat bad stuff. Guess I am glad for it, keeps me in line for the most part. I still and doctor tells me will always not be able to get physically sick again. Guess at three months I lost the muscle in my throat that allows that. He said it happens to a small percentage of people after surgery. So wish I could still get sick so when I over eat it could come back up and I would not have to suffer through tummy pain.
Other then my complaining I do feel very proud of myself. But pray daily for strength to not mess this gift up I was given.. Really need some support system to help me out..

23 months out!!

Sep 12, 2009

September 12, 2009

OK friends and support family out there in cyber space here we go.. I'm planning to whine a bit then pull up my big girl panties and deal with it!
But first, I am very proud of myself for doing for good maintain my weight, I should say until this past month. Now I would like to blame it on life. My sweet daughter (15y) has gotten very sick and been in and out of hospital, we have moved to a new state (TN in July), My grandmother is wonderful and my husband and me care for her. So along with the move we have needed to get her moved from MO. over to TN and find a care home that I could live with for her. My mom, dad and sis are just not doing well at all health wise. Depression/ anxiety has stricken me hard this past 3 weeks, I'm walking around in a circle of my own self potty party. Can I add I am miserable not to be able to shake this on my own. Yes I am back on depression meds some time now, for situational anxiety mostly and this uncontrolled arm itching that is how my body deals with tension I guess. Lets see what else, I lost my very best friend the month before we moved. My sweet dog Molly (a beautiful Saint Bernard) I got her at 6 weeks old, she has been through many deployments with me and held all my secrets. I honestly think if it is possible I am still so heart broken about it ...
Snacking and bad eating have become almost daily living. Between all the company, moving, family and hospital stays I have made repeatedly boy choices. Choosing taco bell or kfc over thinking ahead and taking care of myself. Worst part is that I have not taken vitamins in month steady. For a few reasons, mostly because I forgot or got lazy (honestly). Well I think it has caught up with me, the fatigue is upon me something fierce, no energy and wanting to graze all day. This past month or two I have put on about 7lbs.. To some this sounds like nothing but to someone whom has struggled and finally felt concurred this weight stuff (sadly mistaken) it feels devastating. Like it is 20 or 30 lbs. my heart feels heavy and I am trying to get back on track.
So let me begin with saying I'm back on-line asking for help and support. I need to be accountable again, I need to remember that life is still 100 times better now and I do have the power to eat right and exercise. So darn it, I just need to do as I said. STOP this complaining and move forward!! Look forward to any advice or just anything...
BTW- I am on day 4 of the "5Dy pouch test", have done really well. As of this morning I am back under the 140 mark, 3lbs lost so far, and that nice full feeling is back. Headaches are still here but those will go in time also :)..
Love to all,


January 20, 2009

Jan 20, 2009

1 yr 4 mo. out

Long time since my last post. I am doing good, my weight is ranging between 132-136. Personaly I feel that is probable normal but not sure if 4 pds is maybe a little much. I have definatly done some wrong eating. I try to keep up on my protein, b-12, vitamins and water. But sadley feel like i am making bad choices with snacking. Should stickk more to what I no is right (fruit, protein etc.). But grabing a handful of cheezits or crakers and cheese seems to be in my hand before the right thing does.  I need to work on that. Oh and sadly sweetes yikes, I only have a little but realy would like to get back to 2 bites, enjoy the taste and move on mentality. So much easier said then done on some days. Ok since I use this as my coming clean spot here is one more. It has become very cold here, so exercise outside has been stoped. I have plenty I can do inside (wii fit etc.) just need to do it! Ok so tomorow is a new day, so figure if I put this out there maybe I would remind myself how important it is to change the life style of eating and living. Stop trying to fall back into that dark place I was such a short time ago..

October 19, 2008

Oct 19, 2008

Well quick note I obviously did not due my pouch test. At this time guess I am not ready to do it. But I feel my lil tum tum is doing just fine. I am actually down to 130lb. now and feeling great. I do not think I was down to this weight even on my wedding 16yrs ago. But I enjoy walking and running now. I do light weight lifting whe I get in the right mindset. Life is good and I am very happy to be were i am at. Thankful I had this opportunity to get myself back..

August 23, 2008

Aug 21, 2008

Trying the 5 day pouch test

Days 1 & 2: Liquid Protein
low-carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar-free gelatin and pudding.

Deciced it was coming close to my 1 yr surgery anniversary so I want to see how on track my sweet little tummy is.. Or if this 5 day test starts back up on a loosing streak-lol. I have been holding steady at 137-139lbs. for past month or so now. I consider it fantastic, but I am definatley falling back a little into snacking and not preparing protein to have but instead grab a 100 calorie pak of something or a handful of something I should probable notbe grabing(why do we do this- habit?).
So hopefully i can handle this first two days on the liquid thing. You forget how dificult it is to not have food as an option. But I did this (wls) so that I could empower myself for change and strength. I want to no that I am still in control of things. Not sure if that makes sense but I am giving it a try (for me). So here I go...

May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008

8 1/2 mo. Out
Wow time sure fly's, I am doing very well have had no complications .. I am down to 142lbs, wearing size 4's and 6's in pants!! I am not scheduled to see my surgeon now until the one year mark. But all blood work is great!!Could not be more happy with how far I have come. Well except of course I fear what everyone does at this point. Yes, that would be that I am falling into old habbits of snaking. I find myself hungry/ bored and grabbing crakers or somehting of the sort . How awful to admit I am snacking like this. Also I still drink with meals, I try not to but am so thirsty when I eat.. I have always been a big water drinker. Hubby is still deployed but coming home for r & r soon. I am so looking forward to seeing him and seeing what he thinks of the new me!! Funny he left just after the surgery so WOW big changes since then..

March 11, 2008

Mar 09, 2008

5 mo. out

Life is going great I have 6 lbs to reach the goal my surgeons set for me. I would say I am 98% sure all the time that this was the best thing for me. 2% is that little devil part of me that still desires the sweets
I see the doc today for my 5mo. check up, I am sure everything is good. I checked out the labs myself and I am in the perfect range on everything. Except ironically my cholesterol is on the low range. To funny considering that I was 363 before the surgery. My only concern I will bring up is the little bruises I have all over my legs and arms. Figure could be an iron issue but my iron is perfect on blood work. Guess it could be that I am just bumping into things alot-lol. 
So there is the run down, food and all those little issue are doing great. As time goes by you just conform with anything I am finding. Wow, what a life change for the better. I am down to 151lbs. and could not be happier if this was my final weight. Love the way I feel and the way I look in my skin again..

December 29

Dec 28, 2007

3 1/2 mo. out
Things are going good. Protein is good and food is good. I feel like I have proble tried a few things I should have chosen not to but I am good. Each day is a new experience. I can pretty much eat what ever but in moderation (small, small amounts). I try to stick to high protein foods, but honestly the occasional slip get's me. Wish i could stay stong and with exerciseing. I do not no why it is so hard to stick with it . But as long as I am putting forth effort every day I no that is something. 
I want it to be known that this surgery was a life saver. All my blood work, blood presure and heart issues have resolved themselves. I am no longer on any of the cholesterol meds (yipee) and have been off my depression meds for a month now. This is not to say I do not have my moments but they are becoming further between and that I am so happy for.

November 17, 2007

Nov 17, 2007

8 weeks out
Monday will be 8 weeks out!! I am 36lbs down and have lost 15 1/2 inches total to date. Funny but I am shrinking and it is great. Eating is good, need to get a little more creative I think. Getting watr in sometimes is hard, but try try try-lol. Protein is much easier to get in now that I do the New Whey protein bullets (42g) per 3oz. So life is good, need to exercise more..

About Me
Sevierville, TN
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 24
October 19, 2008
August 23, 2008
May 29, 2008
March 11, 2008
December 29
November 17, 2007
