November 10,2007

Nov 10, 2007

7 weeks out

Quick note to say hi and let those of you who are watching know how I am doing. I am down to 180lbs. 32lbs. since morning of surgery. I am feeling pretty great. Have gotten alot of energy that I dont remember having before :).. 
I am sad and missing my hubby quite a bit, but am so happy he was home for the surgery. I would not have wanted it any other way. I am excited to show off all these new curves and this tummy that seems to be flattening out every day-lol. 
This surgery was deffinatly the right choice for me in my life. Though hard at times my health is improving with leaps and bounds.

October 15, 2007

Oct 15, 2007

4 weeks post op today!!

Hopeing this gets easier

Oct 08, 2007

October, 8, 2007

 A bit embarrassed to admit this but I am just so darn sad about life right now. I am tired so easy, I do still feel hungry and the small amount of food I eat (usually mashed potatoes) never seems enough. I guess I am feeling really sorry for myself. I wish my darn head would get with it and think right! This pain in my left side wraps around to my back and is just wearing me out . I started the building blocks vitamins last week and they are making me have some mild dumping. I think there are just so many to take in a day that it upsets my stomach. Darn just needed to get this off my chest. I wish I would stop having tears for not any real good reason and just deal with it (errrr)...

October 3, 2007 2 week post op

Oct 03, 2007

I changed my start weight to day of surgery pre-op weight.

ok DEEP breath

Oct 01, 2007

October 2, 2007                         2 weeks out

Deep breaths are what I have been taking a lot of. Alright surgery went well, was in the OR an extra hour do to some bleeding issues. But all turned out well. 2 1/2 dys in the hospital (good hospital) no complaints. Nurses were great! I was released on a Wednesday and back in the ER on Sunday with terrible pain. They thought it was appendicitis, nope ended up being my drain tube had migrated down to my appendix/bladder area. Obviously causing some substantial pain. Anyhow ER treated me wonderfully was quick doing a battery of test and pushing pain meds as needed. Dr.Davis on call bariatric surgeon found the problem removed the tube and BINGO!! Pain was gone just like that. I am having a good deal of discomfort still in my left side still. Today I am 2 weeks out from surgery, feeling scared that I was nuts for thinking I could handle this right now with my husband leaving so soon. 
That takes me to last night. I had the grand crying session. About 4 hour’s worth of out of my mind thoughts of sadness. I am sure this is because of the upcoming, very long deployment, not feeling like me yet, saying good bye to food for now and learning to be alright with this change I have permanently done to my body. It is really hard, can’t make light of that. I am so proud of all the people out there who just breeze through this, power to them. Guess I am just me and what can I expect. I hope to feel better soon, I prey that something gives me that inner strength I really need right now.
O.k. that about wraps it up for now. I am just trying to be strong, love my family, deal with these huge changes I have created for myself and love myself. That last one I have never yet achieved but is one of my biggest goals...

about 15 hrs 2 go

Sep 16, 2007

Wowser, I am almost there.. Say a little prayer for me, thank you for everyone's kind messages and thoughts.

3 days, almost here..

Sep 14, 2007

Yikes, getting close now, 3 more days. I am having the same jitters I think everyone gets. Mine are more about the first few weeks following. I read so many posts about how bad the first 2 weeks or so can be. I am really preying for an uneventful beginning. Dr.Scot’s office just called to let me know the surgery has been moved an hour sooner Monday. Yeah, the sooner I get in there the sooner I am on my way to recovery to see my hubby . I am so thankful it has worked out for him to be here by me through this first week or two. O.k. enough rambling, but then again one more thing to say. Yuck is the liquid diet. I am on day 5 (only minimal slips-lol) but this part is not great...

10 dys and counting...

Sep 07, 2007

September 7/07
Wowosers, 10 days to surgery... Getting pretty excited. Thursday was my last appointment with Dr. before surgery (DOSA appt.). Appointment went great, all my questions covered I headed for the hospital for pre op clinic. Had the normal (EKG, chest x-ray, blood work) they were right on task, not a lot of waiting around. I am to start my liquid living on Monday , freaked out just a little about loosing food. But it is a new beginning and the challenge to becoming healthier is on-lol... Not sure if anyone else has volunteered to be in the study but I am doing the buttress study on both linier and round staples (should be interesting). Also I volunteered to do the breast cancer/ obesity related study. Hum did that first part today, not sure that I will stay in that study...


18 days and counting..

Aug 30, 2007

August 29,2007
To all of you fantastic friends I have made here . A little update to share.. I am approved, Tricare phoned me tonight at home around 6:30pm to let me know they were sorry for the hold up and misunderstanding. I AM APPROVED!!!!  Surgery in 18 days.. 
Thank you,

Freaking out..

Aug 28, 2007

Big Update                       August 27, 2007 

So life is pretty much sucking this week.. I have found out that my insurance company (Tri Care Prime) has decided in there eye’s I am not qualified for the surgery. Dr.Scot and Dr.Suttlemoeller are doing what they can but it is not looking good. I am sad to say after everything has been completed, all steps in the process done the insurance is playing god. I am feeling super frustrated and extremely let downL. Guess we will see what happens after the doc’s put there two cents in with Tri care. I can not believe how close I was to having this part of my life finally in my control. Guess I was sadly mistaken; it is in some medical boards hands in Texas.  

About Me
Sevierville, TN
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 24
October 19, 2008
August 23, 2008
May 29, 2008
March 11, 2008
December 29
November 17, 2007
