A Year has gone By???

Aug 27, 2010

August 27, 2010
WOW - I just logged on, knew it had been a while, but holy COW, it's been a whole year since I last posted!!!

Well, I guess I've just let a year go by without doing much at all about losing some more weight.  In fact, I haven't!  I did just join the gym this week, have been eating healthier and I'm very excited to try to go down another size.  I feel like I don't know what I'm doing in the gym...if any old friends read this, please give me a little advice

Thank you!


Help....not yet satisfied

Aug 12, 2009

My baby's 8th birthday is tomorrow and this is their last week of summer vacation before going back to school...time flies!!

Although I had plenty of plans on how I was going to lose some more and get down another couple of sizes, I didn't and I haven't   I keep going back and forth from 172-174lbs but I refuse to stay here.  I'm still wearing 12/14 clothes and I desperately want to go down another size...my extra skin on my stomach and hips are preventing me from that, but I'm going to try.  I know I can eat better than I have been, so please send me some support and help me to be smarter and lose some more

Where have I been?

May 22, 2009

I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on this website and posted anything!!!  The bad news is, I haven't lost a whole lot more, but the good news is that I think I'm still losing since I just lost a few lbs.  I haven't made my goal yet, but I'm now at 178lbs which is a 116lb weight loss post surgery.  I really want to go down 1 or 2 more sizes - I'm eating really well, but have to watch it.  I'm amazed that I'm still making pretty good choices, but to get to goal, I'm going to have to do some hard work.

I'll post a few new photos ~ hope you're all doing great out there.  Have a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend!!!
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Not much change

Mar 09, 2009

I now weigh 185 lbs....that's a loss of 109.  I'm still about 25 lbs from goal and the weightloss has slowed so much, I've decided to pump up my exercise.  I've just been walking 2 miles a day so I've decided to start this "couch to 5K" program I found when I was wanting to know how to become a person who runs/jogs as I've never been able to run in my life.  So I started on Saturday - just running for 2 minutes during my walking time.  The running time gradually increases a little each week...month, etc. until eventually I'll be able to run more than walk.  I did better the first day than I thought i would and I'll be going for day 2 later on today.  I had to go to Sports Authority and buy some support under clothing to try and hold "it" all in while I run.  Today will be my first time wearing it, so I'll let you know how it worked.

I bounced in a bounce house the other day with my husband and son....never would've done that before.  We went to the beach yesterday....I played frisbee and ran around a little bit.  I felt full of energy!  We weren't dressed for swimming or anything...still too cold, but I realized that I still feel like a fat person.  I guess because I do still have some, plus a lot of skin and sagging going on - a lot of jiggling.  Oh well, it's better than all the fat I had on me before.  Hopefully more exercise will help me to get down some more where I want to be.  I can't wait to go down another size before I start buying spring/summer clothes.

A little bit more

Feb 24, 2009

I guess I should post before this month is gone - I was waiting for a better result but here it is - today I weigh 187.  I wish my tool was more restricting and I couldn't eat as much as I do.  Obviously I've never been good at the self control thing or I wouldn't be on this website.  Random people have been telling me that I'm wasting away, or "you don't want to lose anymore do you?"  Of course I want to lose more...I'm still too close to 200lbs.  I'm a size 14 and I'm only 5'3" so i think i should get down to at least 160.  That's my goal anyway.  It's really mind blowing to think that I'm not too far away from my goal.  I've always been so far out of reach from that before and now to know that I'm actually close is so  .    I'd also like to get down to about a size 10.  Why shouldn't I?  My mom is now about 2 1/2 months out and still can't hardly eat anything without getting sick.  She's all the time.  It's been so easy for me, I feel bad that she's having a hard time.  She really needs this to work for her. 

How much have you lost?

Jan 25, 2009

That seems to be the question of the day!  Of course I've been asked the question along the way, but now that I've lost more than 100lbs, I feel an embarrassment to say the number.  In my head, I know it was obvious to anyone who looked at me that I was more than 100lbs over weight, but it was something that I never said out loud to other people.  I'm very proud and excited - but there's still a bit of embarrassment that I was that big I guess.

So today, I weigh 191 lbs which means I have lost 103 lbs post op 4/14/08.  I'm feeling fantastic - I've been bike riding a lot with my kiddos and walking every morning.  I've bought some new clothes and have shopped at stores I never could have before.  I'm so grateful for all that the Lord has blessed me with.

Happy New Year

Jan 06, 2009

I don't know how to get the card, but I have lost 100 lbs - do you hear me?  ONE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!!  I weigh 194 and yesterday I tried on several size 14 dress pants which fit and I bought 3 of them since I only have 3 pairs of jeans that fit and no other pants to wear to work.  I bought a cute size 16 black dress that I wore to church Sunday.  I'll have to have hubby take my picture in it and post it.

I can't believe I'm wearing a size 14 - which I haven't worn since I was 14 years old back in 1985-86.  But I sure didn't have the hips back then that I do now.  I've been eating all the wrong things and too much.  Tonight it's back to chicken breast and brocolli.  I've got to stay away from my mother in-law's mexican food.  She wanted to teach me how to cook chili rellenos - ugh the oil, the cheese - yummy of course!

I'm still walking early every morning - I feel like I'm sleep walking - I am so not a morning person but I'm glad I'm getting in some exercise.  If it's not too cold this evening I'll ride my bike again.  Wish I had a Wii fit...........

Merry Christmas

Dec 17, 2008

Yippeee!!  I've been waiting to post until I was in onederland and this morning I finally weighed in at 199!  I thought it was going to happen a couple weeks ago but the weight loss has really slowed down.  It's so amazing to me because the number has always been such a big deal since I've been over 200 since about age 13.  I went and told my husband to do the Balky dance with me (inside joke)

I've been under a lot of stress - $$$ for Christmas as usual, both my mom and mother in-law in the hospital, etc. etc.....  So I've had a few of the chocolate clusters laying around in the office.  I've noticed that when I do have a little sugary sweetness that I start craving food and want to eat.  Like a big trigger for me has always been when I first walk in the door at home in the afternoon.  It doesn't help that we come in the house through the kitchen, but I start looking for things to eat and I'm not satisfied and then look for something else.  I haven't experienced that post op until this month - I'm 8 months out now.  It really scares me because I know my tool's working, but it doesn't stop me from grazing.  I've got to put a stop to that.  I want to go so much further with my weight loss.  I haven't really made a hard goal yet, but always had about 160 in mind.  To date I've lost 95lbs and so that would be about 39lbs more to go.  That number seems so small compared to how far I've always been away from that goal before.  I'm kicking up the exercise and plan to keep telling everyone over the holidays that I can't have sweets, so that I'll just stay clear of it.

Well Merry Christmas to you all.  Onederland is so Wonderful


Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 21, 2008

Today I weigh in at 205.  I'm wearing a size 16 jean, down from a 24/26, and can't even believe it.  It's been about 21 yrs since I wore that size.

I'm 7 months out and I've lost 89lbs.  I'm just thrilled at where I've come, but I really want to keep going and lose more of this weight once and for all.  So I'll keep up the good work and even work a little harder to ensure my success.

I wanted to have some more photos posted, but haven't got around to it.  Hopefully I'll find time to do that.  I'll get a picture of my size 16s tonight when I go out for my friend's birthday party (happy birthday Sonia).

Happy Halloween

Oct 31, 2008


   Happy Halloween!!!  I'm now down 83 lbs since surgery.  I don't know how all of those 83lbs fit into my old clothes.  I'm going to my annual girls trip to the cabin next weekend and out dancing - i want to get a new pair of jeans for the outing

We went to Disneyland the beginning of the week for a few days.  It was such a blast, as always.  I love love love that place!  it was so nice to not have to worry about not fitting on anything or being embarrassed because I can barely get buckled in....it was nice and I had a great time with my husband and kiddos, which we so needed.

211 - this is the last weight I remember in high school but it was early on like probably my sophomore year.  The next weight I remember was my first serious adult attempt at weight loss and I weighed about 256 or somewhere close and I was 24yrs old.  The last 10 yrs of my adult life, I've bounced around between 235-270 mostly, with my highest ever this year at 294.  To think how I spent all those years on a diet-off a diet, binging and gaining.  When I was off - I was way off and I ate all the junk food I thought I was being deprived of.  I wish I had been smarter and better educated - but now I can only look forward and dream of my skinny jeans 

About Me
Kerman, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 34
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Halloween
