Mar 26, 2008

Submitted to insurance last Thursday and today I have a date.  My surgery will be on Monday April 14th @ 7:30am.  I'm so excited.  I've been texting, calling and emailing all of my friends and family.

I still can't believe how fast this has all happened.....if anyone reading this is going thru Kaiser...STOP now and change insurance if you can.  I have Blue Cross PPO and was approved so fast with no medical problems just because of my high BMI.  I started thru Kaiser a couple of years ago and my Aunt is trying right now thru them - they just make you jump thru so many hoops and the whole process could take a very long time.  Get Blue Cross people.  They rock!

So right after I got the call with my date - I went to McDonalds (only cause it's right across the street from where I work) to get a chicken salad.  I started looking at the menu thinking I should have a burger and fries and a shake, but immediately I thought, NO!  I want to lose a few lbs. prior to surgery and I'm excited to think of how everything will change - so I just ordered the salad
and it was good.  Dr. Boone warned me not to let people try to take me out for any last this or last that either.  I'm going to follow his advice.  Believe me, I've had plenty of all that high fat, greasy, high sugar stuff for a lifetime and today I don't even want it.  I stopped drinking diet soda almost 2 weeks ago and it's been way easier than I thought it would be.

I'm ready...bring it on!

I've been submitted...

Mar 21, 2008

Mar 22, 2008

I found out that I was submitted to insurance for authorization a couple of days ago and they expect to hear by the end of next week.  This is all happening so fast, I can't believe it.  I thought I would wait to tell people until I had a date, but I'm so excited I've been telling everyone.  I've had a lot of support, even from the one's I didn't think would be supportive.

Happy Easter!

and wait....

Mar 18, 2008

Mar 18

Today is my nephew's 19th birthday.  He was born a few months before I graduated from high school so his birthdays really take me back.  My senior year in high school, I was probably a size 18.  I've spent every year since trying to get down to an 18 again with no success.

This surgery will mean so much to me.  To carry all I have carried for so long and to now be full of hope that I will be a much healthier and happier person a year from now is very exciting.  I'm not trying to be a size 18 - we know we can do better than that, right?

I'm still waiting to hear that I've been sent to insurance for approval...

Now I Wait

Mar 12, 2008

I have spent the last 3 weeks reading so many blogs here.  They are truly inspiring.  So I've decided to put myself out there so that anyone searching for someone to relate to might come across my story.  I also want to have this record for me to look back on.  I will try to post a pic of me if I get brave enough.

This process is happening really fast for me and as of tomorrow my case will be ready to send up for insurance authorization.  I'm really happy with the surgeon I picked and I'm really excited to have a life that I never had before and for this burden of weight to be lifted.

About Me
Kerman, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 34
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Halloween
