and we're off.......

Oct 23, 2008


Well, I came in at 215lbs giving me a 79lb. loss at my  6 month checkup.  I wanted at least 80, but it didn't happen.  I was told I'm doing fine and my goal for my next check up in 3 months is to weigh about 180lbs.  I am kicking up my exercise and will try very hard to reach this goal (even through the holidays).  I made homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies the other night for my cubscout meeting and I will never make cookies biggest downfall.....the cookie dough.....the chocolate's too much.....I just can't ever do it again......period..

My mom is going in today to meet with her doctor and nutritionist and may get her surgery date today.  I'm so excited for her.  She's worried she may have to be on a 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery which may be through Thanksgiving and she really just wants to have mashed potatoes and gravy for Thanksgiving.  She probably won't have to do the liquid diet.  She's also worried that her recovery time might be long the first month because of her age.  I hope things go well for her.  She really needs this, poor thing can't even hardly walk with her bad knee.

We're going to DISNEYLAND!!!  In 3 days....I'm so excited.  We've only taken our kids once before when they were 4 and 6, now they're 7 and 9.  it is my absolute fav place and I'm so excited     Well take care everyone and keep up the good work.

Getting Cooler

Oct 10, 2008


Nearing my 6 month mark and down 78 lbs.  I want to be at 80lbs lost when I go in for my 6 month appointment on Oct. 21st.  It seems like a lot of people lose much faster, but I'm ok as long as I keep losing.  I can already see a lot of loose skin on my arms and wish it wasn't going to be such a problem.  I don't want to have to wear t-shirts that look like mens, but the women's sleeves are shorter and will show the arms too much.

It's definately cooled off here!  I really have no clothes to wear right now because I got rid of all of my winter clothes knowing they wouldn't fit.  I went to WalMart the other day to try to only spend a few dollars and I found a nice t-shirt for $5 - a xl (16-18) and it fit great.  I also bought a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt to go with them.  So now I have something to wear for my morning walks, but still nothing to wear to work or church.  I'll only be asking for gift cards for Christmas so I can buy some clothes. 

My mom has a consultation appointment on the 23rd and may be having RNY.  I'm so excited for her as she has a major knee problem and has hardly been able to walk recently because the extra weight is aggravating the knee so badly.  She'll be paying cash so it could happen pretty quickly for her.  What a blessing!  I only hope things go as well for her as they have for me so far.


Sep 29, 2008

Today's weight:      219
pre-op:                  294
total lost so far:       75 lbs

I could not believe it this morning when the scale said 219.  I did a little dance and was sporting a big 'ol smile.    Tried the cavaricci jeans again, no such luck.  I thought i'd be a size 16 by now, but my bottom half isn't dropping as quickly as the top half.  I saw some family over the weekend that hasn't seen me in a few months and they were all very excited to see me and they were so cute calling me "skinny".  I ate chili beans, the bbq london broil and 1 deviled egg, but stayed away from the macaroni salad.  Last night before going to bed, I had 1/2 whole wheat english muffin with red-fat peanut butter and it did not sit well at all.  I really stay away from bread and only eat the whole wheat once in a while, but sometimes it still bothers me.

I'm walking 2 miles/day 4 days/week and I'm very good at drinking my water (it's still 99 degrees here in central california) and taking my vitamins.  Everything's going very well and I have no complaints.  Just so excited  to be close to "onederland".  Good luck to you all!

Finally posted pictures

Sep 19, 2008

Today 225

I finally posted some pictures today.  It was a trip seeing the old me.  Good riddens!!!


Sep 12, 2008

Pre-op 294
Today  226
Lost     68

The size 22 jeans I'm wearing today are so baggy, especially in the butt.  I have no idea what size I really am.  I bought a couple of size 18s from Lane Bryant and they fit great, but my friend gave me a pair of Cavaricci jeans size 18 and I can't even get them up.  So maybe I'm still a 20???  I don't know because I'm still not shopping.

I feel fantastic!  I was so excited to get on the scale this morning and see 226.  When I'm in the teens, I'll jump up and down and when I'm below 200, I'll do the happy dance.

My kids (ages 9 and 7) are still trying to figure out what's going on with me.  They know I had surgery and they know I have to eat differently now because of it, but they really don't know that I had weight loss surgery.  I guess I'll explain it someday, just not yet. 

Drop it like it's HOT!!

Aug 26, 2008


As of Aug 25th, I weighed 231.8.  I would've liked to have lost more this month.  I'm sure it's because I haven't exercised in about 3 weeks.  My sons both started football and I'm at their practices every night so I haven't been able to walk w/ my friend that I was walking with.  And I haven't been swimming because there was no time afterwork before practice.  But now the boys have started school and I'll get home 3 hours before they have to be at practice, so I'll try to get some swimming in.  I started walking mornings this week with another friend.  I've got to pump it up a couple notches to really take advantage of this losing time.

My husband and I went to Las Vegas a couple weeks ago and believe me, we did a lot of walking in the 108 degree weather.  If you're familiar with the strip, we walked from one end at the Wynn hotel to the other end to the Mandalay Bay.  It was late and we were tired and took a cab back to the Wynn, the taxi driver said it was 4 miles and we had already done a half strip and back earlier that day.  We weren't there long enough to see everything we wanted to, but it was a lot of fun.  4 months ago, there would've been no way I could've done all that walking in the heat.  I'm still so amazed at my body and how I haven't had any back problems since surgery like I did before.  Oh, and I didn't even worry about fitting in the airplane seats and not being able to buckle my seatbelt.  It was fine and I was comfy.  If I got on an airplane 4 months ago, I know I would've needed a seatbelt extender (embarrassing....)

Sunday was our anniversary and we took the kids to the last Fresno Grizzly baseball game of the season (romantic, huh?).  I hadn't been in 2 or 3 years, but I remember how uncomfortable and squished I was in those stadium seats before - this time was very comfy.  I can really see the changes in my body now.  Even my toes look less chubby.  I'm feeling really good and can't wait to see the scale continue to go down.  I haven't been under 230lbs since????? Maybe 1990-91?  Soon out of high school I'm sure.  I haven't weighed under 200 since I was 14 yrs old.  Sad .  I have so much to look forward to - I hope the same for everyone else that's struggling.

Great Week

Jul 29, 2008


Well, this has been a great week of weight loss for me.  I'm now in the 230s.  I haven't seen that in almost 4 years.  I'm so happy to have lost 54lbs so quickly.  I feel great and I'm now able to wear all the clothes I've been hanging on to that were too small.  I'm excited to know that next month I'll be going shopping because I'm running out of clothes to wear.  Even my bathing suit is so baggy, it's crazy!

I'm getting lots of compliments which is nice.  My husband says he's going to miss me.  I don't know what that's about.  I think he's just unsure, like I am, about what I'll end up looking like.  Who cares what I'll look like.  It'll be better than worrying about not being able to fit in a chair or on a ride and not being able to walk up a hill.

I thank my Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing called RNY.  Thanks for the great comments.  May you all reach your goals and be filled with happiness.

On Track

Jul 22, 2008


Went in today for my 3 month follow-up and I have lost 50lbs exactly  .  I'm hoping to lose the next 50lbs in the next 4 months.  I met with Alice, the RN at ALSA, instead of my surgeon.  We'll see how it goes.  I've pretty much already been doing a lot of things that they suggested today as far as eating, such as having 1 slice of whole grain bread and cutting off the crust, toasting it with lunchmeat, having peanut butter or nuts for a snack, sticking to protein, fruits and vegetables.  One thing I guess I should stop is the popcorn, even though it's light, I should only have 1 cup.  It's one of those to avoid because of the expansion such as other breads, tortillas, rice, pasta, etc.  She did say though that I should only be having about 1/4-1/3 cup serving size at each meal.  I'm sure I've been eating more than that, so I will try to cut back.  She suggested making my own trail mix (I never buy it because I know they add so much sugar) with nuts and cranberries and prepacking those snacksize baggies. That would be good to have at work.

I feel really good.  I pretty much only drink water, which I thought would be boring, but it's been fine.  I haven't had a diet coke in about 16 weeks now.  It didn't bother me at all, but now sometimes I look at someone elses and think "I know that would taste good".  I'll stay away from it though.  My husband's birthday was a couple days ago and we went to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream, his favorite.  I ordered a Sinless something or other that was white, low in fat and no sugar added and I had it topped with strawberries.  I didn't eat much of it because it just tasted like artificial sweetener and it really wasn't worth it.

I hate that I haven't posted any more pictures so I'm really going to try to do that soon.  I can't stand my pre-op pictures .

Melting Away

Jul 08, 2008


According to my scale, I'm down 46.6 lbs. since surgery and feeling great.  Last night I got some great swimming exercise in and walked 2 .25 miles.  It's supposed to be 106 F degrees here today, so I'm sure I'll get some swimming in again.

Today I'm wearing one of my size 18/20 button up shirts that I haven't been able to button up in a few years - today it's buttoned up .  My pants are definately looser and some sliding off, but still wearing my size 22s.  3 years ago, I got into a size 20 stretch jean for only a few months before I gained weight again.  I am so looking forward to wearing a size 18 jean.  I'll be excited to go shopping.  I keep forgetting to post new pics so I'll try to do that soon.

Thanks for all the support

Back to the Valley Heat

Jul 01, 2008

PreOp 294.0
today 252.6

I haven't really set a weight goal yet, I'm just waiting to fit a size 18 jean - that's what I wore when I graduated from high school in 1989 and haven't seen that size since.  I'm just starting to really notice my weight loss now and getting lots of compliments from others which feels really good.  

My family and I just spent a few days at Pismo and Avila Beaches and had a great time.  We go every year and I always have a clam chowder bread bowl from Splash Cafe so I was feeling a little bummed that I wouldn't get to have that - but I did end up having a cup of chowder at another restaurant and it was good.

Regular sliced bread doesn't go down too well for me, but I've found that other types of bread are ok, but I know I should stay away from it.  My fav snack right now is beef jerky (get that protein in).

My oldest son just turned 9 and has some extra weight around his belly.  I find it so hard to know how much I should or shouldn't be concerned about it.  He's pretty active and we certainly limit his time in front of a screen, but the boy can eat.  I feel bad to tell him he can't have more food even if I know he's had plenty, but I also know it's my responsibility to teach him good eating habits and portion control.  I don't want him to think there's anything wrong with him but at the same time, he's going out for football again and he's always the slowest runner and I don't want him to feel bad about that either.  Any suggestions?

About Me
Kerman, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 34
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Halloween
