Good Bye First Fricken Fifty

Oct 07, 2009


                            It's official I scaled in two days in a row at 299 lbs.
emoticon Good bye 300's Hope to never, ever see 300 or any of 300's friends again. emoticon

Although the surgeon only wanted me to lose 10-15 lbs. which I met months ago, I wanted to lose 50 lbs before surgery. That way when I have the surgery and lose the 80% of excess weight in the first 6 months after surgery, I will be closer to my ideal weight goal of 115 lbs.


present weight - goal weight=weight to lose
Weight to lose X expected percentage = what will be lost 6 month after surgery
Loss need -6Month aft surgery loss= extra weight needing discipline to lose.
to calculate 299 - 115 leaves 184lbs to go 80% of 184 = 147lbs. 184-147 = 37 lbs.

I don't know if this science is understandable to anyone but me, So Be it!
1 comment


Oct 02, 2009

 saw this listing and I thought it would be good to have as a reminder for down the road...

1st Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals

Every WLS patient has specific nutritional needs depending on the type of surgery you have had. Not only is it a good idea to ask your surgeon for guidelines, but also consult with an experienced WLS nutritionist. Understand there is not a standard practice that all surgeons and nutritionists follow in guiding WLS patients. So, it is important to do your own research, get your lab tests done regularly, and learn how to read the results. Some conditions and symptoms that can occur when you are deficient in vitamins, supplements, or minerals include:

Osteoporosis; pernicious anemia; muscle spasms; high blood pressure; burning tongue; fatigue; loss of appetite; weakness; constipation and diarrhea; numbness and tingling in the hands and feet; being tired, lethargic, or dizzy; forgetfulness, and lowered immune functioning.

Keep in mind, too, that some conditions caused by not taking your vitamins, supplements, or minerals are irreversible.

2nd Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity

A "pink cloud" or honeymoon experience is common following WLS. When you are feeling better than you have in years, and the weight is coming off easily, it's hard to imagine you will ever struggle again. But unfortunately, it is very common for WLS patients to not lose to their goal weight or to regain some of their weight back.

A small weight regain may be normal, but huge gains usually can be avoided with support, education, effort, and careful attention to living a healthy WLS lifestyle. For most WLSers, if you don't change what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten -- even after weight loss surgery.

3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals

Yes, it's hard for some people to avoid drinking with meals, but the tool of not drinking with meals is a critical key to long-term success. If you drink while you eat, your food washes out of your stomach much more quickly, you can eat more, you get hungry sooner, and you are at more risk for snacking. Being too hungry is much more likely to lead to poor food choices and/or overeating.

4th Mistake: Not Eating Right

Of course everyone should eat right, but in this society eating right is a challenge. You have to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Eat all your meals--don't skip. Don't keep unhealthy food in sight where it will call to you all the time. Try to feed yourself at regular intervals so that you aren't as tempted to make a poor choice. And consider having a couple of absolutes: for example, avoid fried foods completely, avoid sugary foods, always use low-fat options, or only eat in a restaurant once a week. Choose your "absolutes" based on your trigger foods and your self knowledge about what foods and/or situations are problematic for you.

5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water

Most WLS patients are at risk for dehydration. Drinking a minimum of 64 oz. of water per day will help you avoid this risk. Adequate water intake will also help you flush out your system as you lose weight and avoid kidney stones. Drinking enough water helps with your weight loss, too.

6th Mistake: Grazing

Many people who have had WLS regret that they ever started grazing, which is nibbling small amounts here and there over the course of the day. It's one thing to eat the three to five small meals you and your doctor agree you need. It's something else altogether when you start to graze, eating any number of unplanned snacks. Grazing can easily make your weight creep up. Eating enough at meal time, and eating planned snacks when necessary, will help you resist grazing. Make a plan for what you will do when you crave food, but are not truly hungry. For example, take up a hobby to keep your hands busy or call on someone in your support group for encouragement.

7th Mistake: Not Exercising Regularly

Exercise is one of the best weapons a WLS patient has to fight weight regain. Not only does exercise boost your spirits, it is a great way to keep your metabolism running strong. When you exercise, you build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn, even at rest!

8th Mistake: Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much)

Let's face it, refined carbohydrates are addictive. If you eat refined carbohydrates they will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. There are plenty of complex carbohydrates to choose from, which have beneficial vitamins. For example, if you can handle pastas, try whole grain Kamut pasta--in moderation, of course. (Kamut pasta doesn't have the flavor some people find unpleasant in the whole wheat pastas.) Try using your complex carbohydrates as "condiments," rather than as the center point of your meal. Try sprinkling a tablespoon of brown rice on your stir-fried meat and veggies.

9th Mistake: Going Back to Drinking Soda

Drinking soda is controversial in WLS circles. Some people claim soda stretches your stomach or pouch. What we know it does is keep you from getting the hydration your body requires after WLS--because when you're drinking soda, you're not drinking water! In addition, diet soda has been connected to weight gain in the general population. The best thing you can do is find other, healthier drinks to fall in love with. They are out there.

10th Mistake: Drinking Alcohol

If you drank alcohol before surgery, you are likely to want to resume drinking alcohol following surgery. Most surgeons recommend waiting one year after surgery. And it is in your best interest to understand the consequences of drinking alcohol before you do it.

Alcohol is connected with weight regain, because alcohol has 7 calories per gram, while protein and vegetables have 4 calories per gram. Also, some people develop an addiction to alcohol after WLS, so be very cautious. Depending on your type of WLS, you may get drunker, quicker after surgery, which can cause health problems and put you in dangerous situations.

If you think you have a drinking problem, get help right away. Putting off stopping drinking doesn't make it any easier, and could make you a lot sicker.


Meeting my Pre-Op weight goal

Sep 26, 2009

I began making changes right after my orientation.
I hoped that I could have lost enough weight by my first visit with the surgeon and have all my other stuff done on that date so that I could get scheduled for surgery then. Well that did not happen.
but I did lose the weight but my WLS place has a different process.

I implemented these rules one at a time so that I would be more adaptable after surgery.
I know that my stomach will cause me to have greater limitations. But I wanted to start making changes, so it won't be so devastating after surgery.  I adapted the following rules for my getting a surgery date diet.
Hope it helps you 

When I started, I just wanted to see if I could follow the Tool rules. I didn't realize that I was forming good habits. The Doctors at HFH were really impressed with that fact that I was already applying the rules.  I have to say that drinking the water and eating protein first with the vitamins has made a big difference in my weight loss. It makes me think that the reason we over eat is because we are craving some nutrient that is missing. I also know that since I have done all the work doing it right way, when temptations  happens I have to think twice. "do I want that ____________ or do I want to get a surgery date"

Now I have to stick to it because You can not gain a lb. from getting the date to your weigh in or they will cancel your surgery. 

                                          The Rules to Lose!

Rule is nothing else but water to drink until I have drank all my water. (very important  this is a MUST DO)
I only have pop or soda after I drank my 8- 8oz of water = 64 oz I keep that water in a half gallon picture with my name on it in the fridge. ( have not desired any soda since i imposed the rule)

Rule: Track your food every morsel.
I use sparkpeople to track my food.
I set the goals so that I have between 80 and 120 grams of protein each day.
(Protein drink, chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs/no yoke, veggies0

Rule:" eat protein before any thing else on the plate
I have  a protein drink for breakfast because I hate to eat breakfast.

Rule: at least 80 grams of protein per day. (
Must do # 2 this is an important one)
Protein first because after surgery the struggle will be to get that much in and you need to know what and how much makes 80 to 120 grams (1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2 egg whites, 2 chicken breast for 1 day)

 Rule: Keep calories at  1000 to 1200 per day.
If you are not sure about a calorie count  ask your self do I want this or do I want surgery. If you are dieing for it
only have a bite. then eat something better. only allow treats if you have eaten a total of 8 servings of fruit and veggies for the day. if eating out ask for a nutritional guide. if all else fails eat chicken breast and a salad.  with out gravy and throw the skin away.

Rule: limit carbs. no more than 180 grams per day.
During my research for diabetes I discovered that to keep you Blood Sugar in check you should try to keep your carbohydrate intake to 60 gram per meal or snack. Since I have 3 meals and 2 snack a day I say 60 grams max for each meal and 30grams max for snacks

Rule" Take the vitamins.
Take the vitamins in the information in the big blue binder.
Get a routine of taking them  some in the am and some  after lunch
never take calcium and iron together. Iron prohibits the absorption of calcium
so take Calcium in the am and Iron at least 2 hours after.
take Iron with Vitamin C it helps with the absorption.

Here is my daily regimen:
A.M after Breakfast Daily                         Wednesday only
1 vitamin D 2000 iu                                                    1 Vitamin D3- 50 50000iu(Available at HFH pharmacy 1yr supply)
1 vitamin B-12 2000 iu
1 Calcium Citrate 1000 iu
1 Centrum Silver Chewable
2 Glusosamine Chondroitin (for Arthritis)

P.M. after Lunch Daily
1 Glusosamine Chondroitin (for Arthritis)
1 Centrum Silver chewable
1 Vitamin B-6 100mg
1 Vitamin C1000mg Chewable
1 Vitron-C 200mg (high potency Iron plus C) (at CVS drugs)
 *Iron should be Ferrous fumarate, there are one that say ferrous something else but it dose not absorb well and causes constipation.
** You can purchase Celebrate Bariatric Supplements Iron +C 30 mg at HFH Pharmacy too. but you will need to take 2 per day to get the quantity needed after surgery. These are the ones you will need after surgery.

Rule: Make better choices and don't be ashamed to ask questions.
I also have to tell you I am becoming a pain in the rear. When I go to a restaurant I pick the menu apart, and end up eating ala cart most of the time . bowl of soup, small salad ranch on the side, chicken breast grilled, if I cant get it grilled I still order chicken breast and trim the skin. I also only eat half of the restaurant serving.
If I fast food it I ask for a nutrition list. Taco Bell Fresco hard taco are a good choice. (quantity 2)
Jet's Pizza Grilled chicken pizza minus the yellow peppers plus mushrooms. 2 slice of a medium pizza.
KFC grilled chicken breast a personal salad and a side of green beans.

So this is what I have been doing and I have bee losing since 6/6/09
I did not start every thing at once I just developed this as I went along.

Ground Hogs Day 2/2/2010

Sep 25, 2009

I had my final surgery eval today.

I met Dr. Tour. ( that is his first name) and Jenny and Wanda.
Then Dr. Carlin came back in with DR. Tour. Dr. Tour will be assisting Dr. Carlin for my surgery.
Every thing went well.
I lost the required weight plus a few more. I was proud of that.
Dr. Tour said that he hoped that he would get to assist Dr. Carlin for my surgery.

I had a few questions.
What type of surgery?
What size pouch would I get?
5cm x 4cm
How much intestine would be by passed?
between 100 and 110 cm

How much weight will I loose?
after 1 yr. about 100 to 150 lbs.

If my gall bladder had to be removed how would they get it out laproscopically?
He said the put it in a balloon and pull  it out.

Dr. Carlin asked if I was ready for surgery. And I replied that I have been ready since the day I asked my PCP to set it up.
And I have just been waiting for the bariactric program to catch up with me.
We all had a good laugh.

Then I told him when he is in there to make sure that he makes that pouch small so that I get the band for my buck.
Cause I don't want to go through this again. LOL

After that the nurse came back and scheduled my date 2/2/2010 Ground hogs day! go figure!

Well it is a long way off, but I guess that it give me time to loose more weight.
It is what it is not much you can do about it.


Sergical Medical Eval complete

Sep 22, 2009

I had my surgical eval today. I weighed 303. I have lost 47 lbs since 6/6/09. I am proud of that.
The doctor was very nice. She just took a medical history, said that I will probably only be on my vitamins after I have my surgery. And would suggest what to use for the Arthritis. Other than that I don't need any other test, and am Passed(cleared for surgery)

Now it is off to Dr. Carlin on Friday to get a date. I can't wait.

Hope it won't take too much longer.

Fat Freakin Calves

Sep 16, 2009

I have problems with the calves of my legs. They are really fat. Just below my knee is a big bump that tends to swell if I spend too much time on my feet. It is obvious to me that it is swollen, but when I go to the Dr. he kinda acts like he don't see it. I have noticed that since I have been watching what i eat and drink my water and take my vitamins, that it is less often. Since I lost 50 lbs. so far and my legs still are fat it scares me to think that bottom half of my legs won't get any littler. I have never been able to buy dress boots, except those at Layne Briant with large calves.

I am afraid that after surgery I will lose all my weight and still have fat calves.

Just lost the wind for my sails

Sep 11, 2009

I just learned that  one of the women who was in the orientation before mine got her date.

I am glad for her but disappointed that I will probably need to wait until after the new year to get my surgery.

It seems she was scheduled for Dec but due to over booking she was bumped to Jan.

Since my follow up apt won't be until The 25TH of this month I will probably need to wait until the end of Feb.

I just want to get on with it and be over the surgery part of it.
I have already been dieting and will continue to do so. It is just that I have put my life on hold until I get this done. No vacation,  no shopping for new clothes, not making any plans to Do anything. because I want to be ready for the surgery. And I really had my heart set on getting this done this year.

they shouldn't make us wait so long, From HF
I think this just took the wind out of my sails..........................
1 comment


Sep 07, 2009

I N N E R P E A C E    

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and
 boring people with your troubles, 

If you can eat the same food every
 day and be grateful for it, 

If you can understand when your loved
 ones are too busy to give you any time, 

If you can take criticism and
 blame without resentment,

If you can conquer tension
 without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

 Then You Are Probably The Family Dog! 

And you thought I was going to get all spiritual.

Those ole Jeans

Aug 26, 2009

When I retired I put all of my jeans on hangers in the closet. Just before I retired April 08, I could only wear about 2 pairs of them because they were a tight size 26w. And the last pants I purchased for my big retirement day was a size 28W.
 After I retired I put the jeans away on hangers in the closet, and began wearing stretchy type pants and sweatpants. The kind that have elastic in the waist. 
I told my niece and daughter the story of the jeans. Today after my workout, as we dressed in ther locker room. I  pulled a pair of those ole jeans out of my duffel bag.. I held my breath, and My niece and my daughter watch as I pulled them up and began to button the waist. (So good So far) then the zipper. (with ease). The ultimate test. I could put my hand in my buttoned zipped jeans and adjust my underwear that are also to big, with room to spar. We all laughed as I did the happy dance, right there in the ballys locker room.
How Cool!

The Journey by Annettemc Kitrick

Aug 23, 2009

I love this when I read it!

The Journey

I chose to go on a journey
The most important one in my life
It started out in a hospital
But was not with stress and strife

I began with much thought and soul searching
It was not so easy to do
I entered into it joyfully
With positive thoughts thru and thru.

It took me down long winding pathways
Places I've never been to before
But entered with great expectations
And I knew that I want to learn more.

My life had been full of trials,
Prejudices and grief
It was time to turn the tides of disapproval
And to swim towards the shores of relief.

This journey was not going to be easy,
No magic bullet that would make everything right.
It takes a great deal of planning,
Support and positive insight

Everything that I ever had lived with,
Would have to be changed overnight
The newness at times overwhelmed me
But I kept my eyes on the light

The days passed by ever slowly
And I wanted results right away
But anything worth having takes time
And Rome wasn't built in a day.

 didn't embark on this adventure
For anyone other than me
This trip was granted by heaven
The results are for all to see.

Some days brought joy and contentment
Some days were filled with fright
When ever I consumed the right item
It filled my soul with delight

So on and on I traveled
But no road weary person was I
I adored hearing the compliments
That lifted my soul ever high

Now whatever road my life seems to travel
Where ever I choose to be
I stand tall and slender
From this gift that was granted to me

Annettemc Kitrick
borrowed from: Journey


About Me
Surgery Date
May 27, 2009
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