Having folks to exercise with? SO KOOL!

Aug 19, 2009

the day before yesterday my niece called to ask if I was on sparkpeople.com a fitness web site. I said I was a member and for a few months now and I had sent her a link to my page before. She was raving about the site because it had every thing WW has and she didn't have to pay for it. She was so excited.  I also told her I sent her a link to OH.com too. and that I wanted her to be part of my support as I go through surgery. She asked me to send her a new link so she could be that.

Then I sent her a message congratulating her on joining Sparkspeople and suggested that she utilize that Bally's life time membership to join me in a work out. She called me last night. We arranged to meet at our local ballys Today. And we did.

We had some fun and the work out went fast.  we just gabbed and gabbed. the whole time.
My daughter came too and her son came for a free trial. It was so fun.

My other exercise buddy is out of commission for a few weeks cause she has an infection in her elbow. but I cant wait for her to get back too.

Then eventually I will have a few friends to help pas the time when I have to work out. And I get to teach them about vitamins.


To be nobody but yourself!

Jul 30, 2009

I was looking for a motivational mantra, And I like this one.
Especially when I mention that I am planning to have WLS,  a lot of people, seem to have such strong opinions about it. Most often they  have only heard tails (horror stories) and don't have the information to back it up. I do try to educate them as much as I can.
Some times I think that they are just afraid that I will force them to take a look at their own issues of weight. And I wouldn't do that. Unless they asked me to help them. Every persons bulge is their own personal battle. To deal with it they must decide what works for them.

*Take a look at your priorities and your goals. Where did they come from? Are they the products of soul-searching, self-analysis and careful planning? Or are they a reaction to pressures from other people? Did you find them within yourself or within the pages of a magazine? The answers to these questions are important because they tell you if the person you’re becoming is someone you want to be. Here’s another way to look at it: do you want it (whatever it is), or do you just think you should want it? It’s not easy to follow your own direction in life. But it’s more possible than you may think. Question everything. Everything in your life needs to justify why it’s there. If you can’t come up with a good reason that actually comes from YOU, maybe it dose not’t belong.
* www.sparkpeople.com/myspark

First Surgeon Apt complete

Jul 29, 2009

I met Dr. Carlin.
He seems to be very nice.  I was very comfortable talking with him. He did say that a lot of patients were not as prepared as I am. He did say that it was a tool and I would always need to controll my eating.
I was a little thrown off by the P A. doing the physical and the intake. I was more prepared to spend more time with the surgeon.

He said every thing was fine, and I was on the right track. The PA said to lose 10 lbs, and then to take 50,000 ius of vitamin D once a week for the next 8 weeks cause mine was low. The nurse, (Wanda was on vacation) scheduled the apt with the bariatrician and my next apt for Dr. Carlin In September. Than When I go back I guess I will get a surgery date.
I am glad to be on my way. however, I am not happy about how long this is taking.
I am ready and that's the way I feel.

This time thing really bothers me. I want to get on with this so I can get on living. All in All it will be worth the wait.

The speed of weight

Jul 26, 2009


emoticonWhy is it that you never seem to notice gaining weight or when it happens. One day your just in a hotel on vacation. One that has that big mirror behind the sink, out side the combo bath/toilet room. And Wuh La! you say to yourself, "Where the h. e. double hockey sticks, did that come from, and when?

emoticonThen You go on the taking it off program, and every week you look at the scale and step on it, only reducing the lbs. by a minimal amount. Your mind says
How Long Will It Take to lose these lbs. of blubber?

Some how it seems that you can get fat faster than you can get healthy!
or is just that getting fit is hard work and being lazy is easy?


Joined the Bally's

Jul 25, 2009

I joined Bally's total fitness about two weeks ago. I have been going to the water aerobics classes 3 times a week. and Julie and I go to so strength training the other three days and Sunday is still a day of rest.

I think that the water aerobic have really helped my arthritis. I seem to be able to stand longer and my knee is not hurting so much. I am going to keep this up until my surgery and then when I am healed from the incisions.

There are quit a few people in the class. Most of them are older. They swear that the aerobics really help them stay mobile.
My Friend Sue joined with me. She has a lot of problems with her left knee. She has even admitted that the water exercises have helped lesson the pain in her knee.

I am having a little trouble getting Julie out of bed to go work out with me on the strength training days. But once she gets moving she is a powerhouse in the gym.


Jul 15, 2009

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my shape to keep...
Please no wrinkles, Please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, Please no gray
And as for my belly, Please Take it away.
Please keep me healthy, Please keep me
And Thank you Dear Lord, for all that you have done.
1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to You.
4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
5. it is important that none of those men meet any of the others!

One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:
"If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.

Exercise orentation

Jul 08, 2009

To day at 230 I go for exercise orientation. I have been managing to take small walks every couple of days. This is the last appointment before I meet with Dr. Carlin, for the first visit. Every thing else is done. blood work, chest x-ray, gyno., I am moving rite along.

Well that is done now too. I met an old friend there and he was my coach back in 2004 when i attended the wow. program. I am not sure if I want to go way down town to exercise or not. I just keep thinking of that drive from G.C. to west grand. and it seems that it might be something that would make me less likely to get up and get busy exercising. the long drive. I will probably check out some of the fitness centers and the cost around here first. Guess I will start researching that tomorrow.

My Mothers Legacy

Jun 22, 2009

Got my blood work results for the surgery.

It says that I have high blood sugar and the PHP wants to see me. To put me on medicine before surgery. I am afraid of becoming my mother. At least now I know the facts.

My mother was diabetic and had to take insulin shots. She was morbidly obese, and now I find my self suffering from the medical issues she had and wondering if I will slip into her mental state, too!

 I was 16 and had to learn how to give her those shots, prepare her meals and make sure that she ate right. She rejected all of my help and ate fudge-cycles, drank diet fresca, ate potato chips, by the big bag full, and  had pizza delivered almost every night.
When ever she wanted sympathy attention from her husband and children, or wanted to manipulate them. She eventually learned to make her sugar get high enough on holidays and when she was P.O.'d, she would be hospitalized.  She enjoyed being sick.

My goodness where did that come from. I am crying and wondering Why she was so unhappy that she used this illness to kill herself instead of changing to make her life better. We could have been close and done things together. I wanted her to be the mom the other girls had. The kind I am with my kids. The kind of mom I promised to be to them when I first held them in my arm on their birthdays.

Now I have a daughter and  son, and I hear them saying to me the things that I myself, said to my mother.
I am glad that I have chosen to change my life, for ME, for my Kids, and for my Mother who didn't know what the answers were. And didn't know how much I loved her.

I believe that this is gonna be a long journey and I will make a lot of these discoveries about my self along the way.



Jun 14, 2009

To  all the "sisters" who I have known for a very long time and those who have only recently come into my life:   

Time Passes.....

Life happens.....

Distance separates.....

Children grow up.....

Jobs come and go.  Love waxes and wanes.  Men don't do what they're suppose to do......

Hearts break.  Parents die.  Colleagues forget favors.  Careers end.....

BUT.....Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you.  A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.....

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.....

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you....or come in and carry you out.  Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters.....

Daughter-in-laws, sisters, sister-in-laws, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!

The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I.  When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead.  Nor did we know how much we would need each other.  Every day, we need each other still.

Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful.  I just did.  Short and very sweet.  There are more than twenty angels in this world.  Ten are peacefully sleeping on clouds.  Nine are playing.  And one is reading THIS POST at this moment.

Send this message to ten of your friends .  

You are all very special to me or I wouldn't be taking the time to post this. I love you, and think of you often!

New Bginnings Sart Here.

Jun 08, 2009

New beginnings start here.

Even though I have not had my first appointment with the surgeon, I am committed to having  WLS, I decided that since I am planning to go through with weight loss surgery that I will start to practice some of the changes I will need to make after surgery. After all no time like the present. That way it won't be such a shock to my mind after the surgery. if this is the way I must change my life than so be it.

First I started taking my Flintstones one a day with iron.
Second I  purposely take small bites and chew each one until it is pulverized before I swallow. And try to make each meal last 25 - 30 minutes.
third I am drinking 8- 8oz glasses of water pr day. and I don't drink when I eat.
Fourth  I try to select protein foods like chicken and fish first, and salads and some cheese and fruits for snacks.
fifth I am logging my food. and exercise.
Sixth  I am getting some exercise daily building up to 60 minutes per-day.

I am planning to purchase the vitamins listed and start a proper regimen daily.

I have now started picking on my Hubby and children to slow down when they eat.  Because I am not going to speed up to be done when they are.

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May 27, 2009
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