My story.....well, I wasn't a fat child! I just got fat in my mid 20's! Now, I am 40 years old and have been yo-yo dieting, working out, only to gain the weight back and more.   

When I was a teenager, I was...more curvy.  I was not fat, but was told I was.  I look at pictures from that time in my life and I was NOT fat! I was slightly larger than some of my friends, but they were shorter and I had more bust!   

I injured my back in 1994, when I was 24.  I herniated L4 disc.  I was in terrible pain and that was the end of my size 10/12 days.   I remember being in so much pain, wanting it to end.  I finally had back surgery Dec 24 1994 and had I known then what I know now, I would have never had the surgery.

I was very depressed after a car accident re-injured my back; I had done a series of epidural steroid injections that helped, but the accident in Sept 94 put me back in a place where I could barely walk.  I went in for another injection and realized that more was going on with me.  I sought treatment for depression.  I started on depakote and packed on weight.

I was on depakote for 4 years.  I ended that medication in 1998 and have not taken any since.
BUT The weight was not coming off like I would have liked.

I worked out, started Weight Watchers, and lost.  However, added more back on once I stopped going to WW.  I was also moving, getting better and better jobs.  I still tried to be active and my back was not a problem.

As I got older, I noticed that I could lose the weight, but I could never maintain.  I started on another exercise/phentermine kick and dropped 100 pounds! I was loving life and lookin' good!

I hurt my back again and went through another series of epidural steroid injections.  And I started gaining.  
And gaining.  Now, I can't even wear clothes I wore 2 years ago.  It's truly maddening.

I started on Depo Provera and packed on another 80 LBS or so.  Fatty McButterpants!! 

I knew that I had to do something.  

I got married to my biker dude on my birthday in 2007 and still, I have gained since then.

I knew the time was now.   I went to a seminar and made my appointment.  My husband is totally behind me with this surgery.  

I am in constant pain as my gut is HUGE! I hate that.  I used to be an athlete.  I have travelled all over Europe and walked London, Edinburgh, The Highlands of Scotland.  Now, I can barely walk, without pain, to the end of my driveway.  

I am waiting for my approval and I am excited for this new lease on life.  I want to get the OLD ME back, the one who could walk blocks and blocks in any city and not be winded.

Now, I can barely walk around the Ren Fest without stopping every 15-20 steps.  It is embarrassing.

As I type this, my file is processing through my insurance company.

I look on this as saving myself; from a lifetime of gaining more weight and not being able to walk, to live my life.  

I want my life back and I want to NOT be in constant pain all the time.  

I am excited and looking forward to my RNY!
