Back, after 46 pound regain and FINALLY shedding weight again!!

Jun 10, 2014


I have not posted since 2011 and SINCE then, have had some .......well, issues. 

I was emotionally eating, eating the things I PROMISED myself I would not eat (chips, tortilla chips, queso, potatoes, rice, breads, sweets...) SIMPLE CARBS.  I never did get back into soda.

BUT!! I was drinking alcohol, too.  I was trying to deal with "friends" turning their backs on me for losing a person; I had one so-called friend, after I dropped 150 pounds, tell me that my ass was still fat.   She was/is a large girl, so I chalk that up to her watching my transformation and not liking that I was now not larger than she was.  And, she is now out of my life.   I do not need negativity ANYWHERE in my life.

SO! I gained.  AND I GAINED!!  I noticed my clothes fitting a wee bit tighter.  I noticed I wasn't feeling as good as I had.  I noticed that I was being HORRIBLE to my husband.  All I did was go to work and come home, like I did when I weighed 326 pounds.   I thought I had failed my tool, myself and my hubs.  I was a FAILURE and a LOSER, and not in the good way.  I beat myself up.  I threw up CONSTANTLY.

I drank every day.  I ate the wrong things.  I kept telling myself I would go into my basement gym and work out.   I delayed it, would walk on the treadmill and get back into it, only to be in horrible pain.

Last summer, July 2013, I had had enough and went to my ortho doc.  I had advanced osteoarthritis in my right hip.  O AND A BAD BACK!! AND I weighed in at 226.  I GAINED 46 pounds and it seemed to have come on VERY FAST!!  I was mortified, but told myself, I CAN LOSE IT. I had two choices:  cortisone shots in the right hip or total hip replacement.  I said to the Dr., I AM ONLY 44!!  He said, It is wear and tear, genetics.  BUT It will help you.

I FINALLY broke down, in October 2013 and called my surgeon's office to get back on track.  Met with the N.P and Nutritionist and weighed in at 218.  OK some loss.  We worked together to figure out WHY I am vomiting all the time (I mean, ALL THE TIME...sometimes on a weekly basis!!)

OFF the G.I doc I went in November 2013.  Endoscopy and colonoscopy in Jan 2014. My tool is intact (that was the first thing I asked after the procedure, still loopy from the drugs!) My pouch is about 6 ounces and everything was looking good, EXCEPT the ULCERS on my stoma. AND the hiatal hernia - most likely from my throwing up for 4 years.  Colonoscopy was fine, too.  The ulcers on my stoma, which is still intact and just as tight as it was when I had surgery, were the problem.  NO caffeine. NO sneaking cigs, NO drinking.   But, I would still partake here and there. 

Jan 2014 - Met with the Ortho Dr and said, after my last shot in December which did nothing (the one in August was OK), I said, LET'S DO THIS.

April 1st 2014 I had my total hip replacement of my right hip.  AND LOST 17 pounds in 2 weeks.  My doc was amazed at my 2 week appointment; I was in the hospital 2 days and ate very little, pounded water, peed a lot and shed pounds.  I was eating grilled chicken breast, scrambled eggs, but I would take a few bites and it felt like my pouch did RIGHT after surgery!!!  WOW!

I was out of work 6 weeks on short term disability through my company (thankfully 100% paid) and I kept doing my physical therapy, small portions, dense protein, no simple carbs and I kept losing.

AN ASIDE:  I use My Fitness Pal, my handle is megawatt823 and I log EVERYTHING!  If you are on MyFitnessPal and want to follow me, send me a request and I will reciprocate!! :) 


June 10th 2014:  No more booze.  I am BACK under 200 lbs, weighing this morning at 190!!!   My hip is amazing; I am walking without a cane (yes, I got to use the walker for 15 steps and THEN was given the cane 10 hours after my hip replacement!!!) and!! I wore my NICE platforms to work yesterday!!

AND! My clothes are fitting better, my co-workers noticed the weight loss, my hubs is seeing it and my waist is more defined.  My goal says 160....if I could get to 180, I will be OK with that weight. 

I also bought Al Roker's book 'Never Goin Back.."

WE ARE NOT LOSERS or FAILURES if we have regain.  Our tools are still intact and we can use them.  I was mistreating my pouch and now, after eating clean and doing ALL the right things, I am OVER the simple carbs and sugar.  I can't even SMELL that stuff without getting a wee bit ill.

And, I even had a bite of some pasta salad and I threw up.  It seems my body is not liking the simple carbs anymore so I steer clear.  DENSE PROTEIN and Fruits and Veggies for me only.

I just wanted to get this out there as I am 4 & 1/2 years (or thereabouts) out and wanted to tell everyone, I AM BACK and WE CAN WORK IT!!

Thanks for reading!



Megan Flanders

Denver, CO







150 Pounds Removed

Jun 29, 2011

I have removed 150 pounds.  I say removed because LOST implies that it will be found again.

I cannot believe it!! I am 17 months out since surgery and have never felt better.

Size 12 Express Jeans!! Skin tight, but DAMN they feel good!! 

I have retired my Lane Bryant card and ALMOST retired my Avenue cards.  The jeans from the Avenue just HANG on my saggy butt!

I have some excess and I don't care.  I would rather have that than be 326 (my highest weight) again.

So, to all, have a lovely summer and hugs!


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145 Pounds lost, Hawaii, Still Trying to Reach Goal!

Apr 04, 2011

I am about 15  -20 pounds from goal, but I am so thankful that I had surgery over a year ago!

My hubby and I went to Hawaii in Feb., Honolulu Oahu and had an amazing time! I wore shorts, which I haven't done in 20+ years!

I feel so wonderful and healthy! 

School has been taking up a lot of time and work, of course, but wanted to write and share pics of our trip!


I am now Moderately Overweight!!!!

Sep 24, 2010

I am no longer Super Morbidly Obese.  At 5'7, 191 lbs, I am Moderately Overweight.  

I feel.....joyous that I am no longer 320 pounds.

I am 41 pounds from goal. 

I finally got rid of my FATTY MCBUTTERPANTS clothes.

Now, the closet is a wee bit bare, but I have items in there that actually DO fit.
I never thought I would wear jeans again.  I never thought I would be under 200 again.

I feel wonderful!!

I am so glad I had Gastric Bypass.


120 Pounds lost, 50 til Goal, and throwing up

Aug 11, 2010

Yes, I have now lost 120 pounds.  I am 50 pounds from goal.

AND I threw up my breakfast of a scrambled egg with cheese, a whole wheat slice (small) of a baquette and 5 pieces of cantaloupe (small).  I always feel better after I throw up.  GAH! 

Thing is, I had the same thing yesterday for breakfast without issue. HM!  I have a weird pouch, I know this.
but DAMN!

I tried on a skirt last night, that I found in my armoire, that still had the tags on it from 10 years ago.
From Lane Bryant......Size 20.  It fit, and looked good! WOW!

I really did a great work out yesterday on the Wii Trainer and with hand weights...I was feeling it.

I am still loving my RNY....I just hate that moment of vomiting.  

I wonder if it was the natural sugar in the cantaloupe? Hm!

Hugs to all!


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51 Pounds Until Goal

Aug 05, 2010

I still cannot believe it.

I am 51 pounds from goal.....I am 201, per my scale this afternoon.
AMAZING!  My goal is 150.

I am amazed, because I am smaller than I have been in .... 15 years?! 

I can eat a little more...I have overdone it 2 times and vomited both times. GAH! 
I am even more careful now!

Since I work overnights, 12 hours, I try to portion out my eating times to make sure I am getting in all my 
protein.  Sometimes I fail miserably, but I am eating more.

I had to buy some size 16 jeans, too!! MY PROM DRESS in 1987 was a 16!! 
I am thrilled!

I have collar bones! My triple chins are gone! So are my boobs, but I don't care! Plastic Surgery Fund has been started!

I feel wonderful.


WOW Moment !!!

Jul 16, 2010

SO I had my follow up appt. on 7 July and I was down to 213.

I only weigh myself once a week, maybe once every TWO weeks...but! I got on the scale today
and was down to 206.4!!! 

I am 6 pounds away from 200!!  I was shocked, really!

My wedding band is sliding off my finger as is my claddaugh that I wear on my right hand...I just didn't FATHOM my fingers would get slimmer, too!

I feel good; I had a back issue earlier this week when the muscles were TIGHT! It was AWFUL!! 
I took some flexeril and it has helped! FINALLY!

Other than that, all is well in Denver!

Hugs To All!


Almost 6 Months Out....11 July

Jul 02, 2010

On 11 July, I will be 6 months out and I  have lost 106 pounds.

I am still amazed by that, I thought I was losing slowly! Heck, I could barely eat anything up until about a month ago.  I was vomiting ALL THE TIME.  

Now, I can handle shrimp (2 pieces), chicken, pork and of course steak.  Steak was never a problem but the others, JAYSIS!!

I am so glad that I can now eat more things; I seem to lose more when I eat more.  I am pushing the protein and getting in about 80 - 100 grams a day!

Slowly weaning off the proti-diet protein chicken soup, too! It is WAY TOO high in sodium.

Exercising, walking, wanting to work on free weights to tone up, too!

So, things are going well and I am down to 214 from my starting weight 320.


I love my RNY! 


My scale says 102 pounds LOST!

Jun 23, 2010

I have hit the 102 lbs lost mark; albeit by my scale...I will wait for the official weigh in on my 6 month follow up on 7 July! 

I went to the Colorado Ren Fest on Sunday 20 June and wore wedge sandals! I actually walked up the hills, down the hills and wasn't gasping for breath.  I didn't need to stop every 20 steps.  THAT was actually pleasant!  Got some sun, which I normally avoid because I am so pasty but a little colour is OK. Yes, I am very Victorian in my pasty skin!! 

It feels good to be able to walk and not have issues.  I am so grateful for that.
I am also noticing the sizes in my closet and the old clothes are WAY TOO BIG! I have had to get some new stuff, on sale, in an 18 top and 18/16 pants.  I cannot believe that.  I haven't worn those sizes in over 10 years.  JAYSIS! 

At least the stuff was on sale! I have even been wearing leggings; my legs are slimming out and the leggings actually look nice.  NOT all lumpy (except near my 90 yr old woman crotch, which can't be seen) but I didn't realize my thighs were getting smaller until a friend commented on that!! WOW! 

I don't normally use my cheats, but I did have 3 delicious bites (SMALL BITES) of Strawberry Swirl cheesecake.  It was good.  BUT I also know that this is a tool, not  a prison.
I plan my cheats well and I stick to the plan.

I am not vomiting as much; I seem to be able to keep new things down.  I am eating more steadily and getting in over 100 grams of protein a day! I am happy about that;) 

I cannot believe how different I look.  I sometimes still see myself at 320.  Weird, huh.  I DO know that my mind needs to catch up to my body.  It will.  I see it, sometimes I just cannot believe it.

Taking 2 B12's now; want to pump up that B 12 volume.  Multi vitamins and calcium religiously. 
Staying on track!

I tried on a pair of size 18 jeans I ordered from Avenue (we don't have their stores in Denver) and I almost cried when they fit.  They are really cool, too! Very 50's retro! I am going for that RockaBilly look;)   With black CHA CHA Heels!! 

I don't regret my surgery; never have....even when I could barely eat and was vomiting on a daily basis.
I feel like I was given my life back and I feel WONDERFUL! 

I will post some new piccies, too.

Thanks for reading;) 



11 June will be 5 Months Since Surgery!!!

Jun 10, 2010

I am down to 226. I have lost 94 pounds in 5 months!!
I am almost at the 100 pound mark!  I re-adjusted my goal to 150, so I have 76 pounds to go!

But O THE BOOBAGE....I knew it would happen...what was once a voluptuous bosom now looks socks!!  My batwings are growing exponentially.  My inner thighs are creasing daily.

Would I ever go back to 320 lbs?! HECK NO!  

I am so very glad I had this surgery and I feel GREAT!  I can ride my motorcycle with more confidence and not have my huge gut hitting the tank, I can walk all over and not huff and puff.

AND! The vomiting has FINALLY gotten better.  I can now eat a little more than half a scrambled egg with some cheese on it and NOT get the foamies and vomit.  More things are sitting well with my horribly grouchy pouch.  I feel great about that, too!

I follow up with my surgeon's office 7 July for my 6 month follow up and all is well!

I love my RNY!

(had to edit mistakes!!)
