Made a Goal!

Jun 13, 2007

I had my 100th workout at Curves this morning, earning me a new t-shirt. I rewarded myself by going to the local farmer's market and buying delicious, fresh strawberries, blueberries, asparagus, figs and even some wonderfully fragrant flowers! I deserve it! I am down to 143, only 10 pounds from my lowest weight...yeee hawwww.

More Friends WLS

Jun 08, 2007

An old buddy of mine, Steph, called me out of the blue last night. She just had WLS a month ago, sounds like she is doing great. She is one of those women that has such a great spirit, despite all that she has been through and a very wise heart. I am glad she called me up! We talked for a while about the WLS and life, it was neat. I am anxious to see her next time she is up this way. We used to be in a plus-size acceptance group we named "Think Big" and then used to plan "field trips" with a bunch of really neat ladies...later she opened a plus size consignment shop. I got married to Robert the Alcoholic Twenty-timing Creepo and lost most of my friends, but now I hope to maintain our friendship again. Steph has always looked a lot younger than she is, so I am sure the weight loss will be like a rebirth for her! I am getting another period a little sooner than I should and my weight is down to 144, so I am guess after the red tide, I will be close to 140...YEAH! I might just make it back to pre-Randy weight.

Lots of Changes, for the Good!

Jun 05, 2007

Well, my weight is finally going in the right direction, down to 144 and seem to be looking slimmer (everyone notices). Only 9 pounds from comfy weight and 19 from goal (which I may never reach). I recently got tested for ADHD, something I have always suspected, and yes, indeed, I have a genius intelligence, but hyper/ADD! So, I am now on a medication (Concerta) and it does quell my appetite quite a bit...however, it also gets rid of my obsessive thinking which helps in two ways: 1. I don't think about food/meals all day long 2. my anxiety levels are mostly gone, which normally leads to stress eating. I only wish I had tested sooner in my life for this disorder, I imagine my life might have been more orderly and focused. Oh well, we all have a journey to follow. My friend Tracy that had her surgery looks great in the photo I saw, she has lost so quickly-amazing! I hope to see her in person in a month or so.

Screw Nutrisystem

Apr 30, 2007

Here we go again....another failed diet attempt! Actually, I don't feel I failed, the diet just isn't working for me. I know because I have worked out 5 days a week, stuck to the plan and actually gained weight. It would seem impossible on only 1200-1300 cals a day and working out...but to no avail. I initially lost a few pounds, but quickly saw the scale go up. I thought it was due to my Time of Month (TOM) but it's over and I am still up weigh-wise. I was doing better trying it on my own. So I cancelled the NS stuff even though Randy is still doing it and I am going to stick to tracking cals and eating plenty of protein and whole foods, avoiding junk. It will be up and down this month with all the birthdays and such, but I think I might even try to increase my exercise and add something else besides my Curves work out (an afternoon walk/jog?) Randy observed that when he met me  I was exercising at a higher level than I am more, but eating about the maybe go back to that. So sick of thinking about it all together!

Updates on Life

Apr 26, 2007

Well, I am into my third week of Nutrisystem. As always, I start out strong on a diet then begin to slowly chip away at my resolution. However, I think I have had only one workout missed and maybe a total of two days of being off my program, but still making pretty good choices. I am still only down a few pounds, but look a lot smaller and see my clothes fitting looser. I also have had a prolonged onset of my period, finally started flowing today, but seems the pms/symptoms were almost 2 weeks! Ahhhh! So I guess after the "red tide" leaves, I'll be down a few more. So I am thinking by the end of the week, I should be about 144 or so...I hope so! Still aiming for the ubiquitous 125...might take a while, but I am not going to give up. My mom told me my face definitely looked different/thinner last night...I hope that's a good thing.

Day 10 of Diet

Apr 18, 2007

Well, I am down a few pounds, not as much as I hoped, but still, going in the right direction. I definitely look smaller, fitting into smaller clothes, so I think I am building muscle with my weight loss, so I look forward to being measured next week.


Apr 10, 2007

How frustrating to have to go on a diet again, but here I am. Mostly to support my husband who needs to lose 50+ pounds...but I also want to get down to 125 (130 would be okay too!) so we are both doing Nutrisystem. After one day, it occurs to me that I have been eating a lot more calories than I realized...all my grazing, etc...catches up with me, even with exercise. I have been good about the gym, 4-5 times a week, so I have that down pat, but finding that my eating must have been off kilter as I faithfully track my Nutrisystem foods...makes me feel like a failure to have to go on the diet...but also glad I am doing something about it..hope I can keep it off. I am about 147.5 today, only a half pound above Dr. Higa's goal weight for me, so in that regard, I am a success. However, I really feel like I ought to be about 20 pounds smaller, so I figure it will help Randy and myself to do the program together.

Back on Track

Mar 29, 2007

Well, I began the habit of going to the gym before work, and it's working out terrific. It seems to quell my appetite a little, gets it out of the way so I am not tempted to do other things, and gives me energy. I am back down to 147 (after I had to take a laxative, I have been severely constipated since I started some meds/vitamins.) I have started to use sunflower seeds as a pacifier (in the hulls) to keep my mouth busy, but not eating too much. Cut out the junky stuff and heavy night time eating. Also, being busy keeps it going!

Tracy's Okay, I'm Okay

Mar 12, 2007

Finally got a hold of Tracy, she is doing okay, I guess she has some nausea issues for a couple of days, but she is doing better now. Turns out she was eating food that was making her dump and she was eating stuff she really wasn't supposed to. Silly girl! She has already lost 32 pounds, wow, that's a lot in only 2.5 weeks. It took me a month to lose that. She is going to be one skinny girl before we know it! I just hope she can slow it down a little, worried about her. I remember the honey moon stage, where it was just melting off and wonder why I have so much freakin' trouble getting off just 5-15 pounds now! I did get up this morning and go to the gym BEFORE work, a new strategy to get back into good habits. It felt really good. Weight is still holding the same, so that's good, I have pretty much been eating what I want, but watching how much and eating healthy when I can. More calcium now and other vitamins too.

Wishy Washy Woo Woo

Mar 09, 2007

Hi all, well, I finally gave up and decided to just watch what I am eating and exercise. I had a couple of weeks of a bronchitis type illness, so I didn't eat much or exercise, but back to normal now. I am going to go to the gym in the mornings starting on Monday, seems I stick with it better if I get it out of the way first thing! I am down a couple pounds, nothing spectacular. Frustrating to start losing weight then stall out so quick. I seem to be really into grazing, so keeping healthy snacks like carrots, apples, oranges, snap peas, etc...around to munch on. Lightening up on dinners and night time snacks too. 

After having much bloodwork done and a dexiscan, found out I am in early stages of osteopedia(almost porosis) so I am up on the calcium supplements, which I got from Vitalady, vitamin D supplements, B-12 and mega vitamins, plus glucosamin/chondroitin (for joint pain/arthritis) and hormonal supplements, I am a walking health food store. Didn't realize I was so deficient in my vitamins and minerals! Maybe that's why I was so run down all the time???

I also noticed since I have upped the supplements I am not nearly as bad on PMS or cramps during my period. My moods seem more steady these days.

Still would like to get down to the low 130's, but I guess I need to be more disciplined and motivated...I know I will be soon..I feel the resolution setting in! 

One of my best friend's had the surgery a few weeks ago and last I heard from her is that she is really sick, I am so worried about her, but I don't want to bug her either while she is recovering. Maybe I'll give her a call today.

About Me
Arroyo Grande, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2002
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 25
More Life Changes
Life Gets Interesting
Carbon Monoxide Exposure?
B12 Deficient, BEWARE
The Holidays are Here
All Recovered, and Life Goes On
Got through the eye surgery
Two weeks away from final stage of new me
Still trying to lose some weight-five year anniv.
Only Eight Pounds!
