Counting Calories...Ay yiy!

Feb 15, 2007

Now I have resorted to desperate measures. Watching calories and exercising. OMG...not that! I figured out with some on-line reputable calculators that I can have 1200 to 1700 cals a day with my Curves routine and lose about 1-2 pounds a week...that would mean by mid-summer, I should be at my goal. I hope so! I am tired of looking at my flabby butt. I am going to learn to use that darn Bowflex too! It just sits in our sun room mocking me.. GRRRRR

Weight Loss Woes, again???

Feb 12, 2007

I have been following my Curves plan faithfully (with the exception of a 4-day exercise hiatus due to foot surgery) and still stuck in the low 150's. I have been doing the induction/metabolic tune-up just as the Curves plan instructs, but no weightloss to speak of. VERY FRUSTRATING. However, I do feel like I look slimmer. 

I finally went in for a full blood work up and found that I was severely low in B-12 and D....explains a lot of things, the bad mood swings, PMS, numb toes, I am taking some mega-supplements and I definitely feel a huge difference! Maybe that will get the loss going again. 

I am going to stick to the low carb and only do Metabolic Tune-up once in a while if I really need a break, as I think it is making things worse?! I wish I could trust the plan, but I wonder if being a WLS patient makes things work differently. I know I feel so much better sticking to a low carb plan, I rarely dump and feel more energetic. 

Once I get my trike (looking at mid-March) I am sure I can find things to do with my time besides munching!!!

Metabolic Tune Up #2

Jan 31, 2007

Hello, here I am on a Metabolic Tune Up again (Curves plan) where I must eat 2500 to 3000 cals a day until my weight moves. I did the induction again the last few days, ended up 151.5 then down to 149.5 today, now doing the tune-up again. I am sticking with this even though it my weight is not moving as fast as I would like. I am doing this for the long term!!! Everyone has noticed I lost weight though. So that's a good thing!

Weight Woes and Trike Fun

Jan 28, 2007

Well, the metabolic tune up was a waste of time (so it seems) I am still stuck in the high 140's, second day of re-induction. But I am not going to give up, if for any other reason, it's how good I feel! My buddy Tracy is finally scheduled for her surgery (actually, it happened quite fast) and I am so excited for her. She is so gorgeous inside AND out, that I can't imagine her any happier or prettier, but here she goes..she is going to be a TKO! I just inherited Randy's Road King- soon to be a trike so I can ride safely (shortness can be a handicap) and he got a new we are very excited. I hope to ride out to see Tracy after her surgery and she is back to feeling like herself.

Transferring and Curves

Jan 26, 2007

Hi all, I tried to transfer to this new format and it seems all my blogging from the last 4 years has vanished...don't know what I did wrong! In the meantime still struggling to lose the 20+ pounds I gained back. I started the Curves plan along with the workouts again...I have been going a min of 3X weekly, but usually 5 times a week.

I started out with less than 20 carbs and dropped almost 10 pounds right away, then stalled out. Started the 40-60 carbs and went up a pound or decided to try the metabolic tune-up...did that for a few days now I am on day two of the Phase I (20 carbs or less) again. 

I have been very proud of my stick-to-it ness, and even though I get impatient at times, look forward to long-term effects and goals. I can really see that my butt and legs suffered the most from the weight gain, trying to find jeans that fit properly is next to impossible. The low-rise jeans look awful on my wide rear. I found a new brand called "Not your daughter's jeans" that I am dying to try out. 

Life has definitely improved this year, glad to see things starting out so well. Other than my bratty step-kids, which really aren't too bad, our life is going well. Finances are up to par and getting better. Our personal relationship (Randy and me) is great as always...

Keep thinking I am seeing my ex around here. Not sure if he has a look-alike or if he is actually in the area. Makes me very nervous! 

Right now I am at 149, was down to 146 hoping this bout with Phase I gets me down to the low 140's ....still shooting for 125.

About Me
Arroyo Grande, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2002
Member Since

Friends 2

Latest Blog 25
More Life Changes
Life Gets Interesting
Carbon Monoxide Exposure?
B12 Deficient, BEWARE
The Holidays are Here
All Recovered, and Life Goes On
Got through the eye surgery
Two weeks away from final stage of new me
Still trying to lose some weight-five year anniv.
Only Eight Pounds!
