Still plugging along

Jun 26, 2009

Well, it's been quite a long time since I have posted anything.  Every once in a while I come and browse the site to see how things are changing and evolving.  Nice to see there is still such a huge support system here.  It helped me get through some of the highs & lows I experienced when going through my WLS - especially post-op.

I am still working full-time and am enjoying the work.  Finally found a place that I enjoy and have come to love the challenges and even the stresses of this profession.  Nursing definitely isn't always easy, but I must admit it's something I get a lot of personal satisfaction from doing.  I will be moving after the July 4th holiday to be closer to my boyfriend - wow - we've been seeing each other now for almost 2 years and it's been amazing. Been doing the long-distance thing off and on for the most part which hasn't always been easy but my company has facilities all over the USA and I was finally approved for a transfer.  So I'll be closer to him now - rather than 5 hours, more like 15 minutes.

I'm still maintaining my weight - around 210.  I weigh weekly and don't allow more than a 5 pound gain.  I would still like to lose more but I think my WLS has gotten me just as far as it possibly can.  I'm sure if I went back onto a stricter diet I could shed a few more pounds, but I just don't think I could do that long term at this point.  However I'm hoping that once I get relocated I can start working out again which I think will help some - things were just WAY too chaotic after the divorce and multiple moves.

I still want plastic surgery - still need plastic surgery.  Of course money is a huge factor with that.  I know eventually I will have it done - sooner rather than later of course is my preference *lol*  I think I would feel a lot better once I am able to get rid of this excess skin I hate so much.  Still just not really comfortable in my own skin and I think I would feel better about myself if I could have the body I know is under the left over fat I can't get rid of no matter how much dieting and/or exercise I do.  

Still have issues with food - still find myself grazing @ times or not eating as healthy as I should.  Granted I don't binge eat like I used to (I can't) but still doesn't make the emotional eating or eating from boredom go away either.  Guess that is a battle I will probably have all of my life.
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Life Goes On

Aug 28, 2008

My divorce was final on August 6, 2008 and it is like another huge amount of weight has been lifted off of me for good.  I make the joke often when people ask me how much weight I lost, I say 450 pounds - I lost 200 from the surgery and another 250 with the husband!  One of the nicest things that's happened since all of it has finally been concluded is the simple fact I can go back to my maiden name.  It's weird how liberating just a simple thing like that can be.

I'm dealing with a lot of emotional crap lately.  Seem to be having a lot of highs and lows again and I'm not exactly sure why.  I'm going through this "what do I want to do when I grow up?" stuff.  I've been a nurse for about 10 years now and I really thought it was something I wanted to do, but now I just don't know.  I don't enjoy it anymore.  It's a job... I typically dread going in every time I'm scheduled and am so relieved when my shift is over.  I used to get great satisfaction out of working with people and helping them and seeing them get better or have a "good" day, but now it's just so mundane and routine there really is no joy in the work anymore.  And having that attitude in this type of field probably isn't the best thing.  But I honestly have no idea what else I would want to do.  When I think about other careers and job prospects absolutely nothing stands out at me at all.  It's frustrating and depressing and it's really been bringing me down.  I keep thinking if I continue my education in nursing which would open up more doors I might feel differently, but I'm even having trouble getting that taken care of.  So I'm just so annoyed and to the point where I don't give a rat's ass anymore and don't want to even try. 

There is a part of me that truly just wants to settle down, have a family, stay home and take care of them.  I don't want a so-called traditional job anymore -- I want to be a stay-at-home mom, tend to them and the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.  Does that sound completely insane?  I honestly believe that would make me the happiest out of anything else I could ever do.  And it scares me to think that it is something I might not ever get a chance to do because I'm getting older and don't know when or if I'll have the opportunity to do any of that.  So it makes me incredibly sad to think that part of my life may never get to take place.

On top of that, because of the divorce, money is a huge issue and that never helps with the stress levels.  Of course my previous ways of dealing with any problem was to eat, eat and eat some more - hell I'll be honest I'd binge on 3000 plus calorie meals.  Well I can't do that anymore and I'm at a loss what to do.  I have no outlet and while some people I know have turned to booze or smoking - that doesn't even appeal to me.  I've tried the alcohol stuff and it just seemed to replace one problem for another and who the hell wants to be drunk or out of control all the time.  Smoking - ugh! 

I'm also having issues with food again - either afraid to death to eat or grazing throughout the day and I'm so freaking terrified I'm going to gain back my weight.  I still see that 400+ pound person in the mirror looking back at me even though I'm no where near that anymore.  I will go for a day or two without eating much of anything and then eat like I have no cares or concerns in the world - eating nothing but junk.  Even though I can't eat much at one time, I'm not eating anything of any substance - just a lot of empty calories. 

I want to have my plastic surgery and get rid of my excess skin, but of course it costs money and I don't have the funds to do that.  I don't know if the plastics will make me feel any better about myself or not.  I would like to think it would because I honestly hate the reflection in the mirror.  I don't have too much problem if I'm clothed, but as soon as the clothes come off I don't have any desire to look.  I'm disgusted with what I see.  I don't understand why I can't see the progress I've made - why I can't see how far I've really come.  Why I'm only still seeing the ugly fat person I think I am.  I hate feeling like this and I don't know how to turn it around.  Just seems like I'm back in a hole and I can't quite figure out how to get out of it.

Catching up & big changes

Jun 26, 2008

Well, I'm not sure some of the changes since I last posted are all that wonderful, but I have to admit I'm not all that upset about the big ones.  I suppose for me #1 was finally getting back in the workforce.  It had been at least 5 years since I'd worked at all.  I got my nursing license taken off inactive status and started applying for jobs all over the area close and far from home.  At that particular time I didn't care how far I had to drive I just wanted to work.  I got interviews at several places, got offered a lot of per diem positions but finally found a LTC facility that had a full-time night shift available and I jumped at it.  Was wonderful to start working again, earning money and more importantly feeling like I was serving a purpose and not just taking up space anymore.  I felt useful for the first time in a long time and it is a wonderful feeling.  

My highest weight (that I am aware of) was 405.  I am now maintaining around 210-215.  So I’ve lost about 200 pounds.  200 POUNDS!!  Just doesn’t seem real that I’ve lost enough weight to create a whole other person (an overweight person @ that).  I was wearing 5X shirts or larger, pants as large as I could find them (when I could find them) and it was nearly impossible to find bras or underwear that fit at all.  I’ve even gone down at least 1 shoe size and width since my weight loss.  I’m now wearing a XLG or 2X shirt (depends on brand) and 16W pant or 18R – again depends on brand.  That’s one thing I still hate about women’s clothing – sizes are not universal and when I started shopping for clothes I had no idea where to start.  It was frustrating and I’m still finding that I’m initially choosing things are still at least 1 size too large for me.  I can’t seem to get it through my head that I don’t necessarily have to hide my body anymore.  Granted I still hate the skin I’m in – and am so ready for some plastic surgery but that will happen sooner or later and I can’t wait to get those procedures done.  

Back to changes … #2 big change was getting thrown out of the house by my husband in late November of 2007!!  Yes, I said thrown out of my house.  He accused me of cheating on him and having multiple affairs – none of which was true – and one night while I was at work he started to send me these crazy text messages on my cell phone.  Saying he didn’t believe I was at work, that he knew about some man named Mark and that he was going through everything in the house, etc.  I texted him back, saying I was at work, he called up there called me all kinds of things, said he was now my ex-husband and that he wanted to know where my place of work was because he was coming up to kick my ass.  I told him there was no way I would tell him where work was while he was being so unreasonable and hung up.  He called several more times and the last call he told me if he saw me out on the road he would kill me.  At that time I completely lost my composure, broke down at work and my co-workers call the local police department to file a complaint.   

Police where I worked and the police department in the town where our house is located were notified of the threats and harassing phone calls.  The last call I received from my husband (soon to be “ex” thank goodness) I could hear him breaking things in the house – he told me he was destroying all of my things and anything I had an interest in.  He demolished EVERYTHING!  I do mean EVERYTHING!  I went back to the house that morning with a police escort to gather up what was left and there was nothing left.  He had even taken all of my nursing uniforms that I had just bought, cut them up with scissors and poured ketchup on them!  My street clothes were all on the floor of the closet with black permanent marker and he had pissed on them.  The house was trashed.  He destroyed all my electronic equipment – my new computer, router, printer, cd player, mp3 player, kitchen appliances, photos of family, a collection of clowns I had started when I was 15, even wrote on a stuffed bear that my grandmother had given me for Christmas and wrote “HOR” on it.  I think he meant “whore” lmao but considering the source I think “HOR” was probably the best he could do.   

I managed to salvage a few things but not much.  I ended up staying with a co-worker for about a week while l tried to find an apartment closer to work.  I never did go back to the house while he was there.  I went a few more times to get some things and one final time to load up a u-haul to move into an apartment in the town where I was working.  I’ve never gone back and never will.  He filed for divorce in mid-December and it was the best thing that could have happened.  It wasn’t exactly the way I wanted things to end, although I knew things would end because I had been so unhappy for so long and it was time to go.  We weren’t good for each other and probably never were.  Looking back I knew that very early on but was just fooling myself into thinking otherwise.  

We have had a rather messy & long divorce process.  Finally had our mediation hearing earlier in June and it was the first time I’d seen him in a while.  He actually looked shocked to see me and almost a little scared as well.  Rather strange.  He said he missed me and still loved me yada yada yada and wanted me to come back home.  I didn’t even know what to say.  He said we never really had given our marriage a chance!  I reminded him we’d been married for 9 years I think that was plenty of time to see if things were going to work or not.  He said he really didn’t want the divorce but he knew it was something I wanted.  Whatever!  He hugged me and cried.  I honestly had no emotions at all other than I wanted him to let me go and felt uncomfortable being there with him.  I told him I was sorry I hurt him, which I was, but in my mind and in my heart I was done with him and done with our marriage a long time ago.   

I’m hoping our divorce will be final by the end of July.  There are still some issues that will keep us “tied” together for a while – the house and some back taxes to the IRS, but nothing else.  Thankfully we never had kids.  I knew very early on that having a family with him would be a BAD idea.   

Big change #3 and the one I’m most excited about is that I have found the love of my life.  It was totally unexpected and not something I was even remotely looking for but most of the time I’ve found when you’re not looking is when it typically finds you.  It’s been incredible and amazing and I’ve never been happier in my life.  He totally completes me in ways I never thought I even needed.  He knows me sometimes better than I even know myself.  He anticipates my needs, fulfills all my needs & desires & I couldn’t have found a more perfect man for me even if I’d created him myself.  He makes it okay to be me.  Doesn’t expect me to be something I’m not.  Allows me to be a woman and makes me feel alive.  I swear I would go through all the crap I’ve gone through in the past years if it meant I would find him again at the end of all this hell.  Things I never thought I wanted in the past or things I had given up ever having I can see having with him.  I swear I see a future of endless possibilities with him and I know deep down I’ve found a love of a lifetime and my one true love. 

While the WLS has allowed me to have a life I had been missing for so long, it’s also allowed me to live my life as well.  I’ve stopped hiding, stopped putting things off, stopped making excuses for everything and started living again.  I’ve made some mistakes along the way and I’m sure I’ll make more, but at least I’m living my life on my own terms again and not by someone else’s rules.  I’m able to be with a man who respects me for who I am and loves me for who I am.  I honestly can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me anymore.  Used to I would dread the next days, would dread being in public, would dread seeing my family – would dread everything.  Now I see the world through new eyes, not just because of the WLS but also because of him.  It’s amazing what a new chance at life and the love of an amazing man can do for you and I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Continued progress

Oct 19, 2007

I sometimes still can't believe that in such a short amout of time I've already lost over half of the weight I want to lose and have lost enough weight for an entire person!!  I already feel like a different person in so many ways.  Starting to really notice an air of confidence now that I haven't had for a long time.  Even though the scales and number still technically call me obese and others may continue to see me as fat, I am actually starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that my goal is nearing me every single day.  

Of course I still have days of extreme impatience, hoping that I'll wake up in the morning and the remaining 100 pounds is gone (wouldn't THAT be nice) but just have to keep plugging along and doing what I'm doing.  I think that the impatience just stems from the fact that I've waited for such a long time to finally have the body & life I've wanted for years -- I am able to start picturing it in my mind and just want it NOW and not later.  I've got plastic surgery on the brain now too -- knowing it's very likely I'll need at least 2, possibly 3 procedures done and am already saving for that.  Plus my grandmother has said she'd help with the costs, so I am equally anxious about getting that done as well.  I read somewhere in a blog or in a magazine a quote that stuck with me... "WLS saved my life, plastic surgery allowed me to live it".  I think that is probably one of the best statements to describe both surgeries.

The marriage is still suffering greatly.  I'm not very optimistic that we'll survive through this.  He seems extremely jealous of my weight loss and has turned his efforts to lose some extra weight into a strange form of competition.  Why he thinks I'm trying to compete with him is beyond me!  I never underwent WLS for him or anyone else -- I did it for me.  He gets angry when I lose a lot more weight every week than he does.  I keep reminding him that my stomach can only hold 4-6 ounces at one time, that I consume considerably fewer calories than he does and work out consistently... so of course I'll likely lose more weight than he will.  Plus he only needs to lose another 20-30 pounds whereas I still have around 100.   Really pisses me off he's acting like such an ass!

He hates that men have started to look at me again -- that they give me a 'second look' when we're out together.  Most of the time I am oblivious to the attention because for so many years people in generally overlooked me or given me looks of disgust/horror because of my weight.  The new form of attention I get now I rarely notice and when I do it makes me a bit uncomfortable.  Still not used to being in my own skin just yet or my shrinking body.

I knew, or at least had a suspicion, that he would never truly be accepting of the changes I would go through.  Even though he assured me he would be supportive, I'm finding that there are often subtle attempts of sabotaging my efforts.  I've even called this to his attention and yet he continues to do it.  Honestly hurts me that he thinks so little of me.  Yet the more he does it, the angrier it makes me, not to mention it creating resentment towards him as well.  Of course we have had problems for some time now, I just think these new changes are just bringing them out more and adding more fuel to the fire (so to speak).

Over Half Way There!!!

Sep 21, 2007

Well today I have gotten past my halfway point!!  WOOHOO!!  It is so great to see that over half my excess weight is gone.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would lose over 100 pounds in less than 6 months!  This is just so great I could bust.  I did let out a primal scream when I got on the scale this morning.  I even danced around a bit.  

I'm still working out like mad and even though I still hate to admit this I am really enjoying it.  I think now I'm so used to doing it that it is just a regular part of my day.  I definitely notice if I miss a day and feel guilty if I skip and my energy level seems lower as well.  I'm walking about 3 miles a day now plus doing weights and resistance bands.  Can definitely tell I'm toning up my muscles even if they are still hidden under an extra 100 pounds.  I will be measuring myself at the of the month so I'm curious to see how many inches I've lost as well.  Always a nice extra boost to the confidence as well as confirm that my hard work is paying off.

I have started to notice my marriage is beginning to suffer now that I'm feeling so much better and getting more confidence.  We had already been having struggles long before I ever had my WLS so I was prepared for some potential rough roads.  I don't think my husband was as prepared for the changes as he thought he was.  Or maybe didn't realize completely just how much of an effect this would have on me.  I'm not sure.  But I'm already much more confident with myself, I feel like I'm even walking differently.  I'm not ashamed to look at people in the eyes anymore.  Don't feel like I'm being overlooked as much and don't seem to be getting those "oh my God she's huge" looks anymore either.  I'm still not quite there, but 119 pounds makes one hell of a difference in your appearance.

So I don't know what will happen with us.  Right now as much as I am ashamed to admit it, my focus is more on me than us.  I am just trying to be the best me I can be and trying to put all the crap and negative junk out of my mind.  I don't want to lose focus on my main objective and that is to get healthy and happy and ultimately truly like myself for the first time in a very long time.


Aug 18, 2007

This week I finally reached the 100 pound mark after my surgery - actually 101 pounds, but still, just knowing I've taken off 100 pounds feels great.  I am almost at the halfway mark and it just seems amazing that I've come so far in such a short time.

I finally managed to get my head out of my ass in regards to exercise and got serious about it.  Even though I still loathe it and think it rather vile, I'm working out consistently and not being a wimp about it either.  In the past I would get on the treadmill and go just a little above a pace that was comfortable and barely break a sweat or get my heart rate up.  Now I challenge myself, increasing the speed and incline during my workout.  Even started adding some toning and weight lifting after the cardio.  While I doubt I'll ever be someone who can honestly say they like to work out, I definitely do enjoy the benefits and results.  My energy level is up, my endurance is improving and overall I just feel better.

I still see the 385 pound girl staring back at me in the mirror though.  Even looking at before/after photos doesn't seem to make it any easier as I'm still seeing a very fat person staring back at me.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to see me through "thin" eyes, if that makes any sense at all.  It makes me very sad and I hear the negative talk in my head all the time.  Sometimes it is hard to stay positive about it and be happy even with the fantastic results I'm having.  I know fear is playing a big factor in this - fear I'll regain the weight, fear I'll fail at reaching my goal, fear that I'll never feel good enough, fear I won't be accepted no matter what I look like... all those things I've dealt with for so long as a fat person -- how do you just erase them?  How do you resolve all that?  I guess it's just another thing among many that I'll have to work on.


Aug 03, 2007



Learning process

Jul 31, 2007

As of Friday (27th) I have lost a total of 80 pounds.  I was honestly a bit amazed when I weighed because I had not been all that compliant with my post-op diet as I should.  And after having slow weeks for pretty much all of July I was equally amazed to see a bigger number drop - 6 pounds vs. 1 or 2.

I had an "ah ha" moment a few days ago.  I'm no longer really craving or lusting after food but I still want to eat just to have something to do.  So it finally dawned on me that I've got to find something else to fill the void that food used to do.  I can no longer "entertain" myself with planning my next meal (or binge), or even occupy myself with shoveling food down my throat because I don't have anything else better to do.  I've been so inactive and estranged from the world, even myself, that I've somehow lost me and the things that are a part of me (interests, hobbies, desires, dreams, etc).  

I had become so used to the fact that I was just miserable and fat and lonely (and any other negative adjective you want to insert here) that I ignored or forgot about those things I used to enjoy doing that gave my life meaning and fulfillment and basically tossed them away for food.  Sad and pathetic I know, but it's true.

I'm finding now I'm not obsessing over food like I used to.  Most days I have to remind myself that I need to eat; otherwise several hours can go by before I even consume anything.  Sometimes I feel like I'm force-feeding myself because nothing tastes good or even appeals to me.  It's been a struggle to even think of what to eat - a very new and strange development in my life.  Although it's not necessarily an unwelcome one.

I have noticed though over the last couple of weeks my compliance with my post-op diet has been not so great.  And then I would wonder why I wasn't losing like I wanted - getting angry at myself and the surgery - something wasn't working - I wasn't working.  I had to step back and take an honest look at myself and realize that for some reason I was sabotaging myself and the surgery and the chance I had for a better life.  But then the question of course was WHY?

I think after living so long as a morbidly obese person, hearing the comments made by others, seeing the expressions on people's faces (horror, disgust, shock), not to mention my own personal feelings about myself I had just decided that I wasn't worthy of anything good or positive in my life.  I had no life for the last seven years; I had become reclusive and avoided any kind of social contact, given up on my desires and dreams and just become complacent about everything.  I assumed that would be my life until I ended up eating myself to death.  That mindset had been with me for a very long time and I just didn't feel like I was worthy of anything; that I didn't deserve anything better.

No wonder I've been hindering my progress - sabotaging myself.  I'm still thinking that way; still have those old fears and beliefs that I don't deserve a better life; that I'm not worthy of something good & positive.  Well that is bull shit and in order for me to be truly successful with this wonderful opportunity I've got to stop thinking that way.  I can't afford to think that I don't deserve something better in my life, that I am less deserving of anyone else for attaining their goals or achieving their dreams.  I want my life back - I want to LIVE my life and enjoy it.  I no longer want to be someone who hides out from the world and watches everything pass by anymore.  I spent way too much time on the couch doing nothing and watching time pass me by and choosing not to be a part of the world around me.  I don't want to live like that anymore; no one should.

While all this is easy to say, it's not always so easy to implement and change.  It takes time to better yourself and even more gumption to change the negative self-talk I've been hearing in my head for the last 7 years.  So I'm a work in progress, both on the inside and outside.  While the outside appearance will probably be the easier to change and quicker to change I think the inside will be the most challenging of all.

Ups And Downs

Jun 20, 2007

WARNING: I'm going to be doing a bit of ranting and such in this post, so if you're offended by "colorful" language or just don't want to read someone's bitching, I suggest you skip reading this one.

I have been having some really big emotional highs and lows lately.  The lows seem to be the predominant mood as of late.  Lots of tears, general feelings of depression and just overall ICK.  I know that with WLS a lot of the stuff and gunk I've hidden or stuffed away with food start to surface in their own unique and possibly unpleasant ways, but it's still unsettling nonetheless.  So the last week or so it seems I cry at the drop of a hat, get angry for no appearant reason and just want to lash out at everyone.  My poor DH seems to take the brunt of it when he's home or even when we speak on the phone.  It's probably a good thing he's away so much so that he can avoid the worst of it.  I did warn him ahead of time that this type of "appealing" behavior would surface after WLS so that he wouldn't necessarily be caught off guard, but it still must be troubling for him to witness and bear.  Hurting the ones we love just seems to sometimes be inevitable.

I haven't bothered to go back to Curves even though in all honesty I think my knee could handle it.  I'm just terrible when it comes to exercise.  When I'm in the mood to do it, I go for it 100%, but if at any time something comes along to break that cycle (injury, schedule conflicts, illness, etc.) then that mood fades and so does the desire/inspiration to do it.  And then of course I feel guilty and ashamed for NOT doing it because I know that exercise is something I should be doing on a regular basis to not only increase my weight loss but to have better success post-op.

My mom recently told me that my WLS was inspiration to her and my stepfather to start losing weight again.  She has struggled with her weight as an adult doing the yo-yo thing like so many of us have done; losing & gaining more times than I'm sure either of us could possibly count.  In a way I was flattered that my decision to have WLS was the influence they both needed to be more serious about their weight and health, however it is also a burden I don't  want to have.  I don't want to be responsible for someone wanting to lose weight.  I don't want that pressure on me because what if I fail?  What if I don't have success after WLS?  What if????  Is this crazy to feel like this? 

Hell even my DH has jumped on the weight-loss bandwagon & is drinking protein drinks, cutting carbs, having a high-protein diet, etc. making sure I don't "out shine him" (his words) when it comes to losing weight.  He is/was worried that by me having WLS and losing weight, he didn't want to be the fat one in the marriage and have people wonder what I was doing with "that old fat, bald man" (again his words, not mine).  So in a way I feel like he's in competition with me.  He's always talking about what he eats during the day, how many carbs he's consumed, the amount of weight he's lost, etc. and to be perfectly honest, I don't want to friggin' hear about it.  I am having enough trouble dealing with my own demons and trying to figure out what works best for me that I don't want to have comparisons of food intake or weight loss.  I just can't!  While I'm proud of him and the rest of my family who are trying to take better control over their health, I can't help but feeling angry and just wanting to tell them to STOP bugging me about my weight, my diet, me. 

Hell at this point, I don't really know what I'm feeling.  I know that I'm dealing with a lot of anger and I'm just not really sure where it is all coming from.  Part of me just wants to cry when the other part of me wants to throw or hit something; make others feel as shitty as I do. 

So to those who have told me I took the "easy way out" (you're assholes BTW) you can just shove it because this is NOT easy.  I can't remember a day since my WLS that it has even been easy.  Oh sure, some days have been better than others, there have been days that have seemed great, but for the most part I feel like I'm still wading through a bunch of junk and it's like I'm being pulled in all directions at once.

I've even noticed that I've started to sleep a lot again - definite sign of being mildly depressed.  For a time I was getting up early in the morning, bursting with energy and ready to tackle the day - even looking forward to going out and doing something.  Now I would just rather stay in bed and sleep.  Luckily we have dogs that require that I get up and let them out, otherwise I probably would spend more time in bed.  I want/need to get out of this funk.  It's really taking its toll on me.


Jun 04, 2007

I have been experiencing a lot of nause lately, especially after I eat or when I try to take my vitamins.  I don't know if after eating it is because I'm eating too much, too fast, or a combination of both.  I haven't introduced any new foods in a while so it can't be that.  So I decided to go back a few steps in my diet and regress to soft and pureed foods for a few days.  Hoping it will provide the "break" my tummy needs and then I will gradually start adding solid proteins again.  Luckily I don't experience hunger with the VSG, so it's just a matter of making sure I eat something during the day.  So far I've only had a yogurt and protein shake today.  I honestly haven't even felt like eating lately.  Sometimes it just seems like a chore to make something.  

I haven't felt as good as I would like either over the past week or so.  I know a lot of it has to do with the fact I haven't been taking my vitamins like I should.  But when they make you feel like puking, it's not exactly something you WANT to take, you know?  I haven't yet figured out the best way to get them in without them causing me unpleasant after effects.  I've tried spreading them out during the day, taking them with my food, before my food, after my food, crushed in food, etc. and nothing seems to work.  So I don't know what I'm going to do.  I can't stand the chewable kind, they seemed to make the nausea that much worse, so I switched back to pill form that I just swallow whole, thinking that would help - no such luck. *sigh*  Guess I'll just have to keep experimenting until I find something that DOES work.

I took some measurements of myself a few days ago and I've lost about 25 inches - imagine over 2 feet of me is gone now, as well as the 51 pounds.  Pretty amazing.  I'm still so happy I had the surgery, even with all the icky stuff that came along with it.  

I will be glad when I can get back to working out at Curves regularly.  Unfortunately I twisted my knee one day when I was there and it just hasn't healed enough that I feel safe putting the extra exertion on it.  I think in a few more days or even by next week I will have (hopefully) rested it enough that it will be safe to start going back again.  However I'm definitely going to start wrapping it before working out so it has some extra support.  Don't want to do it again.

About Me
Columbus, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2000
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Latest Blog 32
Life Goes On
Catching up & big changes
Continued progress
Over Half Way There!!!
Learning process
Ups And Downs
