Sick :(

Mar 27, 2014

Today I stayed home sick. :( I never call in sick… only one other time this year. I felt- and still feel- pretty miserable. I’m pretty sure it’s just a bad cold that I have had for awhile- it is going around work, that's what happens when you work in a high school full of germy teenagers, but today I felt so much worse, and there is also a problem with my ear- Dave thinks that it is an infection. I woke up in a lot of pain. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the eardrum. I took two tyelnol and went back to bed it got better- but it is still not normal. It feels really clogged up. I thought it might be wax buildup, so my husband put some ear drops in, but that didn’t help. So I’m giving it until tomorrow, and if it doesn’t get better I might go to urgent care. I hate going to the doctor but I don’t want it to get worse. Dave thought I should go today since I also had a fever. The fever has gone down but I still think I have one. I’ll try to go to work tomorrow, but right now it isn’t looking good. Moving day is Saturday too, so this is bad timing. Hope everyone else is having a better day!

So anyway I wasn’t in the mood to do much of anything today, but I had a cleaning service coming to my apartment and I had to be out for a few hours, so I ran some errands and got some french onion soup at panera. Unfortunately I couldn’t really taste it, but I’m sure it was good. Then I came home and spent the afternoon binge watching Greys Anatomy on Netflix. Dinner tonight was Greek yogurt because I don’t feel like eating much.


1 month out

Mar 21, 2014

Yesterday was one month out for me... it seems like way longer through. It has been a good month. My damn incisions finally stopped hurting so badly after about 3 weeks. I'm down 18 pounds since surgery which is a slow loss, but I'm ok with that. When have I ever lost 18 pounds period- let alone in a month. I've made a few poor food choices, especially lately, but I still consider myself successful because even with the poor food choices I never felt "out of control" like my pre surgery self. And most of the time I made good choices. So I'm not perfect, but I feel good about myself. I'm 10 pounds away from my first mini goal! I hate how food centered this country is- makes it hard to stay on plan. This week, I am helping out at my husband's school since the school I work at is on spring break. Anyway, yesterday I got off about 2 hours earlier than him but didn't want to go all the way home because I had to come get him- we took one car. So anyway, I had my kindle and I wanted to go somewhere that had WiFi and just hang out, and I was also hungry, but I couldn't think of anywhere to go that had snack food I could eat, so I just went to the library. But times like that are hard, pre surgery I had a million options of places to go for an after work snack. Anyway, it's the.minor things like that that make it hard to make good choices.


3 weeks out!

Mar 14, 2014

So I realize that it's been awhile since I last posted. So I am 3 weeks out as of Thursday. Things have been going pretty well. I was able to start eating soft foods after the second week, which was exciting. I was so sick of the pureed foods. This stage has been going really well. I am tolerating all the foods I have been eating, plus I seem to have gotten over the lactose intolerance that I had the first two weeks. The hardest thing is trying to get all my protein in. I am not having trouble with liquids thankfully. Thankfully, I have found some powders that I like, so I have been starting each day off with a shake. I am so ready to be able to have caffeine because there are some yummy looking coffee protein drinks I want to try!

Monday was my first day back to work. It went great, everyone was happy to see me, I got lots of compliments on how much weight I have lost. They are also really curious about my new diet, they are surprised at how little I eat. I don't mind talking about it though. Anyway, that day went fine, my energy level was pretty good, but then after work I had to go to school until 7:30, and after that I was pooped! I came home and passed out.!My energy levels were good for the rest of the week though. Today we had a pizza party at work and it was really hard to resist the pizza and eat my boring soup instead. It looked soooo yummy! Why must there always be food at work! Anyway, I am glad the week is over, I am feeling pretty pooped now. Tomorrow I told my hubby I want to go shopping for some spring clothes... my pants are starting to get big. It will be fun to see what sizes I can fit into.


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1 week appointment

Feb 27, 2014

Today marks 1 week since my surgery. Time has really flown by! The appointment went well- I just got my staples removed and the doc said my incisions looked good. I asked when I could have caffeine again and he said not until 2 months post op, and no decaf coffee either. Boo. Oh well I'll survive, lol. Guess I'm just gonna have to start napping after work! Things have been going smoothly, I've been able to take in enough fluid and protein. I figured out that my stomach does not like milk right now- boo. I hope that changes eventually. I will be able to start soft foods next week-yay! Today I was allowed to introduce eggs into my diet. I love eggs, so I cooked one and had a few bites. I tolerated it just fine, but I didn't do a very good job cooking the egg. I forgot to add milk and worried it wasn't soft enough, so I just gave the rest to my dog. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm also allowed to start eating hummus and beans- I think I will have some of that tomorrow too. Overall, I am a pretty happy sleever. Oh, the best part is that I am down 20 pounds since the start of my pre op diet, 10 since surgery. I have never lost 20 pounds in my whole life, no joke! The most I have ever lost was 15 pounds when I was on weight watchers in high school, but I put that back on quickly enough lol.

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post op day 2

Feb 22, 2014

I was sleeved Thursday 2/20 and it went very smoothly! The doctor said my liver looked great so I guess that god awful pre op diet was worth it. He did a wonderful job, I had almost no pain in the hospital- only used the morphine pump a few times. I got to go home Friday morning. Even though my stay was great I was glad to be home and snuggle with my puppy and husband.

My program has me on clear liquids for 2 days after surgery, basically the pre op diet minus the protein shakes. Tomorrow I start pureed/ soft foods. I can have yogurt, smoothies, cream soup, oatmeal, and of course my protein shakes. I don't think that will be too hard for me. On day 7 I can add eggs which I am so excited for! Never in my life have I wanted scrambled eggs so badly!

So I am doing well so far. Today has been a little harder than yesterday. I wanted to get out of the house and do something so we went to a mexican place so he could get lunch and I could just sip on an iced tea. I didn't think it would bother me too much because I don't like that place that much. But oh boy, when he brought out the chips and queso, I wanted some so badly! Lol! But I resisted.. yay! Now we are home and I am feeling pretty worn out... might take a nap soon.


pre op day 4

Feb 16, 2014

Today has been pretty good for me. The liquid diet is getting easier. My husband found this pizza place he really likes so today he ate lunch there and I had some unsweetened iced tea. It actually wasn't too bad for me considering I love pizza, but I don't really like the pizza there so it wasn't too bad. After that we just drove around a bit. It was around then I started getting cravings. I really wanted Chinese food- I told him that his shirt smelled like dumplings and it was making me hungry. Lol! Besides that I'm doing fine. I think my body is definitely adjusting. The only thing is that now I get tired way earlier than usual. It's like my body shuts down at 8:30...Lol. we'll see how that affects my classes Monday and Tuesday night. I'm so glad I have off work tomorrow for presidents day. Poor hubby still has to work. In other news... t minus 3 days! Two more work days! Things are getting real!


Pre op day 3

Feb 15, 2014

So I am doing pretty well today. I am doing suprisingly well getting in water which is good because I used to HATE drinking water, but I bought a huge thing of propel at costco and I LOVE them! I really like the grape ones... so yummy. Last night was hard because on Friday nights we usually order pizza. I wasn't really that hungry though.. just bored. Thankfully my hubby has been cooking things that I don't like anyway so I don't feel too bad about not being able to eat it. Today I went to get my hair cut which I despritely needed and then we went out to eat and I did really well! We got chinese and I got eggdrop soup. Yum! I didn't eat any of the eggs really since I'm technally not supposed to have those. I did have a glass of diet coke... couldn't resist... but it didn't really taste that good and I don't think I'll have a problem giving it up. I forgot to ask them not to bring out the fried noodles that come with the soup, so seeing those made it kind of hard because I really wanted some to go with my soup, but I resisted. I think that's a success. Later I'm planning on going to Target to buy some more SF popsicles, SF jello, propel, and protien powder (still searching for one I love... hubby bought a whey one that I can't stand... I feel bad though so sometimes I try to drink it anyway in front of him) I am ready for Thursday to be here!


Pre op diet day 1

Feb 13, 2014

Today I started my pre op diet. I have one of the stricter ones, unfortunately. I am only allowed 4 protein shakes a day and as much clear liquids as i want. I got the ensure protein drinks and they are pretty good if they are cold. Anyway, so I was feeling fine this morning and through lunch, but I crashed at about 1 pm. Now I am hungry, tired, and achy and I'm starting to think that I can't do this! Tomorrow is going to be torture at work with all the food around, plus we are going on a field trip to a pizza place. No one at work except my boss knows what I'm going through so I dont have much support. I'm sure I would if I told people, but I'm not ready. I'm just starting to have these negative thoughts in my head, wondering if I am making a mistake. Maybe if I just try a little harder next time I can lose the weight.


I finally did it!

Jan 29, 2014

So I worked up the courage to tell my boss today finally. She actually took it better than expected- she was really happy and excited for me, and she told me that she has also been considering WLS for herself. She asked me about the center I was going to and what the process of getting approved for surgery was like. I am so relieved! It's like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Now all that's left to do is prepare for my pre op appointment. This is starting to get real!


Wedding ring woes

Jan 26, 2014

So in December my diamond fell out of my engagement ring at work. I looked everywhere but it was long gone... probably fell down a drain or something. I thought well... not the end of the world, we have insurance so they should cover it. So I tried to get my ring off to take it to the jewelers, but it won't come off because I've gained at least 20 pounds since getting married 2 years ago, and even then it was tight. I tried everything- soap and water, butter, Windex (some jewelers swear by it), drinking tons of water so I wasn't as bloated, nothing worked. I would get the ring about halfway off, but no more. By that point my finger was incredibly swollen from trying to get the ring off, so my only option was to get it cut off. So I went to an urgent care and they cut it off in about 3 minutes, and they sent me home with my poor mangled ring in a container reserved for urine samples (that's all they had to put the ring in.) Since then, life has been crazy and my husband and I are sort of procrastinators, so the ring sat on our bookshelf in a urine sample cup until today when I finally got tired of looking at it, so we finally decided to take it to the jeweler.

Well, I was kind of worried that they would laugh in my face and send me away, because to keep the insurance you have to go in every 6 months to have the ring inspected and cleaned. We have done that once since we have been engaged. So I didn't think it was even worth it to try, but my husband said we should at least see if they can do anything. Well, we dug out the paperwork for the ring, and lo and behold, it says right there MUST GET RING INSPECTED EVERY 6 MONTHS OR THE INSURANCE IS VOID. Well, ok that sucks, So we just decided that we will buy a new wedding/anniversary band. We figure we can get a pretty plain one for less than $200. I don't care if it has diamonds on it, I just want something to wear on my finger.

So we decide to go to JC Penney because that is where we bought my husband's band for a very good price, but before we shop for a ring we need to get my finger sized. I guessed that it was about a 10 now, and I was correct. The engagement ring was an 8.5, no WONDER it wouldn't come off! So we tell the saleswoman we just want a plain wedding band, so she shows us some and I try one on and it fits pretty well. Then I look at the case and it is a men's ring. Turns out they don't really make women's rings in a size that big. I don't know why that came as a shock to me, but it did. So now we have decided that we are just going to look for a cheap ring for me to wear for now until I lose weight. What's the point of buying an expensive ring now anyways?

So now I am on my quest to find a cheap ring made for someone with fat fingers.

When I got home, I started cursing myself for letting the insurance expire like that. How hard is it to go to the ring store twice a year to get it cleaned? Then I realized, when it was time for me to go in Feb. 2012, I was embarrassed to go because I couldn't get my ring off my finger. I kept telling myself to just wait a few more months and then I will have lost enough weight to get the ring off. Well, look how well that worked out. It just kept getting worse, and I kept telling myself "I just need a few more months and this ring will come off...."

Oh well. Lesson learned. I'm pretty sure I would have had to take the ring off for surgery anyway since they said no jewelry.


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Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2013
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