Day of Surgery

Sep 25, 2012

 This is how it went....I didnt have to be at the hospital until 8am but I awoke about 4 in the morning from all the excitement. I cleaned up a few things and I was on my way. I arrived a little before 8am checked myself in and waited with family and friends until they called my name. Once they called me which was about 40 minutes later I was taken in the back and changed. I was given this cute purple gown with matching socks...which was great bc purple is my favorite color. IV was done and then there was more of the waiting this time Im so nervous but the nurse that was caring for me at the time assured me that I was going to be fine because she went through the same procedure..told me a few funny stories and calmed me down. As they ware getting ready to bring me into the surgery room the freakin anesthesiologist told me that they were going to have to insert a tube down my throat just in case I stop breathing and then some other scary things. At that moment I was getting up out of the bed while crying and saying I was going longer did I want to go to sleep after hearing that...So the staff managed to calm me down and I decided to go on ahead with the procedure. I was given something the called mild just to calm down my nerves...well I don't know what was mild to them all i know that it knocked me out. I was in and out and I remember the anesthesiologist saying that I only gave her just a that was all it took. The last thing that I do remember was being lifted onto the operation table then black.

OMG when I woke up I felt that had been attacked and left for dead....I was fighing to get the mask off because I felt that it was suffercating me. I was crying in pain and was told that I wasn't breathing good enough to get the pain meds. I was trying to get out of the bed and get out the hospital...All I was thinking was what the hell did I just do to myself???? I think I acted out so bad in the recovery room that they gave me something to knock me out again because the next time I woke up I was in my room. I awoke in pain but not from the operation but my back was killing me. I was trying to get out of the bed again but just to sit in the chair bc i know that it would have helped...the nurses was trying to keep me in the bed but I was fighing them so they helped me out and I sat in the chair..where I slept all night ...believe it or not I was content there. Everything else that happen was routine and 2 days later I was able to go home.  


Longest Weekend

Sep 15, 2012

Ok so I only have 3 days left and for some reason the today seem so longgggggg. I can't stand it.  I don't know why i was complaining about the liquid diet lol bc now I am water and protein only for the next three days. I continue thinking about the reasons and the benefits...that's what keep me going. I was going to just go someone and get through the day but it's sooooo hot outside it ran me back inside only fater 10 minutes....that was just me walking to my seriously. So here I am I guess I'll go watch a movie or something and sip on this propel water. Please just continue to ask God to see me through...Thanks.

Final Tests

Sep 11, 2012

 So tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to do the final blood work before my surgery on the 18th. It's getting real to me now and this liquid diet that I'm on is driving me nuts. I just want to eat something a handful of goldfish would be so nice lol but luckily I got a support system backing me up. While most people are praying to find something to eat I'm praying not to eat that's funny. Well I'll post again probably the day before my surgery because I know I wont be able to sleep.
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Almost here

Sep 06, 2012

Ok the time is almost near. I only have 12 days until my surgery. I'm so nervous I feel like it's just one of those thing where I'm going to awaken and find it was all just a dream and I'll still be fighting my insurance to approve this surgery. Even though I have people here for my I still can't help feeling alone

About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2012
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