THE surgeon appt!!! tadaaaa

May 05, 2012

It was great!  I met a super nice nurse named Twyla who discussed my history (both medical and diet) and my overall health.   Then Dr. Vergis arrived and we had a nice chat, I asked alot of questions and he answered all of them very professionally.  He said I was a good candidate for either surgery but I am leaning toward the VSG, so that is what we are going with! yay!  Andrea gave me a July 26th date for Laura and I called Theresa (the shrink) and she can see me that day as well, or the next day if the times don't work .  I have to talk to Andrea again for the time...........that would have been good to know!  haha.

I will make my appt for my swallow up here in The Pas, I can get in pretty quick here and Andrea already gave me the req, so that's as good as done (although this means people at work will know, although they CANNOT say anything, I'll know that they know.....).  but Yay anyway!  I will have to talk to the Clinic where my Dr. works, apparently he is leaving soon so I need to get in ASAP for my physical.  Both Andrea and Dr. Vergis were confident that I should get my surgery before the six month expiration of the complete physical so yay for that too!

Everyone always says that once the ball really starts rolling, it goes fast and I believe it.  

Oh yeah, that big azz binder I had at the M & G with my food diary, gym synopsys, etc.  was politely looked at ...... that's it.  REALLY????  I slaved over that!!!  I was hoping for some oohhhhhhs and ahhhhhhs and "that's amazing Diane" LOL  Oh well, it's all about the learning right?  right.

All for now.   I can see the light at the end of the ..... laparoscopic camera - haha!


Just back from the Meet and Greet

Apr 02, 2012

That was wonderful!! I learned so much and met so many wonderful ladies with such good advice, scars and stories (good and bad).  I can't believe I was the only pre op until another lady came just before I left ...... just when I thought I might not be the biggest girl in the room....... I still was!!  hahaha  oh well.  It was such a great 'reality check" that it's actually going to happen!  

only 63 sleeps......

Mar 01, 2012

but that's only for my one-on-one.  boooo.  Now that my fun winter stuff is all over (Cuba trip), I just want this ball to roll.  I guess I should be grateful to be as close as I am but the closer it gets, the harder it is to fill my thoughts about other stuff. I HATE food journalling and I know that we are supposed to do it after surgery as well but it is something I just dread - don't know why.

Not to sound whiney, but honestly I wish I could have forgone the trip and had an appointment instead.  The trip was a gift though and for a milestone birthday for my husband so I was kinda cornered (and let's face it, it was a hot holday, not jail) but I wish I could have taken the date Andrea had available during that time, instead of MAY 3RD!!!  I fear I pissed her off by saying I couldn't make that day.........yikes.

I did try and see if I could arrange either and appt with Laura (the NUT) or psych eval. to coincide with the May 3rd appt but Andrea didn't even bat an eye with "no, not possible"  I understand that you have to pass the one-on-one hurdle before you can be referred on but jeezzz, maybe a suggestion to put our heads together and come up with some dates (since it's so far off that there should be some openings to "coordinate" these things - isn't that her job???  I only criticize because I have done that kind of job exactly and know that things could be handled a little more efficiently - but I feel pushy making suggestions to her and I fear this could work against me....... you never know.

Least my wait is not as long as my daughter's, she's looking at 3-5 years.  i am going to see if there is anyway I can work this into my mortage and get her done in Mexico next winter.   I should be done by then and will be able to mentor her.  Also she is an incredible sucky baby for Dr. stuff so hopefully she'll see how well I did and not be so freaked out. 

all for now,


Finally have some news

Nov 28, 2011

So after reading that some of the ladies who were referred the same time I was have had their info sessions, I screwed up my courage and called julie and she was super.  Apparently she had tried calling me Nov 2 and left a message (which I never got - thanks kids!!!) anyway we settled on Dec 16 for my info session.  To bad cuz I am in the city on Dec 1, on my way to Vegas (a b-day gift from a friend) or on Dec 7 (in the peg again on the way home).  Oh well, after all my whining about hte long wait, I am just happy it is starting.  We discussed dates in Jan that have openings and the only days that have openings are the days that are IMPOSSIBLE for me to take off.  Same for Feb. unless I can maybe get into see Laura or the psych guy but I think you actually have to see the surgeon first.  Dam I wish I lived in the city!!! things would go much smoother..... oh well....

Well I better go pack for my trip .... apparently for my b-day we are going to the stripper 101 class at Planet Hollywood.  Oh boy.


Obsessed with waiting, hurry up and wait, etc.

Sep 07, 2011

Okay, I'm ready (Hello Julie & Andrea).  haha.  Wait your dam turn.  Who the hell are these people who are popping up on the forum saying "oh my surgery day is in 3 weeks and I have a couple of questions"  REALLY...... REALLY!!!!  I must be the only on who is out of my mind with this.  I know everything about this surgery EVERYTHING (nice try grannyD, you just think you do)   I can't wait for the killer gas, saggy skin and hair loss!  I want my cloths to fall off at inconvenient times, my pants to drag on the ground cuz they are so baggy, and a chicken breast to last me 3 days in my lunchkit!!  joking of course, just frustrated with the wait. 

I had a bit of a dilema over the past weeks.  regarding my winter vakay.  I totally felt that because I wasn't sure when I would get "the call" that we would stay home this year - no problem, getting sleeved is WAY more important than anything this year (see above rant)  anyway, I have also kept this surgery from most peole I know.  WELL, my mother in law knew we decided not to go but she thought it was because we couldn't afford it sooooo........ she went and booked a trip for us as a surprise gift for my husband's milestone bday!!!!!! oh yay - not!  WHAT IF THEY CALL ME FOR THAT TIME!!!! OMG!!!   So in desparation I called Julie and explained the situation and she reassured me that there was no way I would be done in January... booo..... sort of. 

Good news Is I can go on vacation (Cuba here I come for the last time as a fat person) but I would trade it ALL for a December surgery.  Oh well. 

life is revolving around this surgery...

Jul 13, 2011

I am impatient.  Wish I had tons of money to run to meh-hee-co and buy me a sleeve but would have to chargex it and would take 25 years to pay off and I am pretty sure I'll have made it to the front of the queue bu then.......hopefuly.

What to plan for Christmas? Normally my family (extendeds and closer) gather at our house cuz we have room but I am really hoping to be done by then?  okay maybe a little too optimistic ..... and then there is the hot holiday.  I could easily go without it this year but hubby didn't get to go last year cuz of work(so I went with my sis and friends) but now he is CHOMPING at the bit to go.  He has reservations about the surgery (likes me fine the way I am - whatever) but only because he is scared something might happen in surgery.  Let;s face it, who would want to live without me? lol

Anyway, I am just a little frustrated with the waiting, I like to plan out EVERYTHING well in advance and this is out of my control.....

so I will wait.....

NGD out.


Jun 15, 2011

For some reason, my body is craving everything!  It must sense it's impending loss. hahahah good - take that treacherous body.  Me and my new body are going to be great friends, I' m going to be so good to it, dress it up and paint it's toenails a different color everyday - all by myself.  I will shave it's legs, even in the tricky places and take it to the gym in something other than the world's baggiest t-shirt (a load of laundry on it's own) lol.

I have my confirmation on the list, so that is good, I guess.  I have too just hurry up and wait now.  boo.   I want in now but I am sure everyone is the same way.   I wonder if there is really 700 people on the list.  I think about 4 have been done lately ....... sigh.  Where do are all these 700 people?

All for now,


In the Beginning .......

May 31, 2011

Okay, I won't go that far back but I will give a short introduction.  I am 44 years old, mother of 4, have worked at the same place for 25 years (and can retire in 5 more! woot woot) and have been married for 23 years.  Oh yes, very important to mention the grandbaby (thus the name).  She is 16 months old and the sweetest, smartest, prettiest........oh I digress!   Anyway, back to "the story of me".

I was a skinny, short kid who grew into an athletic teenager
(figure skating was my game!) who grew into an overweigt ex-athlete who is kinda tall (5'8 - not a big whoop but tall enough to look like I am wearing floods if I am not careful! lol)  I, like most of you, have been a chronic dieter, have lost tons of weight (in 50 lb chunks) and regained (in 60 lb chunks).  I am sooooo tired of it.  I love working out, but am frustrated at lack of results.  I can stick to eating plans until my HUNGER and I mean overpowering, mind controlling, sell your soul for a brownie kinda hunger takes over and I eat and eat and eat, wiping out all good intentions and accomplishments. This is where I figure the sleeve will be my greatest tool!

I have wanted to do something like this several times but have talked myself out of it or have let others talk me out of it.  WELL NO MORE!  My children are big (no need to live at a hockey rink) and are content to ignore me (finally! lol) and I am soooo ready for a PERMANENT change.

My goals vary but right now they include:
- to get healthy.  I want to run - fast
- to feel good about myself on our hot holidays - and fit into the plane seat without torture!
- to not be the biggest person in the room, office, gym, bar, store, etc.
- to paint my own toenails

I have about a million more but I will share later.

I am currently on the waiting list (I hope, my stuff has all been sent in but I don't have any confirmation yet but it hasn't been that long yet.......)
Since discovering this forum I have cemented my mind on my goal.  The people on this site and their stories have dispelled any reservations and fears that I had.  I rejoice in their accomplishments and so want to join everybody on the loser's bench!

If I had the money I would pay to have it done but that isn't in the cards (credit cards that is! lol) so I will wait, and wait, and wait and then BANG! they'll call!  This seems to be the pattern..

That's about it for now!  Oh yeah, When I dream at night, not just now but always, I am a thin person.  Never in my dreams have I been overweight.  Has or does anyone else have this experience?

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2011
Member Since

Friends 44

Latest Blog 28
