3 Month Update/ 14 wk Update

Aug 02, 2011

Things have been going well. I have been having a problem not drinking with my meals, and everytime I do I get sick and sometimes I end up throwing up.My only other concern at this point would be that I am feeling like I might be deficient in some vitamin, because I keep feeling dizzy when I stand up. This could be an iron deficiency from having my period for almost 4 months now (from the stupid Depo shot), or it could be protien because I feel I probably am not getting enough protien. Otherwise I am taking all my other vitamins like I am supposed to. I have 17.2 lbs until I reach my goal of 150. My current weight is 167.2. I have lost a total of 66 lbs! I cannot believe I am 3 months post op already. I really hope I can make it to my goal, the weight seems to come off much slower now. It feels like I have to work for every pound. I am an everyday weigher. I weigh myself everytime I go to the bathroom.. Probably not good, but I don't really care. I need to know. It would drive me crazy not to know. Still taking the probiotics, from the awful C. Diff I got, for a preventative measure. I fit into my first pair of size 8 jeans, they were American Eagle brand! YAY! I bought some Silvers in the same size and they were too small yet. I have decided on my garage sale this week I am saying good bye to everything above a size 12 or size large shirts. It feels nice to rid myself of them, like they were the extra fat I was carrying around or something. I really am getting an itch to go shopping, to fill my closet with clothes that actually fit me. The only problem would be is they might not fit me a month from now and I am not fond of wasting money., so I guess i will wait. Ugh....


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Mar 15, 2011
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