And so the journey continues....

Jun 25, 2010

This will be a blog (my first) about my daughter Larissa and her journey for the next few months as we try to find a way to repair a blotched bariatric surgery.  She will be posting about how she feels as we go along this journey and both of us will be posting status for all to follow.  - Pete, Larissa's father


Jun 25, 2010

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I have tons of things to report

Apr 09, 2010

But no energy. So hang tight - I'm alive and passed the leak test.
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To Emily, and Lizzie, and Charlee and others...

Apr 05, 2010

Who have just had surgery, or are going to today, thanks for posting along side me all your concerns, fears, and excitement. I guess it really does mean a lot to know you aren't going it alone.

I got all weepy this morning, wanting to make sure my "sisters" recovery is smooth and hope for mine, too.

Man, am I emotional.

Saying goodbye to the outer curvature of my stomach...

Apr 05, 2010

Darling, you had good intentions I'm sure, but you've lead me down the wrong path. Goodbye!

Well after several days of liquid only my poop is a bit watery with small lumps. It's also kinda dark green. The toilet looks like a swamp. I had a feeling taking a picture and posting it would be too much, so I've spared ya. :)

I've slept half the day away. I really don't have any energy for much more than this typing. I'm ready for this to be over with...
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Anyone got a pork chop and potato flavored protein drink?

Apr 02, 2010

Man this liquid only diet is killing me. I'm soooooo weak and out of it.

And my mom is making pork chops with red roasted potatos dripping on butter for dinner.

And tomorrow my family gathers round to enjoy ham, broccoli with cheese, potato salad, rolls, and something undertimed for desert.

And I'm missing the yearly favorite, pickled eggs.

Food food food food food foood foood foood foood ....

(I posted this on the DS forum and got some helpful replies.)
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Day One of my Five Day liquid fast...

Apr 02, 2010

I'm already hungry, and I even allowed a little cheat of low-carb yogurt (it's sorta a liquid, right? ).

I'm scrubbing my house from top to bottom so it's clean when I get back and I can be lazy and do nothing for a while. I only hope it's still clean when I get back...damn teenagers!

I've got all my loved ones with all the info they need to contact me and the surgeon's office while I'm there. I've got my Angel, Anna G., to update OH and the DS board on my well being. I'm packed....

And I'm ready.

My official "before" pic.

Mar 29, 2010

I took a whole buncha pictures today in various clothing states and poses. But you only get to see the fully clothed normal version, ha!

Before Official

It's really hard posting these pictures. I have spent my whole life trying to make sure there is no evidence of how big I really am, and this goes against all the rules.

Put your money where your mouth is!

Mar 27, 2010

Well, what do I know about ANYTHING regarding WLS? I'm just a PRE-OP.

Well, ok, I think I've fairly well educated and informed, having studied every aspect of WLS I could for over 3 years, but I understand the sentiment. I haven't WALKED the walk, so I can't TALK the talk...

So, here is my pledge - I'm gonna stick around. And I'm going to be here in 5 years to see what YOU'VE done and show what I'VE done. And then we'll get to some talking, alright?

If you don't understand the above, don't worry about it, those it's pointed to understand, lol.

Meanwhile, I'm on day 5 of my low-carb regimine and I want CARBS ugh. It's like each meal doesn't have a "complete" feeling. My head has to override my body's craving and tell it to shut UP, you freakin' addict.

It does help, however, to go have some awesome charred dead animals at Texas Roadhouse with a friend also looking to have the DS, Julie (aka Jewel506).

Larissa and Julie, sitting with steak
We promised to do this again in a year or so (after surgeries), to compare.

I'm off to the store and other activities with my love, Preston, to keep my mind off the fact that I am (yuck) dieting.


13 days and counting....

Mar 24, 2010

So, I went sugar free for a week and now am going low-carb. It was bit difficult at first, because DAMN did I crave something sweet. My mind just started to wander to ice creams, shakes, cakes and cookies...and I was like, WTF? My body is betraying me! Stoopid body and mind.

I did find, as I have found in the past when low-carbing it, that if you FIRST cut out pure sugar for a week (eating all the complex carbs you want) THEN the next week cut out the carbs, it makes the carb crash soooo much more manageable. And this is why I am doing this, because I don't want to carb crash AND recover from surgery at the same time.  I believe this will make it easier on my post-op. We shall see if my theory holds up!

So, while I feel a bit "floaty" (from the ketones) and want to take more naps, any "hunger" I have is different - foreign - seems to relate to me having no food in my belly rather than just being the monster that lives inside and wants food constantly, no matter how recently I had eaten. And that hunger is satisfied with a chicken breast and protein shake (plus 15 minutes to give my body time to realize it does indeed, have food in its stomach).


I am and was a complete and utter soda addict, so my methadone right now has been Diet Dr Pepper, Diet Mountain Dew, and best of all Diet A&W Cream Soda. I have Chrystal Light (walmart version) too, that I like and will use more often post-surgery when carbonation isn't my friend.

I'm taking a multi-vitamin and calcium now and may add D to that, I think, in a day or two.

Another big preparation is my DOG - Bear - he is my 5 year old Yorkie-Chihuahua mix and is completely attached to my hip - cries whenever I leave the house - and will be in a deep depression while I'm gone for a week, I'm sure.

He may need Prozac.
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