Sharon Neva 21 years, 8 months ago

CHERYL~~ I certainly understand your frustration about plateaus. I lost the majority of my weight the first month- after that I was on a 4 week plateau- then lost 5 pounds and it seems like I might be on another plateau. I keep trying to remind myself that a plateau is a natural part of the weight-loss game. Yet, it is not the end of the road. In fact, fighting against the plateau is the beginning of an active pursuit toward a better, healthier, lighter way of living.

Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Cheryl, Water made me sick to my stomach and gave me pain for quite a while post op. I found that I could drink Crystal Light (Peach Tea for me) well. I need to water it down a bit since it is so sweet but it worked really well. I also found it much eaiser for several weeks to drink from a straw. I tended to drink too much without one.Many people have said straws were bad due to the increased air intake, but for me, my surgeon said fine and I found I swallowed LESS air with a straw than without one. Good luck.. it will get better with time!

Katherine M. 21 years, 8 months ago

Cheryl, I found a great water with electrolytes but with no calories or sweetners. It is called "fruitwater" by glaceau. Each plastic bottle is 20 ounces. My preop month, I was priviledged to *eat* only skim milk so my mouth was craving other flavors...these waters have fruit essence in them but it helps get the water down. Now that I'm post op I'm still drinking them but not at the 5 bottles a day rate yet that I was post op! Cheers,

Marcie B. 21 years, 9 months ago

Cheryl, I am sorry you are having such a difficult time post op. Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and I hope you are feeling better real soon!

aslevitt 21 years, 9 months ago

Cheryl, It was good to read an update from you although it sounds like your struggle is still continuing. I will keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. :-) Annette

Cheryl T. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi, guys. I am on my way back to the dr. today. The anemia is whooping my butt. I am soooo weak and just feel awful, can hardly keep anything down. I'm at work now but leaving in 20 minutes. Mom is going with me cause she wants to tell them FIX MY DAUGHTER! lol. She's so cute. I just know if all the bruising hadn't occurred, I'd be feeling wonderful by now, like my buddy, Daniel who had the same date. I also STILL have the sinus and inner ear infection. Can we say, "Cheryl feels icky"? I have to get back here to work tomorrow cause I already was 2 weeks off with no pay...pray for me, please and I will try to update tomorrow. Love you all.

Moma V. 21 years, 9 months ago

hi hon, alwaysin my ~~prayers~~

Allen V. 21 years, 9 months ago

Cheryl: I pray that your recovery will smooth out and that depression will become a thing of the past. I was scheduled to have surgery on 8/8/2002, but failed my pre-op. Thank God I had surgery scheduled or I may never have known that I had severe clotting problems until it was too late. I am doing better and rescheduled for Nov 11/19/2002. I have been exercising faithfully for about 4 months and I think that has been a big reason that my depression is so much better. I have been medically retired for 2 1/2 years because of it. Sincerely, Allen Vickstrom

Tami D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Cheryl, I had my surgery on 7/30 and I have to say I know EXACATLY where you are coming from. I had gotten to the point of not even wanting to get out of bed. Then one day, out of the clear blue, when I was 19 days post op.. I got up, figuring it would be the same kind of day and WOW it wasn't. I finally started to feel better. I am exacatly one month out today and I am doing 100X better. Still learning, but the depression and exhaustion finally went away. My dr. and nutritionist both said that this is the way it normally works, one day soon you will wake up and everything will be so much better. It will happen soon, trust me. And once it does recovery really seems to go so much faster. I don't know if it was concidental or not, but I also felt better after finishing up my Reglan. I don't know if you are taking that but if you are, ask the dr. if you can stop and see if that makes a differrence. Keep you faith! It does get better. You will be in my prayers :) Tami

smedley200 21 years, 9 months ago

Cheryl, I know you feel like crap because I have been there. I too ended up having to take a lot longer off than most people and we were so broke. I thought we would loose our house, it was horrible. But I am at 5 1/2 months now and I am feeling much better. I will keep you in my thoughts, and I am SO sorry you are not feeling in top shape. Just take care of yourself, and if it does not start getting better make those doctors hear you!!
About Me
Decatur, IL
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
