Please pray for Kaleb

Jun 21, 2007

I have been touched deeply by a link a friend sent me on myspace.  It is the page of a young woman, only 21 years old, who has a 6 month old little boy who is a victim of Shaken Baby Syndrome.  Please take a minute to watch the video and to check out her myspace page ( and also to say a prayer for this family.


Jun 14, 2007

I had my office visit today.  We are going along as though I have to start over.  This time they are being meticulous about the documentation.  I really appreciate that.  Anyways, they told me that they had just finished "addendumizing" my chart and they were going to fax it today to Dr. L's office.  I didn't call to make sure.  For right now, I'm going with the "no news is good news" attitude.  I'm not sure I can handle anymore bad news.

The worst part today was when my doc asked me how I was doing since hearing the news.  I've been thinking I was pretty OK.  I cried for the first day, but just him asking...and caring... made me almost start crying again.  I held back.  I don't need to cry over this anymore.  I am just moving forward.

Spent the rest of the day with my kids at the Navarre YMCA.  Someone at work told me about their pool, so I had to check it out myself.  It's like a miniature water park.  They have a couple of water slides and nice childrens area.  My kids love it.  I think this summer if we keep driving over there, I'll just go a little earlier, work out and then swim with the kids.  

Anyways, just a little update.  Now I need to get to bed.

Good night.

A little update

Jun 07, 2007

I've finally calmed down, settled down, and come to terms with what's going on.  It is what it is and I have to accept that.  Of course, saying that, we (me and my doc) are working as hard as we can to make this all work out.  My doc's office has been in contact with Dr. L's office and he's also talked other PCP's who have had many pts see Dr. L to find out how he might be able to salvage this mess.  I've received a call everyday from the nurse to get an update on what's going on.  I missed the call today, but she left me a message asking me about diet and exercise, etc. so they can put absolute specifics in their letter of medical necessity.  I don't think they can really go back and "doctor" up their original notes, but I believe they are going to write a letter that covers everything.  I hope this will be sufficient.  I will continue to go for my monthly weigh in, only this time I will make sure it is with my doc and not just the nurse.  

So, if I end up having to wait a few extra months, I guess what's the big deal.  I've been waiting a lifetime.  In the grand scheme of things it's really not that big of a deal.  I'm over the bad feelings I had the other day.  I feel really bad now.  Because I was so angry, I didn't attend the support group meeting.  At that moment, I didn't want anything to do with Dr. L's office.  I knew then that it wasn't them.  It was just that they are doing what they need to do, to give me the best chance for insurance approval.  I appreciate that.  I wish that I would've actually believed that on Tuesday, I was just too emotional to believe anyone was trying to help felt like the world was out to get me.

I decided if we do submit and I get denied because of lack of proper documentation, then I will probably appeal.  In the meantime, if it looks like having surgery this summer is out of the question, maybe I'll take this opportunity to go back home (Seattle) for a little vacation.  My dad is always up for helping me get home when I want to.  I want to, but something has come up every summer for the past 4 yrs.  Maybe this is one of happens for a reason moments.  

In all reality, it would probably be better to wait 6 months because my husband will be out of school and working and even though I have earned enough time at work to take off for 3 weeks, plus I have STD insurance, it would still be nice not to worry about money so much.  I'm trying to find the positive things in this.  Like someone here said to me...maybe it's not a safe time for me to have surgery and this is God's way of letting me know I need to wait.  Of course, only He knows what his plan for me is.  Now that I'm done throwing my tantrum, I'm ready for whatever it is that lies ahead.


Jun 05, 2007

    This pretty much sums up my mood.  I finally find out after waiting a couple of weeks, that al the work I've done was for nothing.  Ruth called my doc's office after finally receiving my information to tell them it wasn't adequate and I'd have to start my 6 months over again.  I'M PISSED!!!

So here is what happened.

I had started my process back in July 2006.  I did all the stuff in Dr. L's office and was finished with that part in October (I think).  I just needed to finish my monthly weigh ins.  I didn't meet Ruth until October and at that time she told me to make sure it was documented at each weigh in that I was on a low cal diet, small portions, exercising, etc.  This was the first I heard this part.  Prior to this I had been told that I needed to make sure this was discussed at each doc's visit, but that I didn't have to see the doctor each month, I just had to go to his office to physically weigh in and have it documented in my chart that they were following my weights.

By no fault but my own, I skipped going in the month of November.  I had to start over in December.  I had a doc's appt in Dec and at this time told him to make sure it was documented at every weigh in and at every visit I had with him that diet and exercise were discussed.  He told me he'd do whatever he needed to do to make sure I had what I needed.

I weighed in faithfully for my 6 months, with a couple of regular visits as part of these 6 months.  Each visit I made sure we discussed diet and exercise and each time I weighed in, I'd let the nurse know what I was doing.

Now let's get to today.  After a couple of weeks of trying to find out whether my doc had sent my stuff to Dr. L, I find out Ruth hadn't rec'd it, but my doc had sent it by interoffice mail last week.  Anyways, my doc's office called there to make sure they truly hadn't received it and then when they said they didn't have it, they promptly faxed it over.  I thought all was well.

15 minutes later my phone rings.  It's my doc's office.  Ruth just called to tell them my paperwork was not adequate and I'd have to start my 6 mos over.  I just burst out in tears and pretty much haven't quit crying since then.  Ruth told them that my monthly visits had to be with a doc or a nurse practitioner, they couldn't just be with the office nurse.  This is totally contrary to what I had been told, and had that ever been communicated to me, which it NEVER was, I would've been seeing my doc every month.  I told that to the office and they were upset, too, because they feel that Dr. L's office should have sent them a set of guidelines to follow so they would be able to help me out as best they could.  

I wouldn't doubt if my doc didn't personally call Dr. L today.  He's that type.  The office staff was waiting to hear back again from Ruth to see what could be done to make this work out for me.  I'm just hoping and praying it all comes together like I want it to.

I just feel so discouraged, let down, angry, sad.  I did what was originally asked of me and then they tell me it's not good enough.  I think I need to pray about this.  

I need to probably end this entry because the more I keep dwelling on it, the more it keeps eating me up.  

Out for now.


May 30, 2007

I was just on this site not too long ago and my husband saw my avatar picture.  He asked if I had put my pic up.  I said yes because it's the only picture  I was proud of.  He asked what I meant.  I told him I looked too fat in all of my other pictures and this one didn't make me feel like I looked so fat.  His response, "Oh, to the contrary, that picture shows just how big you are."  

Love the support, hon. ARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

He's lucky he's still alive.


May 29, 2007

I just called my PCP to find out if they had sent my information to Dr. L.  I've been bugging Ruth because last week, the nurse at my PCP's office told me they had sent it in.  Well, guess what I found out.  They never sent it in.  In fact the one who is supposed to be getting it together hasn't even typed the letter from my doc.  That's really all that was needed and my appointment was May 17.  They don't understand the urgency on my part to get this ball rolling.  Anyways she said she should have it done and sent to them later today. Just makes me wonder if I hadn't called, how much longer would it be.  Hopefully, they'll get it done today so this can get moving.  I want to have this surgery so bad, especially since it's so close to being real.

Enough ranting...gotta go.


May 24, 2007

Last night my daughter had her gymnastics banquet.  I don't know if anyone has ever been to Flounders, but that is where the banquet was held.  We got there and found a place to sit.  Some friends from church were there, but their table was already full, so we sat at the one behind them.  Well, the first bit of embarrassment came when I went to sit down.  The tables are bolted to the ground and they are booth like and the benches are also bolted to the ground.  Needless to say, I could barely squeeze myself into this bench.  I was so upset because earlier that day I had gone shopping because we were supposed to dress up.  None of my clothes fit, so I had to go find something new to wear.  After about 2 hours of trying on clothes, I finally found something that made me feel somewhat pretty and I felt really good in it.  That was until I couldn't fit myself into the bench.  

Anyways, one of  the moms and her daughter came and sat next to me.  We talked briefly until another mom sat on the other side of her.  Our kids were all sitting across the table from us.  After that you would've never known there was a giant fat lady sitting at the table.  I was completely ignored and not included in their conversation.  We are grown women, for goodness sakes, and I felt like I was back in high school.  I know we are new to the team, but wouldn't that make people want to help you feel included.  I guess not.  All I kept thinking was that maybe next year they'll see a different person, but then I thought, why should that make a difference.  

I'm sick of being fat, I can't wait for insurance approval.

About Me
Pensacola, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 26, 2006
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Friends 67

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A Year Out
Fun with my OH friends
Weighing on my mind
Stall no more....I hope!
Pizza anyone?
It's official!
6 month visit
Bad me!
