
A REAL Plateau *UGH*

Jul 16, 2009

So I have been stuck for the past week and a half at 185 (or there abouts....depending on whether or not I pee before I weigh myself).

Its kind of a pain in the ass. I'm not really depressed, more a little upset that the scale isnt moving. I think its because I can see the body changes in me. I am wearing clothes I haven't seen in 10 years, people at work are noticing, and whenever I get too upset over it, I try something on in a smaller size at home or window shopping. That helps me a lot. Reminds me that the fat has been lost, and now I am building muscles.Which I need.....constantly. But it upsets me because there is still more fat I would like to lose.

I am also reminded too that I can work more, and still run errands or hang out with friends after work, something I did not feel like doing 99.9% of the time before surgery. Gaining that back is priceless....well, maybe a little less priceless than my health....but close  

I wanted to be at 170 (my teams goal weight for me) by 8-5-9 which is when I follow up with the surgeon. I dont think I am going to hit it, but I will be damned if I dont try. I'll put more effort into hitting 10,000 steps a day and I will try rollerblading this weekend. God help us all.

I am still shooting for an overall goal of 140. And I think I can do it. No. I know I can do it. So what if it takes a couple extra months? It will be worth it in the long run. And these struggles will help me maintain this better lifestyle for the next 80 years. (Yes, I plan on living to be 107) haha


8.5 Weeks Out and Half Way To GOAL!!!!

Jun 24, 2009

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to a 52-pound-lighter-hot-sexy-happy-rockin-chick
Happy birthday to me

Holy crap. Okay, so I wanted to be 190 by my birthday. It happened today, a day after my b-day. But still, I rock! That was an amazing birthday present!!!

Truly I am blessed.

It's all uphill and down the scale from here!!! I can do this!! 

(PS I took a pic ot two which Ill try to post after work tonight)


Choppin Broccoli

Jun 16, 2009

I had broccoli today. For the first time since surgery. First real veggie I have tried. Its gone down okay, but it kinda feels like its sitting there being grumpy. God I hope I dont get broccoli farts...Maybe I should take a beano and pray. It was sooo good. Gonna make squash tomorrow I think.

Had some cherries last week too.....Oh God....I truly know the meaning of food porn now.   Who needs a boyfriend when you can have cherries and watermelon

My weight loss has stalled out again. For prolly 4 days or so I have been at 195. Its frustrating. I want to hit the next milestone I have set for myself.....190, half way to goal. I am walking most days at work, if I dont walk at work, I walk afterwards at home.

Started doing crunches Saturday. Only did 30, and I could feel them, BUT no pain the next day, no issues, so I think I might try them again before I shower some squats or something too. Yay weight training.

I am excited too, as I have gone down from a 42G to a 40F. YAY almost normal boobs!  Time to start saving for the lift!!!!! 


Jun 08, 2009

My nut said I could start incorporating fruit into my diet this week. Guess what my first fruit was? I am happy to say I have had no problem with it. And I love me some watermelon.

The only thing that scares me is that now my eyes really ARE bigger than my tummy so I am afraid that I will pick out the biggest watermelon or bag o cherries. I have already had an experience with eating too fast....and I can imagine its similar when you eat too much. Guess I'll have to go hunt the discussion boards for some answers....and chicken recipes.


My Weight Loss Contract

Jun 06, 2009

June 6, 2009  
Weight Loss Contract  

On April 27, 2009 I had an RnY Gastric Bypass. Thus far this surgery has helped me lose 44 lbs and resolve my diabetes, and high blood pressure. Soon I will find out if it has helped my cholesterol and thyroid issues. It seems to have helped my GERD and IBS as well. I did not want to have to have surgery, but it was a good, solid decision. I have made a positive change in my life.   I resolve to hit my goal of 140 lbs. I would like to be a size 8 or 10. If I hit that size and am comfortable with my weight, I will revise my weight goal. This is about being healthy and comfortable in my own skin. NOT JUST A NUMBER ON A SCALE  

I will continue my progress by walking every day. I will eventually be able to weight train three times per week, and I will do this.   I will walk at least 7500 steps per day through the rest of June. In July and beyond I will walk at least 10,000 steps per day. I will do this by walking at work every day, continuing to pace on the phone and while chatting and by limiting my time on the computer.  

I will start weight training 1 time per week through the rest of June. The first two weeks in July, I will weight train 2 times per week. By the end of July I will be weight training 3 times per week. Right now I can only do arm exercises, but this week I will try leg lifts and squats, and by the end of June should be clear for ab work.  

I will follow my new RnY diet, high protein, low fat, low sugar, low carbohydrates. I know there will be times when I want to cheat, and once in a while that is okay. But I will keep my diet in check by writing down everything I eat and drink in my food journal. I will rely on my friends, OH,, and my family to help me make the right decisions, esp. when I have weak moments.  

I have to hold myself accountable for what I choose to put into my body, and how I choose to take care of it. I only have the one, and it’s banged up and imperfect as it is. I will learn to love all of my imperfections, and accept that I am who I am, but I do not have to suffer with some conditions or imperfections (i.e. my stomach). I can change them, and I will. It will not be easy, and I will bitch. I am allowed to complain as much as I want….but I MUST get the job done.  

Food is not my friend. It is not my enemy either though. I have to learn that I will crave and want things, but they will not make me feel any better. I have learned portion control and to savor my food. These lessons will continue to help me kick ass and get healthy. I must not forget them. There are foods that are very important to my new diet. Those foods MUST be a first priority when given a choice of foods.  





Jun 05, 2009

HOLY CRAP! 199!!!!

10 more lbs and I will be halfway to goal.

I feel good. I want to lose more faster, but doesnt everyone?

My BP was 110/70 at my edocrinologists today, he said every blood sugar reading I have taken with my meter has been within normal range, and Tuesday Ill run fasting TSH, H1ABC and Lipid panels for my thyroid, to confirm my diabetes is under control and cholesterol is getting more normal 

I threw up once, ate too fast...didn't chew enough. I should know better.

I emailed my dietician to ask her what I could munch on for my upcoming road trip to PA. Gonna go see the New Kids for my birthday. I also asked her to see if I could have fruit for my b-day (June 23) even though I wont see her til the 30th to 'officially' progress to stage 5. She said I could start having fruit Monday (I cheated and had watermelon today....joygasmic). It seems to be okay. No upset tummy, easy to chew, no need to run to the bathroom. Its good.

I am not having too much trouble hitting my protein goals 3 meals of 3 oz of meat seems to do it for me. Or, a glass of milk, one egg and two meals of 3 oz protein. Walking is getting better and better. The more I try the better I seem to do.

I am concerned about weight lifting. I seem to have a lot of pain even with the 10 lb weights which should be okay. I refuse to try situps yet. Im just doing arm work right now.....I might try squats over the weekend.


Three Weeks Out

May 19, 2009

So I am doing well. I have been on real food now since the 11th. Tried chicken, beef, hamburger, fish, eggs, all is going well. I have to admit, I cheated and had a piece of rasin toast last week. AFTER I hit my protein for the day, as like a dessert kind of thing. I know, bad.....but I MISS BREAD!!!! That is all I miss. And when I see commercials for Pizza, I cant wait til stage 5....I already have recipes for my own pizza  *drools*

I think I may have dumped once. But I am certain that is because I ate too fast. I had the same thing the next day that I thought made me dump, and no dumping. For me (At least I think) dumping involves getting everything out of me that has aggrivated me.....of course it comes with an hour or two of that "I'm-going-to-be-sick" feeling.

Anyway, I am getting better each day. But I am pushing myself every day too, so I am sore a lot. Childrens Tylenol is great for that though.

I hit a four day plateau that I broke today.....lost 17lbs  through the 14th. Held at 209 for 4 days. Good GOD I was scared. But today, 208. YAY! I keep telling myself once I hit 199, it will be okay.....I am under the dreaded 200. That is the big number for me.

I also took measurements of where my inches are as of yesterday. Another way to track what I lose. That way if the scale doesnt move again for a while, Ill have inches to look at as what I am losing. It matters more to be healthy than to be 120 lbs. If I am at 150-160 and happy with my size and health, I WILL HAVE SUCCEEDED.

And I WILL NOT FAIL!!!!!!! 

The Hospital Stay

May 03, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Okay, so I am doing better, and wanted to write in a bit of detail how the hospital experience went. First of all, the men and women at Tufts are GREAT!

Day 1 ~ There was only one thing I did not like about the experience. We went in, and had to be there for 6 a.m. for the first surgery (Aunt Ann's). The place was just opening up. It was hard to find parking (but thankfully not impossible). And slightly disorganized....NOTHING like I have seen some doctors offices and hospitals in my time, just a little groggy-ish. Here is the crappy part. Okay, so normally when you change into your designer johnny you go to room, get in bed, get IV-ed and such. They had Aunt Ann get changed, sent her back out to the regular waiting room, and then had to wait til 7:30 to get blood drawn. Okay, now don't get me wrong, I have no problem changing into the johnny....but to be sent back to the regular waiting room wearing nothing but the two johnnys and slipper socks they give you? Thats embarassing. I did not like that one bit. Fortunately, I had a later surgery, and they did it the right way for me.....I got all my blood drawn, and all the stuff done, THEN they had me change and zoomed me into the back room to get IV-ed and all.

The wait sucks. I have no patience, and I am horrible at waiting. But once I got changed, the wait wasnt that long. It felt like forever and a frickin day though. I panicked. Thought, what the fuck am I doing? This is awful drastic....and I am relatively healthy now......I am going to change my entire body, for what? a couple pills? to get a breast reduction? What the hell? Of course, I was thankfully interrupted by the fellow who would be operating with Dr Shah on me, then by Dr Shah, who has some great bedside manner. Then the anesthesiologists came in and gave me happiness through an IV. I've never gotten so drunk so fast LOL. I got a little sad, cried a little, and then they wheeled me into the OR. 

I scooted over to the operating table, asked a couple questions (Please save my belly that the monitor they use to see inside there are a lot of bells and whistles here to monitor me)...I was told there would be a delay, so we waited, then I got the oxygen....and the next thing I remember I was in recovery. 

Recovery was cool, save the fact that they couldn't get the pain meds into me fast enough. Not their fault....I was too polite "excuse me..." I got louder and started weeping.....they got me happiness REALLY FAST!!! I think the lady beside me wasn't doing as well as I was, so that might have caused the delay. 

They got me into a room. I saw Holly, Dad, my cousins, BOY was I stoned. They visited for a while. It was nice to chat. Then they left. My nurse was very sweet, and funny. They got me up walking that night, with the catheter and drains and all. Though my nurse was nice enough to pin the cath and drain to my Johnny, so that it wasnt all hangin and flippity floppin while I walked. She poined out the room my aunt would be in....just across the hall from me. NICE! Closeby! They ddin't want to put us in the same room because we have the same last name and similar health they wanted to make sure that we didn't get one anothers medication. I understand that, and I thought it was great that they were kind enough to put us close together.  I didn't drink any water, but I was allowed those spongepops to keep my mouth nice and wet. They also gave me a happy button, and showed me how to use it. A point of advice: NEVER lose the happy button. The nurses clipped it to my johnny so that it was always close, and they were nice enough to seperate that button from the very similar call button so that I wasn't hitting the call button thinking I was supposed to get happy juice. I wonder how many patients have done that......  ;-)

Day 2 ~  I started with shots of water. I could only drink about 1/3 of an ounce at a time. But it only took me a half hour to drink the whole ounce. I did that for 3 or 4 hours, and I think it was lunch-ish when they progressed me to stage 2, broth and jello. Okay, sorry Tufts, but your broth sucks. The Chicken broth worse than the beef. The beef, to me was French onion soup without the onions. The chicken? EEEW!!!! Jello was good.....I could only eat a couple bites of jello, plus a few spoonfuls of broth. Let me tell you though, I was sucking down water like a trooper. They took out my catheter. THANK GOD!!!! I hate the way they feel when they come out, but I was soo effin happy it was out. AND I got to shower. They disconnect your IV and double glove the IV'ed hand, so it doesnt get wet....the way they bandage the drain its okay....and they change that bandage right after the shower. Oh I was SOOOO Excited! It felt so good. I did hold the hand with the IV well away from the water, so it was hard to wash my hair and that arm....but it was nice to be clean and fresh! New sheets, new Johnny, and the guy who brought my meal tray would knock and say "Room Service"!  It was almost like being in a hotel!  hahaha  I got to put on panties and a bra. Nothin like panties and a bra when youve been flyin free for a day or two. I did as much walking as I could.....a lot around my room...couple times around the floor....visited Aunt Ann. She came to visit me too! They started me on Dilotted....its a pill painkiller that they send you home on. Tiny thing. There was also one IV pain killer, I had twice I think that day.....I overdid it, plus you get extra achy on day 2 as well, so they gave me both. They were very attentive to making sure I was not in pain, and I could do what I needed to. (i.e. pee, walk around, eat, drink, etc)

The morning of day 3: In the AM, Dr Julian (he's cute with an Italian last name that I can't remember) came in to ask if I would liek to try a shake...and go to stage 3. He also said they'd prolly discharge me today if that went well...and that he could take out the drain. I had no problem with the shake...but the milk.....I wish they could bring it up with ice. I like my milk ICE COLD....if its not practically freezing, its too warm. That hindered my drinking it all. But I did. I had breakfast and lunch there....two vanilla shakes. Yay. The drain came out...good GOD was it long. I felt like he was pulling it out from the patient in the room next to me. It wasnt painful....just weird and uncomfortable.

I reccomend asking for a pain pill before you go home. The ride home is bumpy and causes pain.

I got home, took a couple pain pills, and a nap. Then I started in on my protein shakes and drinking like an irish fish.

YAY! I am HOME!!!

May 01, 2009

Just wanted to say Hi! I am home......I am gonna hop in the shower, but everything went well, and I am on my way to a seriously happy recovery! 

I am already off my diabetes meds, and  feeling great. I have more energy. Though I am still in a bit of pain......the meds make that all better, but they make me sleepy. The kitties are all happy I am home! I am happy I am home, and dad has been so great about helping me.

I will write more about the hospital experience later.....maybe tomorrow when there isnt a Bruins playoff game  :-)


Oooh Holy Craaaappp

Apr 25, 2009

So, for those of you who are not familiar with Jefa-fa-fa Dun-HAM (dot COOOOMMMM). He is a ventriloquist comedian. He has a puppet. Achmed the dead terrorist. During the Christmas Special, he sings (to the tune of O Holy Night) Ooooh Holy Craaapppp I think I blew my Fooooot Offf. Thats kinda where I am at right now.

I am all set, preops are done. Went well, Save we forgot a test, and had to go ALL THE WAY BACK INTO BOSTON to get it done. Yay! Thats my idea of a really effin good time. I am now intimately familiar with the T. On a more positive note, the entire staff at the WWC knows who me and my aunt are.  

Then Aunt Ann had a scare. Tania called Thursday. She said there was a problem with her cardiac testing. GREAT! I slept well Thursday night. So did Aunt Ann .....turns out it was just a technical problem. They got all the tests from her cardiologist, but not the letter releasing her for surgery. Well, Aunt Ann had that re-faxed over. But in the mean time, Tania talked to our MD, Dr Stiles, and asked her to clear Aunt Ann for surgery, since they had all the test results. Dr Stiles did. Tania and the rest of the staff at the WWC (used to be OCC) are amazing. They do go the extra mile for you........ *steps off soap box*

Now back to reality.....

I am scared. In 48 hours this will all be done. But I am a worrier. I am trying to stay away from any websites that will scare the hell out of me. My house is clean. And its about to get cleaner.....I worked my ass off at the gym today, and I know that I could do another three hours.....I am like a kid with A-D-D on crack....kinda like Peanut at the aforementioned Christmas Special....Damn...I need to watch that now...... I am fidgitey, I am nervous, I am not sleeping well. Well....when I sleep, its like a rock. But getting up every hour sucks ass. Let me tell you, that anesthesiologist is already my BEST FRIEND!


The next time I write could be in 12 hours....or after surgery....who knows?

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 16, 2009
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