
My Weight Loss Contract

Jun 06, 2009

June 6, 2009  
Weight Loss Contract  

On April 27, 2009 I had an RnY Gastric Bypass. Thus far this surgery has helped me lose 44 lbs and resolve my diabetes, and high blood pressure. Soon I will find out if it has helped my cholesterol and thyroid issues. It seems to have helped my GERD and IBS as well. I did not want to have to have surgery, but it was a good, solid decision. I have made a positive change in my life.   I resolve to hit my goal of 140 lbs. I would like to be a size 8 or 10. If I hit that size and am comfortable with my weight, I will revise my weight goal. This is about being healthy and comfortable in my own skin. NOT JUST A NUMBER ON A SCALE  

I will continue my progress by walking every day. I will eventually be able to weight train three times per week, and I will do this.   I will walk at least 7500 steps per day through the rest of June. In July and beyond I will walk at least 10,000 steps per day. I will do this by walking at work every day, continuing to pace on the phone and while chatting and by limiting my time on the computer.  

I will start weight training 1 time per week through the rest of June. The first two weeks in July, I will weight train 2 times per week. By the end of July I will be weight training 3 times per week. Right now I can only do arm exercises, but this week I will try leg lifts and squats, and by the end of June should be clear for ab work.  

I will follow my new RnY diet, high protein, low fat, low sugar, low carbohydrates. I know there will be times when I want to cheat, and once in a while that is okay. But I will keep my diet in check by writing down everything I eat and drink in my food journal. I will rely on my friends, OH,, and my family to help me make the right decisions, esp. when I have weak moments.  

I have to hold myself accountable for what I choose to put into my body, and how I choose to take care of it. I only have the one, and it’s banged up and imperfect as it is. I will learn to love all of my imperfections, and accept that I am who I am, but I do not have to suffer with some conditions or imperfections (i.e. my stomach). I can change them, and I will. It will not be easy, and I will bitch. I am allowed to complain as much as I want….but I MUST get the job done.  

Food is not my friend. It is not my enemy either though. I have to learn that I will crave and want things, but they will not make me feel any better. I have learned portion control and to savor my food. These lessons will continue to help me kick ass and get healthy. I must not forget them. There are foods that are very important to my new diet. Those foods MUST be a first priority when given a choice of foods.  




About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 16, 2009
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