Janet and Jackie,

Dec 17, 2008

They are both recuperating at home very well. Janet did have to have  hiatal hernia repair before they could do her surgery. Janet is frustrated because her Dr. has left of vacation and it will hold up going on to stage III until January. I go for my appointment tomorrow and can hopefully start stage III the next day. Jackie's Dr. is not Kaiser as is mine and Janet's. He has more stages and they fall differently that ours. I'm trying to get them over to the lightweights board to meet everyone. Hopefully they will soon. Jackie lurks daily but has not introduced herself yet. Both were a little frustrated with the initial weight gain after surgery but they both know it is due to swelling. They'll be okay.


1 Week out...

Dec 15, 2008

I thought I had posted the second day I got home but apparently I didn't save it. I also thought I had email all of my OH friends and apparently I didn't do that either. So here goes.

My surgery was only 1¼ hours. But the next day I was losing blood from somewhere and even though my blood loss was not enough to back in for surgery, it was enough to keep me over another night. I also was on medication and no telling what I did or said this past week.
My sugery was on Monday and I came home Wednesday and have pretty much vegitated since then. I realize now between taking meds. napping, walking and meals there is little time to sip, sip, sip, but I am working on it.

As I start to feel better you will all see me on here more often. Tomorrow I will report on Jackie and Janet.

Tomorrow is the day...

Dec 07, 2008

I figured if I'm going to write anything before I go I better do it now. We will be leaving here at about 5-5:30 in the morning to get to Fremont by 8:00 in heavy Monday morning work commute traffic. Leaving just a little room for problems.

I just to the first 1½ oz. of that yucky stuff that cleans you out. I take the other after dinner tonight. Of course I'm not a liquid and pureed diet so not like dinner is going to be that much. This was my eats today.
B - Protein Drink
L - no sugar added applesauce & SF chocolate pudding
     1½ oz. of Phosphor soda - YUCK!
tonight I'll probably have a protein drink and more applesauce and pudding and then more of the Phosphor soda... double yuck!!

See you all on the loser's bench...

Be back Wednesday to give my report.

People are so un-educated about this whole thing...

Dec 03, 2008

I have re-searched this off and on for 4 years now. I have been to 3 orientations. Talked to 4 different doctors and read 3 books. Plus I'm here almost every night and have been for 6 months. Not that everything on here is factual, but it seems that the ones that have lived it seem to know the most. In some cases they know more than the nuts. and the doctors.

I just went through the pre-op jitters and I'm sure that the most of it was people telling me "Don't do it, you'll be sorry" or "I know someone that did that and now they look so old." I could go on and on.

I'm more interested in feeling better even if I get a few wrinkles. I'm interested in taking less medications.

I think most of the reason I'm hearing a lot of negative right now is because I have lost 50lbs. and people are saying youv'e done so good just keep going. Well geese if it was that easy I wouldn't be in this predicument.

I have lost 20-40lbs. over and over and over again. This surgery is coming at just the perfect time. Everytime I lose down to where I am now I hit a wall, then get discouraged, then start gaining back and.... you know the story.

I'm 5 days away, and can't be any happier.

Pre-Op Yesterday

Nov 22, 2008

Janet and I went to our pre-ops yesterday. It was great that we were able to have it on the same day as we made the 1½ hour there 3 hours home (traffic) drive much nicer.

We had a blast, I'm sure everyone there thinks were nuts, but that's okay. Not the first time we have been accused.

The first thing the Dr. asked me was if I was sure I still wanted to go through with the surgery since I had done so well on my pre-op diet and lost 45 lbs.

I said "What do you think"? but he made me go first with my thoughts. I told him that I had lost 45 lbs. many times but I hit a stall, then I gain it back and pack on more. However I do feel more educated this time but I think it is knowing I'm having the surgery that has kept me motivated.

His comment was that he has had several patients lose 45, 50 and 60 lbs. and decide not to go ahead with the surgery. Then a year or two later they are back and heavier than they have ever been and mad because they didn't go through with it earlier and wasted that time.

I was glad to hear it and he agreed with my thoughts.

Me and two of my Bestest Friends, ALL have a date

Nov 17, 2008

We have all been friends for a very long time. Sheri is the one that started this whole thing she is 4 or 5  years out and still doing great.

We have all started at different times. Some of us have started several times then for one reason or another was not able to go through with the surgery.

I went to my orientation in October of 07. Janet went in July of 08 and Jackie just went in September.

Jackie was the first to get her call, then me and then Janet. Our appointments are one right after the other.

Sheri - 4 or 5 years out (friend of mine for 30 years)
Pam - 2 months out (known for about 15 years good friend for 5 years).

Susan - December 8 (me)
Jackie - December 9 (friend of mine for 20? years)
Janet - December 10 (friend of mine for 31 years) maid of honor at my wedding in 1981.

Isn't that GREAT!!! we will all be able to go through this together. Janet and I are riding to our pre-ops together on November 21st. It can't get much better than that.

I HAVE A DATE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Nov 12, 2008

I talked last week to one of my friends that was 2 behind me on the list for surgery. She got a call for her surgery and I didn't so I called Fremont Bariatrics and left a message for Nancy. She called me back today and said my surgery would be December 8th. I go for my pre-op on November 21st. Yipppeeeeeee

Looks like December or January for surgery.

Oct 25, 2008

I called Nancy yesterday and she called back and left a voice mail. She said I had moved up 6 or 7 people on the list and she didn't have my file in front of her but she says it looks like December or January for my surgery. Wish it was sooner but just hearing that it won't be spring makes me feel a lot better. Winter will be the best time for me at work, providing we don't have a levee break....Yikes!!!!!!

Back to the Scale Issue...

Oct 13, 2008

I've got three different weights running around in my head. When I weigh here at home I'm butt naked. So then I should add 2-4 lbs depending on what I might be wearing. Then my scale is off by about 3 lbs so it makes it harder to keep track. So, for now on I'm going to use the weight that my scale says even if it is 3 lbs light.

Today at work I showed one of my co-workers my profile and I showed her the picture of me and my husband dancing at my daughters graduation party. We were both shocked by how much different I already look. It doesn't take long to forget what you looked like heavier. I have my highest weight being at 237 but looking at that picture I'm sure I was more then, I just didn't weigh at that time. The picture of me and my daughters was taken about a month ago and it's quite a difference.

Makes me wonder how much things will change after surgery.

Heard from Kaiser again today...

Sep 25, 2008

Nancy the scheduler called today. She said I was #21 on the list to have surgery. I guess that's good, I have nothing to compare it with.

She talked to me about being available at the last minute if they had a cancellation and I told her I would let my employer and family know so there aren't any surprises if I get a call saying my surgery is in 6 days.

In the mean time I'm still losing the weight. I keep waiting for that brick wall but so far it hasn't happened.
