Tamela Pantoja
Paradise, CA, USA
Post Op - BMI: 21.2
Surgery Type: RNY - proximal
Member ID: B1113947387
Contact: Click here to send a Personal Message
Surgeon: C. Gary Cooper M.D.

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Updated 7/24/06

BEFORE - 210 lbs
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- 95 size 2! 11 Mo Anniversary YAHOO!
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Hi there! After two months of jumping through hoops I've finally been approved for WLS and have my surgery date set for Aug 12th, 2005 YAHOO!

What took so long was for my psych eval to be signed as the psych was ill for over a month and there sat my psych eval. I got it on Friday, faxed it to Dr. Coopers office. Who, faxed it to my insurance company and MONDAY (24 hrs) later, I got a call that I was approved! WOW!

I was dreading a denial and having to go through the appeal process etc. Expecially since my weight is just under 100lbs to loose... but I do have co-morbities such as diabetes etc.

I can't tell you what a journey this has been so far... being overweight. I've gone through periods of my life thin and "fat"... sometimes I think it makes it harder knowing how fufilling life is in a thin body.... that energy, that self esteem, clothes shopping in a regular store... better health, more career opportunities etc.

I pretty much gave up on the thought of ever returning to my "thin" weight. Something happened when I started college at 30... I just started putting on that weight again and have never been able to get it off.

About two years ago, quite on accident I was diagnosed with diabetes. I went to the dr because I had these flouresent pockets above my eye that were growing and quite ugly and bothersome. That turned out to be my cholesteral being so high that my body was actually dumping cholesteral where ever it could, my eyelids. From that and a battery of tests, I found out that I was also diabetic.

I don't regret getting diabetes as I really think in a strange way, it saved my life. I was forced to realize how unhealthy I was and make some pretty dramatic lifestyle changes. I also learned how clueless I was about nutrition as well.

I've been doing pretty good managing my diabetes... Having more good days than bad ones. But diabetes is still a great hinderance to my self confidence in public. I can't tell you how it feels to be in a store and have your blood sugar drop and you need to sit on the floor and eat your glucose tabs. Emberrasing!

I've lost weight since my lifestyle change, about 20lbs but haven't been able to go below that (and thankfully haven't gone above it eaither) Starting with the most important changes like: instead of a 6 pack of regular pepsi a day..... a 6 pack of diet,..... then diet caffiene free.... then TWO a day. I swear it was the pepsi addiction that gave me diabetes in the first place lol!

I miss sugar... but am thankful I've got it out of my system and post wls won't be so hard for me since I am already living a diabetic life.

Finding out today that I am going to have surgery is both SO EXCITING and SO SCARY. Scary enough to back out? oh heck no! I'm fortunate to have met this remarkable "twin" here who lives in the same town as me (a little town so that's remarkable in itself) and so thankful that she is such a supportive friend!

My family (husband, daughter) are supportive as well... though still a bit clueless about WLS... they understand that I'll be out of commission for a few weeks.

What's the most exciting though I have about post surgery???? Going for LONG walks with my german shepherd. Here's a vain story for ya... I moved up to this little mountain community about 5 yrs ago... bound and determined to trade my high tech life for the serenity of lakes and trees. All excited to become more active, ESPECIALLY walking my cherished best friend "max" (a german shepherd) Time came and went and I recently lost my beloved best friend... still waiting for those long walks. Max passed away having lived 12 yrs of happiness with me. But I was devistated that He'll never go on those long walks with me that I had promised him.

About two months after Max's passing, a family of one of the pups I sold called me and had a "grandson" that was 11 months old and they could'nt keep him. Riko has filled my life with such joy, and God has given me another chance to take those long walks with my best friend.

WLS will also give me a "Chance" to become healthier and be able to fufill my promise as well.

Oh Boy, time is starting to fly now! I went for my pre-surgery consult today... also pre reg at the hospital and a ekg. Only one class to take on thursday (pre surgery class) and I'm all finished until surgery. I can't tell you how anxious I am. I had a mishap right after I found out I was approved for surgery, my husband was laid off and I lost my insurance. I found out about Cobra but was told it would take a good 30-45 days for it to "show" as me being insured (not to mention the cobra fees I have to pay, and now a loss of income) Good news is I got that all worked out... thank God for angels. The rep for his companies insurance is overnighting all the cobra stuff to the cobra people as an emergency, then she already has a supervisor for blue shield once she gets the confirmation back who will personally process my info. So instead of 30-45 days, it will be more like a week... in pleanty of time for surgery.

But talk about having nightmares! Much was accomplished today and I am finally "feeling" like this is REALLY going to happen. Both excited to no end, and nervous to no end. lol.

THANK GOD! (and I do mean that litterally) for my dear Friend Susi who had bypass 5 months ago and is by my side every step of the way, even spending a whole day running around town in this "horrid" heat with me just to support me. SUCH AN ANGEL!

I can't help but feel that each diffrent meal I eat is my "last supper" lol. Kind of sad, as food has been my emotional support for so long.... "good bye french dips".... "Ta ta diet pepsi"...."farewell buffets"...... Is that silly or what? so yes, I am savoring, every last morsle lol.

07/29/05- Oh my! My surgery is just right around the corner. Some days it seems like I don't have enought time in the day to prepare and other days it still seems like forever to wait lol! I find myself a bit on the "depressed" or "sensitive" side these days, doing a lot of "reflecting" on my life and looking forward to my "new" life that lies just ahead... and at the same time, not knowing really what to expect "the unknown" is driving me NUTS!

I'm pretty much at the point that I just want this surgery over with lol!

8/04/05- Just 8 more days till surgery! I have been an absolute nut case worrying about my insurance coverage and surgery. I got a call from my surgeons office on Monday saying that they called to verify coverage for surgery and my insurance was saying that I WAS NOT covered. Even though my cobra premiums were paid. They also got a call from the hospital saying the same thing and wanted to CANCEL surgery! Everyone agreed to wait till Friday (tomorrow) before canceling surgery and just today (Thursday) I got official notification that I am active on Blue Shields system showing I'm covered. Talk about cutting it a wee bit too close!

Thank GOD for people who do thier job well! Dianne at Dr. Coopers office in an angel! So it Cheryl at Sweeny & Sweeny insurance that offered to be the go between for the former employer, cobra and blue shield... She came through on her promise to push this all through with lightening speed!

Now that I've got that HUGE hurdle out of the way... at the moment I'm very excited! It looks like nothing is going to rain on my parade and I'm so grateful that it looks like it's all going to work out!

I'm laughing though as I tell my friends "I won't believe it till I wake up and see a scar on my stomach" ROTFLMBO

I thought I would be diving into this surgery with no outside support and God has really blessed me with my angel Susi and also my mother who instead of trying to talk me out of surgery...tells me what a wonderful thing I'm going to have done and wants to be the one to drive me to the hospital that day.

I might be 42 yrs old, but when it comes down to it... I really want my mommie to be there with me before and after surgery lol.

8/08/08- Okay, just 3 days to go before surgery (it's monday) surgery is on Friday but I'm saying three days cause Friday dosen't count LOL. I'm excited now... whew, what a week last week, I was so down and depressed. Now I've got my suitcase out, my vitamins and supplies arrive tomorrow... I'm going to measure myself tonight... it is really going to happen isn't it? Bring it on! I'm ready LOL (geeze, I hope I feel this good the night before LOL) By the way, I ordered my protiene and vitamin stuff at vitalady.com and so far I am so impressed with thier level of service. What a big help they are figuring out what to order etc.

8/10/05 TWO MORE DAYS and I'll be post op! Yahoo! I'm really excited... not nervous at all (perhaps tomorrow?) I went and got my hair cut and colored today and feel like a million bucks. I could'nt help but think that when I saw my fat little face in the mirror though that NEXT time, I won't be seeing that fat face anymore lol.

Tomorrow my Angel, my best friend Susi is taking me out for a "day of suprise".... the only think I found out is that a pedicure is planned, breakfast and lunch... but everything else is a big secret! I HATE secrets! lol.

Tonight I'm going to my last bible study for a while and then to my mothers house with my daughter for my "last meal"... I tell ya, I've been eating my "last meal" for two weeks now. So what did I choose? My mothers famous 24hr salad. (to die for!) Not exactly sure how she makes it as mine has never turned out as good as hers but something along the lines of : layering romaine lettuce with peas, bacon and swiss cheese... then putting a layer of mayonaise with a tad of sugar on the top and letting it sit all night. I could live on it!

I'm SURE I'll be updating more tomorrow to tell everyone about my "suprise" day! I've been "water loading" today and will continue through tomorrow. Just got my protiene samples in and I'm drinking the Champion Pro Pure Whey and let me tell ya,,,, it's like a chocolate milkshake. My 14.5 yr old daughter just polished off hers and is asking for another (NOT!)

Hugs Tamela

8/11/05 TOMORROW! in 12 hrs I'll be waking up to go to the hospital (4am) Yeah right, like I can sleep! Actually, I think I'm going to go take a nap for a few hours as I've had such an awesome day!

My best friend and Angel Susi picked me up at 10am for my "surprise day". My choice for breakfast.... Coffee house, huge mocha and a almond pastry Yummy!

THEN.... OH MY GOSH! A day at the spa! Started off with a full body massage and scrub (exfoliation)... THEN my very first facial!!!!! THEN a pedicure! Got my toenails painted bright purple LOL.

THEN!!!! My choice for lunch! Chinese food! Hot n sour soup and a poo poo platter!

I feel like a PRINCESS! I woke up this morning early, in good spirits but my body said diffrent (I threw up this morning lol). By the time I finished my day at the spa... I had not a worry in the world! lol.

In fact, I think I'm going to go take a nap I'm so relaxed hahah.

In a couple of hours I'll start my phosfate crap and I'm sure the "mood" will change quickly lol.

Wish me luck!



8/17/05 Well, it's been 5 days since my surgery. What a experience lol. I did'nt sleep the night before surgery nor did my daughter (who quickly fell alseep 5 min after getting into the car lol) My mother picked me up; along with my husband & my daugher. We then met my angel/friend Susi at the coffee place and took off for the hosptial.

It was amazing how small the parking lot was, even at 6am there wasen't much by means of parking. It took about an hour (more or less) to get taken into the pre-surgery room. Let me tell ya, there was this CNA I believe, that went to weight me and announced several times "YOU CANT HAVE THIS SURGERY, YOUR NOT FAT ENOUGH" I was speechless. First off, I hadn't a clue who this lady was (a dr, a nurse a person of decision making power over my surgery etc). 2nd I was mortified that she was saying this outloud for a whole room of people to over hear.

The rest of my stay was great, minus the pre-surgury room where I was not impressed at all.

Let's see... I woke up in recovery in alot of pain. Thinking I was dying (wasen't, just felt that way) I was in the hospital for a total of 4 days. Thank GOD I had support while I was there... my friend susi stayed with me day and night for the first couple of nights. Hector and my mother would also pop in to check in on me.

Nurses and staff were great, some way moreso than others... but overall they were great. My dr required me to walk the halls 4X a day which started off as such a pain (litteral lol) But I noticed each time I walked, I felt better so that motivated me to walk some more.

Anyway, I'm home now... happily taking my pain meds as prescribed. Still sore as heck and not able to do very much, but each day getting "Better and better".

Am I hungry? Yup. I've had this low level head ache almost all week that I swear is from hunger (probably from meds lol) and I have what some might call "head hunger" where I SOOOOOOO want to eat something of substanance..... like a mexican cookie!

But nooooo I'm on crystal lite, chicken broth, and protiene shakes.

More later!

8/21/05- It has been 9 days since my surgery! yahoo! But let me tell ya, I was pretty much miserable and bed ridden until about yesterday. Feeling MUCH better as each day goes by. I can finally sleep comfortably in my bed (semi comfortably lol) and stay up most of the day with a nap in between. I am still waking up around 5 am every morning but no complaints here as I've always been a vampire anyway.

I've lost about 12lbs in 9 days too! Still fighting with "head hunger" but doing much better now that I've begun drinking my protiene shakes. Doing real well drinking my water and cursing at anyone who comes over with food in thier mouths! lol.

I went shopping today, I know I'm supposed to rest but we really needed food, so I brought hubby along to push the cart etc. Just picked up a couple of days worth of food but had to go sit with the little old ladies for a while as I was feeling lighheaded.

One more week and I go for my first post-op apt and can't wait to hear what the doc says!

8/25/05 Hi There, I have to share something funny. I'm a day away from my two week mark and I weighed myself yesterday and was the same weight since the last posting, no big deal.. I know it will come off eventually. So I woke up this morning and stepped on the scale and lost 5lbs since yesterday. I'm convinced that my scale is broken (it's a cheap one) so I pick it up and shake it. Then step on it again and I noticed it's going the wrong way. I am in stiches laughing because in my lifetime, the scale has never went THAT way... it always goes the OTHER way (up up up). So I'm talking to my mother and sharing my amazement. She says, "Your scale is accurate honey, I just weighed myself on it yesterday".

For my lifetime I've always hated scales and did'nt have one in my house. I bought this scale just recently to track my weight loss post surgery. Yet everytime I step on it, I'm convinced it's a cheap old thing and is NOT working because it's impossible to loose that much weight so fast LOL

9/09/05 ONE MONTH UPDATE: Yahooo! Today has been 1 month since my surgery. I got through it yeehaw! I still get real frustrated that I get tired so easy but atleast I'm feeling "almost" back to myself. I've pretty much got over the "head hunger" and feelings that I'm going to starve myself to death. In fact, I don't think too much about "what I am going to eat".. I started on pureed foods yesterday and have another two weeks of that. SO GLAD to be off of liquids as I SWEAR I'll never eat chicken noodle soup again. So far everything is going well... I'm continuing to loose, and haven't had any issues except for a pain on my side when I lay down and try to sleep. That's quickly corrected by wearing a control top one piece bathing suit or my ab binder.

I've had "test tastes" of diffrent foods and haven't had any issues thus far. When I can eat a bite of this or a bite of that and not fall flat on my face (dumping) it calms me so reminding me that eventually I'll get that crunchy bite that I so long for lol.

My incredibly shrinking body: This is the strangest part about loosing 25lbs in a month... I ordered a medic-alert bracelt pre-surgery (measured my wrist and everything) and when it came a couple of weeks after surgery.. it was way to big lol my wrist has shrunk. Everyday I crack up at little things, like putting my sandals on (that were tight fitting) and they are loose. or going to do something and my ring falls off.

Most of my weight I carry in my stomach and my stomach will be there for a long time lol. But I do notice that I don't look 9 months pregnant anymore, more like 7 lol.

I went to bible study for the first time since surgery last night and everyone said "wow"... funny though... I don't see "wow" I still see me... though I've heard from many that it takes our minds alot longer to catch up with our shrinking bodies. I'm not stressing over it :) As LONG as I look maaavalous for december when I go to Mazatlan... THATS my goal lol.

9/14/05- I'm now officialy in the 170's! Haven't had my weight that low in YEARS! Yahoo! I'm a bit past my one month mark and FINALLY see a rainbow at the end of the road. I'm starting to eat "normal" foods and let me tell you... even a few morsels of regular food tastes like HEAVEN! I'm sleeping well, perhaps a bit too much but that's ok... I'm catching up lol. I haven't vomited once since surgery, just a few episodes of mild dumping, nothing major. My BM's are like clockwork and I actually have less gas than pre-surgery lol.

I find it harder to get in my water, protiene intake than right after surgery because of eating little meals... it's a real chore to fit in all the water and protiene in a day as well. but I'm diligently "trying".

I've given away all my size 22/24/18/16 clothes (I was in a size 18 prior to surgery) and can now fit into a size 12 comfortably. My closets are bare lol. However, my angel friend Susi who had WLS and is now a tiny muchking is giving me all of her "large" clothes so I'm set! Only problem is that she loves pastels and I'm a earthtone person but... with a few adjustments in my make up... they'll work HAHAH. NO COMPLAINTS here! She likes brand name stuff and so do I lol.

I still haven't got my energy back, but pre-surgery my energy level was pretty low anyway so I'm trying to be patient. It's like my mind has so much to do but my body still says NO! Cleaning the bathrooms yesterday wiped me out... all that bending and scrubbing arg! So I try to concentrate on one room a day and the rest of the house will eventually catch up.

9/28/05: I had a cold last week that knocked me on my butt but I'm feeling MUCH better this week. My energy is slowly coming back. I'm having a heck of a time getting in all the protiene and vites that I need to take PLUS also trying to eat but all is good. I've been to a couple of functions centered around "food" and did'nt have any problems at all. But for the first time in my life, instead of trying to hide that I'm eating so much... I find myself trying to hide that I'm eating so little LOL.

Hopefully I'll be joining a gym this week and get myself motivated to start on an exersize routiene because boy is my skin baggy! I know most of it is just temporary because of the rapid weight loss so no complaints here. My husband is in love with my newly discovered hip bones hahah.

Everyone has been commenting on my weight loss, but it's really strange that I still don't feel it (mentally). I've been wearing mostly hand-me-down clothes because I just can't afford to go to the store every week to buy new things lol. I can't wait though! To actually go into a NORMAL store and try on things that FIT! One more pound and I'll be in the 160's HURRAY!!!!!!

I'm going to treat myself to a few new things once I get to the 45lb mark (1/2 way).

Loosing this weight, and having been on disability for over a year... I am SO anxious to get back to work... I'm just going NUTS being at home all day long. But I'm going to take it easy and concentrate on "me" for the first time of my life, before diving into work again and forgetting all about me lol.

10-15-05- YAHOO I made it to my 1/2 way mark 45lbs lost! I finally went clothes shopping with my teen daughter. It was hillarious! I was looking at pants in "her" section and she said "mom, why are you looking in my section, your section is over there (Plus size).... I found two pair of pants that I liked and they also fit my daughter. (size 10!) I told her that I was the one that really needed pants so they are mine first, then when I loose more weight I'll give them to her HAHAHAH. If she gets them before me, the hem will be all ripped like teens do with thier pants these days lol.

I also bought, for the first time in AGES REAL panties! YEAH... No more granny panties for me! No one but me knows I have them on but let me tell yah, if I were to have to go to the hospital and they saw my panties now, I'd be dam proud!

Last night my husband and I went to mexican food for dinner. To my suprise my brother (Whom I haven't seen since about a month before surgery) and my mother were also having dinner. Instead of dreading seeing people I know, I got so excited and invited myself over to thier table hahahah. My brother made the comment "Tami, I haven't seen you this thin in years!" such a nice feeling!

Instead of hating to go to our local supermarket, I make a big deal out of it now... putting make up on and everything HOPING I run into people I know HAHAHAHA So funny!

My weight loss has stalled this week, I think I lost like 2 lbs. But I'm still pleased as heck. I check my measurements every Friday and although I did'nt loose too much weight, I lost INCHES :)

Life is grand! This is the best decision I have ever made! Amazing how your world changes when you shrink hahahah.

10-29-05 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I've been so busy lol. SHOPPING! lol! Never had so much fun going into a store and finding sizes NORMAL SIZES that fit me! My size 10 are starting to bag a bit.

The other night I went to my WLS support group and recognized a former co-worker that haden't seen me for about a year. I ran over to her so excited that she was contemplating having surgery and started talking to her. All the sudden she confessed that she did'nt recognize who I was! Though a great feeling.... a sad one at the same time because I realized that the "old" Tamela is gone forever.

I haven't been loosing as quick as in the past weeks but I have been taking my measurments every friday and just tonight I thought I'd add them (well subtract them lol) and see just how many inches I've lost.... here's my total...

Neck: -4.25

Bicep: -2.5

Forearm: -2

Chest: -8 WAAAAAAA

Waist: -10

Hips: -6

Thigh: -4

Calf: -2

All the sudden the lbs lost don't mean 1/2 as much as the inches lost and I have been loosing inches!



11-09-05 53lbs lost forever! How time is flying. I finally decided yesterday that it was time for a drastic change in hair style lol. Especially since I haven't done anything to my hair in 3 months. For the first time I went into my hair salon and wasen't afraid to look at myself in the mirror. My hairdresser asked me how "drastic" I wanted to go and I said "hmmmm purple hair and a mowhawk" lol. Instead of saying "well, please give me a cut that makes my face look thinner" I asked her to give me a cut to show off my new thinner face! And boy did she... a short, punky, Flaming red cut! I love it! Out with the old Tamela and in with the new!

I went to dinner with some girlfriends the other night (chinese food) and my bill came up to $1.07 HAHAHAAH A cup of hot n sour soup. Why, with my new eating habbits I can afford to go out to dinner every night if I wanted to!

Got's to run... off with my mother to hit up the thrift stores searching for clothes that fit! Life is grand!

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11-23-05 Oh my! Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Though most in my home don't appreciate the traditional thanksgiving feast so I'm swaying a bit and making a family favorite called Posole. Something that I will also enjoy since chicken and turkey just don't seem to agree with me that much.

I've pretty much been loosing 2lbs a week which is fine with me. -45 inches so far which is even more amazing! I had to go buy a couple of belts for my size 10 jeans as they were starting to fall down. Come to think of it, I haven't worn a belt in AGES. I started trying on size 1X lol and winded up with a size medium belt yahoo! While I was at it I thought I'd be daring and try on a pair of size 8 jeans and THEY FIT... so of coarse, I had to buy those too lol.

Happy Thanksgiving!

December 1-05 How time flies when you have more energy to get through the day! My precious grandson's first birthday party was last night at a place called Chuck E Cheeze (a kids pizza place). I had a great WOW moment! Aiden was a little overwhelmed with all the attention he was getting at his party so grandma snuck him away to go play in the ball cage. you know, that huge tube climbing thing with the ball thing in the middle? lol. Well, before surgery there would be no way I'd fit through a kids tunnell to get my body into the ball cage but we managed just fine last night! Aiden and I climbed in there and had so much magical fun throwing balls for about 1/2 hr or so........ Now THATS a WOW moment for me! I'm able to be a much more energetic, and smaller grandma for this precious cuddle muffin!

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12-11-05- MERRY CHRISTMAS! How this month is flying passed me! I FINALLY made it under the 150 mark (148) a WOW moment. Funny thing, last night was my husbands company christmas party, the same company I used to work for and have not seen my co-workers from long before surgery. So I knew I was going to make an impact showing up "thin" for the first time. Now you would think this would be a grand moment, but quite to the contrary,. I had a major panick attack trying to figure out what to wear! and NOT in a good way, I almost did'nt go. The thought of walking into a room and being noticed as "thin" was a bit much for me. I guess my mind hasen't caught up with my body as far as the weight I've lost. lol

I wore this skirt (haven't put a short skirt on in 15 yrs) with high heels and just felt so naked lol. So at the last minute, I changed back into my comfy pants lol.

I felt good about myself, surley I did. But what made me so anxious is that I did'nt want the "attention" that a drastic weight loss change would certainly bring. Isn't that strange! You would think I'd be DYING to show off, yet I just wanted to walk in and be normal lol.

What mattered most to me though (as my husband was working at the time of the party and showed up after) was that he was visiably proud of his wife and wanted to make sure everyone knew I was his wife (how precious)

Image hosted by Photobucket.com SKIRT OUFIT LOL


12-26-05- Whew! Christmas is OVERI must admit it was very tempting at times going to christmas parties to indulge in my favorite sweets but I did good! Yes, I did consume a pettite four yesterday but was ok:) Now that the holidays are over I'm hoping this dang plateau will STOP! I lost another 2lbs yahoo. lol,.

I NEED to start exersizing! Hugs Tamela

1-12-06- Well, I'm officially 5 months out and the scale finally moved today to 138 yahoo! Ive been stuck at 140 for the longest time but that's ok with me, I'm so close to goal anyway... no hurry. In fact, what I need to do now is really start exersizing because I'm all flab lol. I bought two jeans (levi's) and another brand in size 6 and they fit... skin tight but they fit lol.

I had a hard time over the holidays with my depression. I suffer from it anyway but have had it under control with light meds for over a year. I guess the christmas blues just snuck up on me and bit me in the butt. I went back to my psychaitrist monday and got me meds upped and also something for anxiety.

My psychiatrist also had WLS so she's real familiar with the mental changes one experiences loosing weight so quick. The best way I can explain it is that my mind hasen't realized that I've lost so much weight. I used to get anxiety alot as a fat person when people stared at me in public places. You'd like I'd be like on top of the world when old friends etc notice me and do the "WOW" effect with me, but it also causes me much anxiety. Wierd, I know. I guess there's a person in me that just wants to be "normal".... but what IS "Normal" anyway lol.

Future Update

1-20-06: Well, I just celebrated my 43rd birthday and it was wonderful! A dear friend of mine came up the day before my birthday and suprised me! We had so much fun! I went shopping and was utterly dumbfounded that I could'nt find any clothes that I liked LOL. Believe it or not, all the cute clothes were in the fat lady section! hahah Now THATS a first! I'm fitting into a 6 in womens or 7/8-9/10 jr's but that all depends on who makes the frikin pants anyway lol. Man do sizes vary! I have no boobs so I thought I'd buy some new bras and then thought... WHY? I'll buy some fake boob inserts and then my bras will still fit and I'll save a bunch of money HAHAHAHHA. SO I bought these water filled pads and they work like a charm. I wore them today all day and kept thinking those suckers were gonna fall out of my bra, onto the floor in the supermarket or something. Hillarious.

I've lost another 2lbs this week and now weigh 136! Just a few more lbs to go and a whole hell of alot of saggy skin lol. The adjustment last week of my depression meds have made the world of diffrence for me and I feel SOOOOOOOOOO much better!

My dear mother gave me the charm bracelet that my father who passed away two years ago collected for her. I've wanted that charm bracelet since I was a little girl! Now that I have it, I need to get a safe to keep it in and am afraid to ever wear it lol. But it sure it nice looking at it like I always did when I was little :)

2/2/05 Well, the scale did'nt move much this week but I'm content. I've only got 14lbs to loose so I know it will come off sometime. I had a crisis today, my MAGIC BLENDER BROKE on me... my life support protiene shake blender went kaput! Oh my! HOW am I going to blend my drinks now???

I got away last weekend to go visit a friend in sacramento with my daughter

About Me
Paradise, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
1 week before surgery... oh my!
9 months out and AT GOAL :) -91 lbs YAHOO

Latest Blog 1
At Goal and Holding
