Has anyone experienced a 'blunted' sense of taste post-op?

Things just don't seem to taste like they did before. Does this come back with time? I'm 8 weeks post RNY.    — Danette H. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
No. My buds have left too.
   — Helena R.

January 10, 2002
Hi there! I thought it was just me..but after surgery for about a period of 2 months or so, almost everything tasted off..especially water..also I had a heightened sense of smell. It was not good but it finally did subside...Hope this helps, MJ
   — mjvallee

January 10, 2002
Hi. I have found that things I used to like taste pretty bad now and things I didn't like are pretty good. In some ways thats a good thing because my favorite food used to be fried chicken. Now I would rather have chili, spagetti, and other tomato based foods. I wouldn't touch them before my open RNY on Oct 18, 2001. I think it is pretty normal for our tastes to change.
   — Janet R.

January 10, 2002
I agree with Jane, our tastes for foods seems to change after wls. pre-surg, I was totally addicted to chocolate...and I worried about that. Post-surg, chocolate didn't interest me at all. Even now at over three years post-op, I can take it or leave it. For two years I couldn't stand the thought of tuna...weird because pre-surg, I loved tuna salad. Post-surg I have a boiled egg and 5 saltines crackers for breadfast every day. It's my favorite breakfast.....sometimes I have it for lunch. Weird again because pre-surg I hated boiled eggs!
   — [Anonymous]

January 10, 2002
I thought that it was my imagination. I miss the old taste of food...when it was sooo good. Now it just feels like nourishment and an enjoyment as before.
   — Wendy M.

January 10, 2002
Everything tasted putrid for the first few months then the off taste went away. Now at nearly 6 months I believe it all tastes normal again, This has prviously been discussed and is believed to be caused by ketosis, during our fast loss phase. Even water tasted bad and my sense of smell was affected too. It appears to go away.
   — bob-haller

January 11, 2002
It took me around 9-11 weeks to get things to taste and smell better. Then it took 6 months to get my hunger back and I'd love to have things taste and smell bad again and not to be hungry!
   — Danmark

January 11, 2002
i have always been a big water drinker. anytime i was offered something to drink, my choice was ice water. now, post op, i drink the water because i have to not because i enjoy it. water was to me like soda is to the next person. i hope my taste for it returns.
   — sheryl titone

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