What size are amusement parks and roller coasters?

Some friends have been hounding me to go with them to an amusement park about 3 hours away. I really am dying to go since I haven't been to one since I was about 12 years old. I recall that even then some of the rides were getting to be a tight fit, so I started avoiding them since and haven't been in about 17 years. I'm guessing I'm wearing about the same size now as I did when I was 12 (15 months post op), but I was shorter then so I'm still really not that sure. What size generally are people wearing when they can fit in the rides or what size is still too big? I'd hate to spend the money and endure the 3 hr drive to find out I still can't actually do anything besides walk around and watch everyone else. Also, has anyone noticed a different reaction on a roller coaster after surgery? Is that funny feeling in your stomach from the inertia any worse when there's actually 2 stomachs floating around in there?    — Kasey K. (posted on July 16, 2001)

July 16, 2001
I know from my personal experience that amusment park rides are a tight squeeze. I am 5'6" and 285 pounds. I can fit but feel very uncomfortable and sometimes I have to suck it in to get the bar the latch. It can be embarrasing so good luck to you!
   — [Anonymous]

July 16, 2001
A size 22 should allow you to fit on just about every ride I've ever seen or been on. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

July 16, 2001
I'm a Catherine's size 34 and I have had no problem at Disney theme parks, so you shouldn't have a problem. I weighed about 160-170 in grade school at 5'4" and could barely squeeze into the regular state fair carnival rides--I really think it depends on the type of ride and who build it. Good luck and have fun!
   — jenn2002

July 16, 2001
Disney is a great place to go, big or small. Overweight can be a drag because of all the walking, and summer and its hot weather should be avoided if at all possible. Line wait times of over 2 hours for some rides. If anyone wants more info on Disney just email me, its my favorite place. I am thinking of telling my surgeon fix me good I want to go to Disneyworld when I arrive in the OR. My date this monday the 23rd.
   — bob-haller

July 16, 2001
I just went to Disneyland on June 9th. I too was fearful of fitting into rides. But once there, I went on all the rides I wanted too. I must admit though, the Indiana Jones had me a bit afraid but I actually got the seat belt around me and told the smart mouth teenagers behind me to shut up (and they did) advice....GO...ENJOY!!!
   — Roxy

July 16, 2001
I went to Magic Mountain in california last summer and it was kinda a tight fit on some rides. At the time I was a size 18 with large boobs. Sorry. So some of the coaster that had to go over my chest were pretty tight. You might be able to call the park that you are going to and find out there requirements, like weight and height, Hope this helps.
   — Heather C.

July 17, 2001
I went to Great America last year at about 277 lbs and could barely fit on the Grizzly and could not fit on the stand up ones (about an inch off) so I did not even try any others. I think 250 will be fine, so I say go and have a great time.
   — Kelly C.

July 17, 2001
Hi, I believe you will actually be able to fit into majority of the rides, I went to Disney World, MGM, and Universal this past April and at 377lbs, I really enjoyed myself. I rode and fitted comfortably on a lot of rides. Plus the walking in the park will be great exercise. Go have some fun girl!!!!!
   — blank first name B.

July 17, 2001
I wend to Disney World and Universal last summer when I was around 240 and I was hippy...I had no problem with any of the rides and all that walking was great exersize. I think anyone in the 300's would definitley have a problem with most of the rides. My cousin's wife is a size 30/32 and around 325...she had problems and couldn't do most rides.
   — margaret N.

July 17, 2001
Kasey, Call the park ahead of time and find out what the measurements and/or size restrictions are for the various rides. Have a wonderful time!
   — Sharyle L.

July 17, 2001
I see that you live in Indiana. Are you wondering about Kings Island in Cincinnati? I live in Cincy and went to KI last summer when I was a size 22-24 and weighed about 240. I fit into everything that I tried , including the Racer, Beast, Vortex, King Cobra, Top Gun, etc.. At times it seemed like a tight fit, but I didn't have any trouble.(actually the tight, but not uncomfortable fit, was one of my incentives to have WLS) This summer I have been to Kings Island MANY times and it is great fun!! This year I am a size 12 and fit EASILY into everything. My family and I also frequent Disney World (going again in 2 weeks). Those rides are definitely roomier than Kings Island's, but I would say that you will fit into any ride at Kings Island. I don't believe that you are inquiring about Disneyworld, since it is much more than 3 hours away from you. Oh, I wish it were so close! Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 17, 2001
No, I don't notice any difference in my reaction to roller coasters. I have never experienced nausea or queasiness after riding and still don't. The best part is I enjoy myself so much more because I don't feel quite so "beaten up". I also don't feel like everyone is watching me get off of the ride and noticing how fat I am. It is great to feel normal and blend in. Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 19, 2001
Here's a really cool website that has a bunch of info on WDW: Hope this helps.
   — TJSmith

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