How big is the drainage tube?

Hey guys, okay as far as I know, only those who have an open wls have to go home with a drainage tube....right?! Just a few questions, how big is this tube, how long is this tube, and isn't it annoying and/or painful?? and how long do you usually have to keep it in?? Thanks in advance for any and all responces! Everyone's always alot of help. :)    — Jennifer M. (posted on December 9, 2001)

December 9, 2001
My drainage tube was also about 1/4" in diameter. I only had it in while I was in the hospital(4 days). It really didn't seem to bother me, they had it kindof tied up. My doctor removed it the day I went home, it did not hurt for me. Best of luck to you.
   — Rebecca C.

December 9, 2001
The drainage tube is no big deal. It's about 1/4 inch and goes in your mouth to your stomach. It makes your throat hurt like it does when you have strep. Mine also made a little ulcer on the outside of my nose, but that was really from the tape holding it in place. It was in when I woke up from surgery and out 2 days later. Aside from seeing gross stuff coming out of your face....its not big deal at all. And the removal was painless.
   — Monica H.

December 9, 2001
For each person it differs and theres so many kinds of tubes. The things i worried about the most never happened. I ended up having no drain tubes no staples. However, I did hve a tube up close to my neck they use it to take blood i think they said it was in an artery. They keep close watch on it and clean it often. It did not hurt was only irritating bec. of the tape. They had some kind in my left arm they took off immediately in my room. The one in the nose, well i "came to" in OR after operation she was pulling it out. Didnt hurt one bit and it was small.
   — Jackiis

December 9, 2001
Even though I was lap and had it removed after 3 days I can tell you that it never got in my way. As far as the 1/4 part. My actual tube was about that size but the end that they pulled out was more like 1/2 inch. I didn't even feel it coming out. The drainage tube was the least of any of my discomforts. I don't know what the other poster said about the drainage tube in her mouth down her throat was? Maybe the NG tube that goes in your nose?
   — Kelly C.

December 10, 2001
I had two tubes coming from my abdomen after surgery. One was open to the abdominal cavity and the fluid was pinkish in color and the other was in the old stomach to drain bile and excess fluid. About 1/2" in diameter. Neither hurt at the entrance wound or to be touched. I would forget I had them, except when I moved...had to carry the catch bag. The first drain was taken out before I left the hospital. The second was cut and corked for me to drain at home. Came out a week later. Not painful, not a bother and felt odd when they removed it but didn't hurt. No big deal at all.
   — valerie S.

December 10, 2001
i had surgery on Nov 1 and I had a drain tube out the right side of my abdomen. It could have come out sooner then it did but I live 3 hours from my doctor so I kept it in for 11 days. On the outside it was about 6 inches long with a bulb at the end for the drainage, when he pulled it out he warned me it was sitting behind my liver on the other side of my abdomen and when he pulled it burned. It was a strange feeling, but once it was out it was fine. My doctor rubbed the area on my abdomen for a couple of minutes and then it felt fine. Good luck to you and God Bless!trina
   — Katrina M.

December 10, 2001
Not everyone who has surgery (either open or lap) has a drainage tube. I had open surgery and didn't have any drainage tubes. I had one with my lap gallbladder surgery years ago and it was removed before I left the hospital. It didn't really hurt just felt weird. I suggest that you call your doctor's office and ask what their procedure is or check with others on this site with the same surgeon to see what their experience has been. Good luck.
   — georgiacarol

December 10, 2001
I had open RNY and my surgeon does not use any tubes ANYWHERE. I was completely "tubeless" LOL! The only thing attached to me was my IV and I was soooooo glad it was! Shelley
   — Shelley.

December 10, 2001
Hi Jennifer- I had a JP drain coming out of my lower abdomen. I would say it was slightly smaller than the diameter of a pncil. It didn't bother me at all, there was a bulb hanging from it, which ended up between my legs when I walked. My mom said I was getting a glimpse of what it must feel like to be a man! :) They took it out right before I went home from the hospital. I was really scared about it, but it really wasn't a big deal. Good Luck to you!
   — Deborah W.

December 10, 2001
This drainage tube thing is a mystery to me. I thought laps had it cause I had one for 2 days and then it was out and never went home with anything. My other open friend never had one at all so I'm not sure why those who have gone home with one had to anyway
   — Gwen M.

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