Eric Bour

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.33333333333 out of 5 with 94 ratings

Eric Bour Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

10 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is n/a

94 Reviews for Eric Bour
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Dr. Bour seems to be very professional. He has a great passion for his work and helping people out as much as he can. The staff at his office are magnificent they will answer any questions/concerns you have. I like the fact that they host a free session you can go to, to learn more about what they have to offer before taking the big leap. They are sure to make sure everyone understands what needs to be done before as well as after surgery. They have a wonderful pre-op, post-op, and advanced program for people to attend at which you learn everything there is to know. I truly respected the fact that they will be straight with you and tell you the pros as well as the cons. Everyone that I have spoken to that has delt with his office has been overly pleased. I rate him one of the best I have come in counter with.


Dr. Bour is absolutely wonderful! I knew the moment I met him that I would actually like him. He did a general surgery on my daughter several years ago so I have been acquainted with him for some time. My opinion has never changed.

He has very high standards and his staff is expected to meet or exceed them. They are friendly and very caring. My personal experience is that I have had problems getting return phone calls from the scheduler. She is as nice as she can be but I have yet to get a call back from her.

The thing I liked the least was the waiting list. He is so good that he is kept booked months in advance.

Future patients need to have reasonable expectations. He does not perform drive through surgery. There are psychological tests, meetings with a psychologist, meetings with a nutritionist and pre-tests done to ensure that it is safe for you to have this surgery.

Aftercare is absolutely emphasized but is not the only consideration with Dr. Bour. You have to take classes prior to being scheduled for surgery. If you don't take the classes you don't get the surgery. He wants to make sure that everyone knows exactly what they are getting into and what to do in any situation.

There is a carefully structured aftercare program and classes that are mandatory.

I had to receive cardiac clearance and have tests run on my veins to make sure I don't have a blood clot. I feel so good about my chances of having a successful surgery due to his diligence. He has extended his services by adding a bariatric nutritionist to this staff. This gets us ready prior to surgery and makes sure we know how to eat for the rest of our lives.

On a scale of 1-10 I think Dr. Bour and his practice are a 15. And I haven't even had my surgery yet. It could go up.

I think that surgical competence is better and that a tolerable bedside manner is appreciated. Luckily for Dr. Bour's patients, he has both in abundance.


I liked Dr. Bour from the first minute I met him. I could tell I was in good hands. I have never known a doctor that was so concerned about his patients. Dr. Bour is a very busy man but no matter how busy he is, he will take the time needed with you to make you feel comfortable and happy about how things are progressing. I have referred several friends to him and wouldn't consider using anyone else. One of the best things about Dr. Bour is that he requires you to be educated before the surgery and after. There is a great support system. It's not drive through surgery. All bariatric patients have quite and adjustment and he makes sure that the support needed is provided. He has a very structured and successful program of care for the patients. He gives you the tools needed to succeed and teaches you how to be successful. The risk are minimal with the lapband so I was not concerned about that at all. This is the greatest gift I have ever given myself. I would rate Dr. Bour as the greatest bariatric surgeon out there. I appreciate all he has done for me and he truly has changed my life.


I had my meeting w/Dr. Bour on 4/30. I thought his personality and professionalism was outstanding. He covered all the information that I should expect to her about in the next few weeks. I got a little neverous waiting in the exam room, but after he came in and started talking to me I felt much better. We talked about the RNY surgery would best fit me. I highly recommend this program to anyone that has morbid obesity and is considering long term weight loss.


I found Dr. Bour to be a very competent and skilled surgeon. Would, and have recommended him to any one considering WLS.


Dr Bour is great! He changed my life! He is very professional and concerned!


04.23.04 - Dr. Bour's attitude is excellent. He is very approachable and caring. He takes the time you need to answer any questions, Dr. Bour listens and makes one feel at complete ease. Besides being an excellent surgeon, he is focused on patient care and well-being. He emcompasses all of what a person is looking for in a surgeon. Also, his program matches with his want for patient success. The progam offers great education and support. I would highly recommend him. So, at this point, I am satisfied.


Dr. Bour has been very easy to talk to. He gave me the chance to ask questions and answered them honestly. At our first group meeting with him, before my consultation, he gave us a great deal of in-depth information regarding obesity in the US, how it is effecting society and healthcare, and how he would perform the surgery. He even showed us some of the tools he would use! However, I have had much more contact with Dr. Spearman, the in-house psychologist. He too is very pleasant and not intimidating at all. He deals with most of the pre and post-op meetings and tries to mentally prepare you for the surgery. The aftercare program seems to be very strict, and he emphasizes the importance of complying with their plan. He also has a great sense of humor and really makes you look forward to the group meetings. The office staff are generally easy to deal with, although they seem very busy, of course. The entire Bariatric Solutions team has made a great impression on me! I would recommend them to anyone.


I meet Dr. Bour last night at a group meeting. My impression of him is that he is a consummate professional. He seems to have the patience of Job.

He and his staff run a very tight (but friendly) ship.

He runs a strict before and aftercare program. This is the reason his patient's weight loss numbers and long term success is so impressive.

If you want to be like like Elvis and croon, "I did it my way", this is NOT the surgeon or program for you.

I've always been told The Number of particular Surgical Procedures is something important to look at when choosing a surgeon.
Dr. Bour had done over 300 WLS; RNY LAP, RNY Open, and Lap-Band. He is teaching other Doctors how to do these procedures. That information really eased my mind.

I'll add more after my one on one with Dr. Bour on April 15, 04

2008-I developed a fistula in the stomach pouch. After a year or so Dr. Bour attempted to repair it a laproscopically. It didn't hold and I began gaining weight.

I finally went to another surgeon who discovered a huge fistula that basically undid the gastric bypass. Unfortunately I regained much of my lost weight.

My new surgeon did a revision that was very successful. I've lost more weight since the revision than I ever did with the original surgery that Dr. Bour did.


I had heard so many wonderful things about Dr. Bour before I met him. He appears to care about his patients and there well being. I feel very confident in him and his staff. The program that he and his staff have are very supportive and informative and they are always willing to answer your questions. He explained all of the risks and wanted us to be aware of all aspects of the surgery. On a scale of 1-10 He gets a 10

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