Had RNY on Friday, came home today, HELP

Katie D.
on 6/21/09 8:52 am - Baltimore, MD
My surgery went good, was in a lot more pain then I expected but the staff @ Sinai were awesome & helped tons

I am in the worst pain ever. that is why they kept me an extra day. I just passed gas a few minutes ago for the first time & nothing has ever felt better. Any suggestions to help this along. I am using gas-x strips and walking a few minutes every hour.
on 6/22/09 1:47 am

Try walking more than a few minutes... You may not be moving enough to get the gas broken up.

Make sure you change positions often.. Bed, chair, walk - go ge****er.. sit forward in the chair, tuck your legs to the side.  The more you move, the better you will feel.

The heating pad helped me tremendously!  I alternated putting it on my back and on my tummy.. Gently massaging my belly got things "moving" too and didn't hurt at all.  It was actually soothing.

Good luck.. I hope you feel better soon.


p.s. I had surgery 6 days ago and have been driving since Saturday - went shopping, ran errands, am doing laundry and changing sheets today then off to the dry cleaners.  I really think the reason I'm doing so well is I have been getting 64 ounces of fluid in every day AND moving as much as possible.  Keep moving and sipping.. you'll get there real soon!

 Dr. Benn gave me an incredible tool.. and I intend to make the most out of it!!

on 6/23/09 1:43 am - Columbia, MD
Those are great pointers. I too, had my surgery on Friday. All I can say is walk, walk, walk. Even when you do not want to, get up and walk! It will help you break up all that gas! I am right along with you!

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