Saw Dr. Reed - but no date yet

Linda S.
on 7/19/11 2:36 am - Canada
Dr Reed told me today that I was a candidate for the VSG due to my migraines and advil use. But instead of offering it to me he told to try to find another alternative for pain so I can have the RNY which is what he wants to do. I also had some back pain due to a rib that was out of place.
He wanted that to get fixed as well, so I immediatly went to a chiropractor and had it taken care of and decided that I  want the VSG, because I ve already tried so many other medicines. I called the hospital back 2 hours after I left to give them the good news and hopefully get the surgery date they were going to offer me only 2 hours prior, but the first appt. for me to go back to see Dr. Reed is Aug. 16 (my surgery date was supose to have been Aug. 17).
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

laura S.
on 7/19/11 2:50 am - London, Canada
Sorry to hear that it didn't go the way you had hoped.  If the end result is you getting the surgery that is right for you though, the extra month will be worth it in the end.  Try to stay positive!

Linda S.
on 7/19/11 3:18 am - Canada
Thanks Laura, I'm feeling better today. I will do what he asked and see my family doctor today about pain mgmt.
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

on 7/19/11 3:41 am, edited 7/19/11 3:42 am - Canada
There are tons of other pain meds for migraines - tramacet, tripans (imitrex and family), and migranal are three (and there are tons of drugs like imitrex) - none of those have NSAIDS.

Also you can look into prophylactic medications with your GP to stop your migraines from occurring.

If your GP can't help then I'd recommend asking for a neuro consult.
Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/11 5:44 am - Guelph, Canada
 because of mt drug allergies i cant take the imitrex family...

my nuro started me on Axert.. you take it at the first sign of a migraine and I find it works wonders
Linda S.
on 7/20/11 1:10 am - Canada
Hi Debra, I have tried all of the triptans, I have also seen a neurologist and been on topomax, nadolol, verapamil, amitriptylline, nortripylinne, naproxen, tylenol with codine, oxy codine, and finally demorol when I just can't take it any more. I have also tried a round of accupuncture, lots of massage and chiropractor visits as well. For the last 18 months I hane been combining Advil extra strength, fast acting gel caps with Tylenol extra strength migraine and I get releif.
I would really prefer to have the VSG so I can continue taking NSAIDS, but am willing to try something new as well. However I don't think there is much left.
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

(deactivated member)
on 7/19/11 3:10 am - Guelph, Canada
 I dont know if this has anything to with the lack of date or not but Guelph General Hospital is in the middle of a c-diff outbreak... they have had another death this past weekend and more reported cases so he may be holding off booking incase they need to cancel.. the hospital has issues a press release saying cancelling surgeries would be a last resort but the fact that they mentioned it tells me the topic has crossed the table. 
on 7/19/11 5:58 am, edited 7/19/11 5:59 am - St Thomas, Canada
Dr Reed did the same thing with one of our group members from London. She doesn't have migraines but another condition requiring the use of NSAIDS. She went away and did her homework. She made a follow up appointment with Dr Reed to meet him in his office not in clinic. She stated her case calmly and clearly. He agreed to do the VSG and gave her a date that day.


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Linda S.
on 7/20/11 12:57 am - Canada
Wow, is this lady on the board? I would love to talk to her.
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

on 7/20/11 1:02 am - St Thomas, Canada
I think she is. I will PM her and get her to send you a message.


London and Area Support Group Leader
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